Showing posts with label random thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random thoughts. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2016

Oh Christmas tree


Honestly I wasn't excited about putting up the Christmas tree in this rental home.  I had a day or two of being a sour puss having to decorate in a house I don't love.  

You know what happened?  

We decorated and now I'm in love.  

I love this little house all festive and bright for Christmas.  I love driving up to the house and seeing the big tree lit through the huge front windows.  I know we all have good days and bad days and good thoughts and bad thoughts.  I don't like being negative and I make it my mission to try to always see the bright side.  This time the bright side smacked me in the face and I deserved it!

I wasn't excited about getting a real tree this year because Hayden's eczema is out of control and I didn't want to add more allergy to his life.  We ended up getting a pre-lit fake tree and it's kinda fun.  I think it is a great idea and we can use it in our playroom in the years to come and get a real tree for the main living area again. 

Anyway, I'm excited about this year now and I know God will have us in our new home next year.  That will give me time to get a new tree skirt. ;-)  Goodness we need a larger one!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

first world problems and one year

I am so irritated with my laptop right now.  

I usually use iCloud and have all my photos from my phone uploaded to Picasa and then to private web albums for storage.  I then post blog posts from my laptop.  I can't get my pictures to upload to iCloud and I can't find my memory card for my Canon camera.  I lost it.  In all my years of having a camera I've never lost the card.  I'm so sad because the fall leaves look amazing right now.   I think Lily ate the card, and I'm not following her around for a week to retrieve a memory card.  

Why the whining?  

To me it looks like all my pictures are blurry when I post from my phone.  I don't get it.  It's a real bummer.  I have deleted iCloud and reinstalled it.  I have reinstalled Picasa.  I'm so over this tech business.  

I got a new phone and ended up losing all my contacts because I accidentally deleted iCloud.  SCREAMMMMMM!  Whatever you do, don't get comfortable with something, because before you know it, it will change.  

I WILL get my blogging system back down.  I love my laptop and I don't want to journal from my phone anymore.  I want to edit the pics and make them fun.

I can't take the time to get my computer figured out because every waking moment I am not trying to raise two kids and two dogs I am scanning, email and/or faxing things to Texas for the closing of our house there.  The gosh darn house had substantial water damage and so we've been dealing with the insurance company to get that repaired.  Construction is underway.  Seriously, were talking all new walls, tile, carpet and even kitchen cabinets.  Big time issues going on down there in Tejas.   We are trying to close and be done with it all in November and now the HOA is being all weird about HOA dues.  I am so over this two household business.  It's a pain in my butt.  Once it's all over I am throwing a party, but I'll be to tired to actually follow through do it.   I could write a book about how crappy the whole situation has been.  It's ridiculous.

I've been dealing with this for over a year.  Yes!  We have lived here one year on November 1st!!  It's so exciting.  I look back and think about what an amazing year it has been.  We've met some awesome people and I am so thankful for every single person I have met.  It's been a blast!

Also I am thankful to not be complaining about our first house here anymore.  If you didn't know I hated that house with a purple passion.  It was all in the plan and it made me super thankful for what I have now.  I am finally in a place where I want to stay for awhile.  We don't own this house, but we are making it home and making some pretty fun memories here.  The thought of buying a home right now makes me want to vomit.  I'll just do fun decorative things to make this place OUR home.  I'm so thrilled to decorate for Christmas!

And now I am off to try to figure out my laptop. :-) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tired, sore and full, but happy!

Is it just me, or do all moms and dads fall onto the couch in the evenings with exhaustion? I'm so tired at the end of the day. I thought once the kids got older and could do more for themselves I would have more energy. Um no.

I thought once both kids were in school all day long I'd have more time to do many things. I'M BUSIER THAN EVER. It's a good thing, to be busy and have a full life. But dang I'd love to have the brain power in the evening to write some interesting blog posts. I know posting about our day to day activities doesn't always make the most interesting read.

I'm recording life though so it is perfect for now.

Also, I'm so sore. I workout hard three days a week and sometimes run on a ransom whim if I don't workout. However, I ran chasing after the kids at the Fun Run Saturday night and my shins are still killing me. It is Wednesday. They are so sore. What in the world? It's seriously the craziest thing.

Another crazy thing.....

We ate out at a restaurant twice yesterday. Once for lunch just Gary and I, and once for dinner. Layla has dance class on Tuesday night and Gary and I like to take Hayden to dinner all by himself. He enjoys the alone time with us and Layla loves getting TO-GO food from a restaurant after dance class. The point....

I feel yuck this morning. As in puffy eyes and swollen hands. I had chips and salsa, a cheese enchilada and a little bit of beans and rice for lunch. For dinner Gary and I had appetizers, 3 wings and shrimp and we split a turkey wrap. Blah...I just feel yucky eating that much junk that I didn't prepare. My body lately likes meat, veggies and beans. I'm learning to let go of the pasta, bread and potatoes because I just feel better.

I feel like this post is all about age, who's with me here?? How does it take us 30 something years to realize our bodies talk to us? Why do I finally enjoy working out and eating right?

My body is screaming: yuck to that food, don't run on the street like that without stretching and GO TO BED YOU'RE TIRED.

Maybe it finally took this long for me to listen! My body has been screaming at me for years. I'm just finally smart enough to listen. Honestly this age thing isn't too bad and apparently with age comes randomness.

How's this for a super random word-full Wednesday morning blog post?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Us lately. A random update.

Fall is setting in here in Ohio and I couldn't be happier.  

I seriously don't know if I can be talked into EVER moving back to Texas.  It's just so hot there and I am spoiled by these AMAZING temperatures.  This to me is the perfect weather.  High of 72 and low of 50 at night.  I'm in my happy place with these fall temps.

Every now and then a huge group of leaves will fall from the trees in our yard.  I just assumed they would all fall off all at once, but they randomly fall and the kids giggle as the leaves hit their faces. 

Speaking of's been awhile since I've written a random post.  

I'm pretty good at posting our day to day lives, but the random posts take a few extra minutes.  I've been so busy since the start of school and sadly I've put posting to our blog on the back burner.

Monday nights Layla has soccer practice, Tuesday night she takes a tumbling and hip hop class.  Wednesday nights are our free night to relax and catch up.  Thursday night Hayden has soccer practice and Layla practices with the girls traveling soccer team.  Friday nights we usually hang with friends and then the weekend is just whatever. This Sunday we begin fall soccer games.  It seems like we never stop, but we are all happy and loving our schedule.  

Gary is keeping super busy with work.  His travel schedule is about to slow down, but he's been going non-stop.  He is loving his job and it seems to be going great.  He found a position that fits him perfectly and although it is stressful at times he loves it.  I'm so happy he loves what he does.

Hayden is loving kindergarten.  He's learning lots of stuff, including ABC's and 123's.  He is learning how to treat others and hopefully one day he will be able to tell me is friends names.  He can't remember names just like his daddy.  His imagination is certainly growing, as he loves to tell 'tall-tales.'  He can make up some pretty far fetched stories and sometimes I have to wonder what is true and what is imaginary.  His soccer skills are progressing very well.  All summer he practiced his golf swing, and now as often as he can he is outside kicking the soccer ball.

Layla is doing great in Third grade.  She isn't digging math, but loves science, social studies and really loves reading and writing stories. Her spelling skills are awesome.  She takes after Gary when it comes to spelling.  I'm a terrible speller.  She loves dance and I'm shocked by her drive for soccer.  As I mentioned earlier, she was asked to practice with the girls travel team.  I think she was blown away by how good some of the girls are.  I thought she'd be intimidated by them, heck, I was.  She wants to get better and she loves to learn.  After just one practice we could tell a difference in her skills.  I hope she decides to stick with it, but I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to.  We might gently nudge her, but I want her to be happy and do soccer because she really wants to.

I am adjusting to having both kids in school.  I felt like I'd have so much time to just sit around and eat bon-bons, but I don't.  I'm busier than ever.  If my people would just stop wearing clothes my job would be 50 times easier.  I'm drowning in laundry 85 percent of the time.  I'm trying to go to Zumba/Boot Camp three mornings a week.  It puts me in a great mood and I'm so happy to be able to go.  Also this fall I've finally gotten things done for me, doctor, dentist and hair know just stuff us moms sometimes put off in the summertime.  

Daisy and Lily are loving this weather.  They run and play and wrestle in the backyard.  The cooler weather makes them frisky.  Lily has escaped from our yard many times lately.  She is letting the PetSafe in-ground fence shock her and then she busts through it to chase squirrels.  She's run away too many times lately.  She is literally in the dog house.  She ran into a wooded area behind our house on Monday and scraped her paw pretty badly.  That slowed her down for a day or two, but now she is ready to explore again.  I went to Lowe's and got the 'stubborn dog' collar and now she is a little easier to keep around.  I hate to make her wear it, but seriously, we live right beside a road.  She will get hurt really bad if she gets too far away from home.

After living here almost a year, I think we are all over the initial shock of living in a new town.  We are all thriving and loving small town life.  We defiantly like the house we are living in much better than our house downtown.  Sometimes I miss walking to school with some of our downtown buddies, but all in all we are much happier having a big yard to run and play in.

Sadly our house in Texas still hasn't sold.  It is under contract and we where thrilled to be signing on the dotted line to sell it for good this next week....UNTIL...the inspector didn't turn the water BACK off after the buyers inspection.  A vacant house shouldn't have water turned on in my opinion.  The refrigerator malfunctioned/leaked and water damaged the entire house.  The mistake wasn't caught for about 10 days.  You can imagine water leaking into a hot house in Texas for that long.  

So yea, we are dealing with that crap.  It's a hot mess.  I'm so over the homeowner experience; it is not the American dream in my opinion.  UGH!  One of these days we will be free from that house.  I'm choosing to stay positive when it comes to that topic.  I can easily cry a river if I let myself.  I just can't believe we have so many memories there, but it is causing us so many problems.  

On a lighter note,

Football season is in full swing and it is so fun to cheer for our Texas teams while watching our friends here cheer for their favorite teams nearby.  Baylor plays West Virginia and that game should be super fun to watch with some of our friends who love WVU.  All my buddies are trying to convert me to Buckeyes fan, but I can't do it.  I can't wear red.

I'm excited for football nights with friends and bonfires roasting marshmallows.  I think burning a pumpkin candle while cooking dinner tonight put me over the edge when it comes to fall.  I'm really enjoying having my windows open here in the house.  Having my windows open in Texas was a favorite thing, but we only got to do it for a few days.  It seems like it was always too hot to open the windows.  Anyway, I'm loving the fresh air and it defiantly puts me in a  great mood.  I love waking up and adding an extra blanket in the middle of the night!

Bring on the chilly weather and all things fall and winter, especially soups and chili!!  Hopefully I'll find time to try some new recipes and post them.  Nothing makes me happier than cooking and taking pictures of my food!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

random wednesday rambles

I love corn tortillas   I forget about them, but when I ordered fajitas the other day at our local Mexican food restaurant I requested corn torts.  They were so good I bought some on my last grocery trip.  I realized I can eat two for what you can eat one flour tortilla.  I ate corn tortillas tonight instead of tostada shells.  The taste of a corn tortilla is good.  It's so Mexican.

I got my hair cut and colored today, and it happened right in time for the kids to be out of school for summer.  I got lots of blonde and I couldn't be happier.  I haven't been crazy about my hair lately and not adding low lights made all the difference for me.  Sometimes I just need a change and I'm happy to be happy.

Hayden is so funny.  When he plays heads or tails with a penny he says "heads or ladders."  Look at a penny and you'll know why.  It makes me giggle every time he says it out loud!  It only happens with a penny.  Also, the other day at Walmart we were in the checkout line and he say a grey haired man with longer-ish hair and he said, "look mommy, there is the man on the quarter."  He wasn't discreet.  I wanted the world to open a big black hole and swallow me up.  haha!

He looks the same huh?!?

We are moving and I couldn't be happier.  I despise moving, but tonight while I was trying to re-establish our internet connection (the modem needed to be reset) I walked down into the basement and the air conditioner was leaking onto some of our boxes.  It was just a few things we were storing...our Christmas tree, some pictures and a few books.  Any way... those things don't matter, but what does matter is that my heart is singing a happy song because we will be out of this house by the end of the month.  While I am terribly sad to leave this street and all my friends, I am so happy to be leaving this barn house.  I am thankful for my stay here because I made so many friends, but I am still in the same super small town and we'll still be buddies.  It's not like moving from TX to OH.

So yep, we are moving.  This weekend.  We are moving to a farm-ish style house about 6 miles away from here.  Our new house is smaller than this house which I'm loving.  I don't want to clean a large house and I feel like this house has wasted space.  Our new house is surrounded by land, but it is also right next door to the school.  It's really weird   We'll feel like we are out in the country, but connected to town too.  The kids and dogs will have so much space in which to RUNNNNN!!!  Our new house is right next door to the school.  Did I mention that?  This year I didn't drive Layla to school one time.  Even in the snow or rain we were close enough to walk.  The new house is that close too.  I'm so excited!  I should sell my car, but I love my Jeep, so that won't happen. heehee!

Two more days of school!  Yay!
Can you tell they are ready for summer?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

TV, pretzels, shots and homelessness

The Deadliest Catch comes on tonight again!  I'm so excited. Whoo hoo!  I've missed it.  I am hoping this season is good!  Also.....I've really enjoyed the show Dallas on TNT.  I'm gonna be so sad when the season is over.  I think there are only a few episodes left.

The kids and I had fun making pretzels for breakfast.  I found the dough in the dairy section of Aldi.  The sugar and cinnamon flavor was a hit for our clan!  The best part was creating our own shapes.  Mine is supposed to be an A, but looks like a house. ha!  Layla loved making hearts and Hayden just wanted a regular "kretzel" shape.

I love this picture of the cinnamon leftover after the pretzel baked and was devoured.  I will seriously take pictures of anything!

Lily Jack got a few shots on Monday afternoon.  She handled the shots great until we were almost home and then she got sick in my Jeep.  Yuck.  Poor pup.  We were almost.home.  I hate vaccinations, but I know they are very necessary for her health!  She is almost 4 months old and weighs in at 25 pounds.

Our little boy is officially registered for kindergarten.  He's growing up so fast and I am so proud of him.  I know he is ready for big school.  I am not quite sure which school Hayden is going to attend.  There are 3 possible schools he can attend and he aren't sure where we will be living in the fall.  It's such a nervous feeling.  I know we won't be homeless, but not knowing is scary.

Our house in Texas is under contract.  By the end of April that chapter of our lives will close.  {fingers crossed} Our lease on the current house we are living in here expires the end of May.  It is exciting to think of the possible homes we can live in here.  I just love this little town and I can't wait to see what the future holds for our family.  I honestly have no idea what will happen!  Hey,  I didn't think I liked flying by the seat of my pants, but I know it will all work out the way it is supposed to!

Monday, April 1, 2013

April, our house in Texas and getting back into our routine

I am so thrilled about April.  I am ready for spring time and spring weather. ( I know, I know, I sound like a broken record!)  Even though it was a bit breezy today I went outside in the backyard to get some fresh air and soak up some sunshine!  The sun was amazing and if the wind wasn't blowing today would have been perfect.  I won't complain though.  We love SUN! 

I can't explain how cranky I get when I have to think about our house in Texas.  It is for sale again after the tenants we had in it moved out.  They signed a short lease and we are hoping the house will sell this spring.  I know leasing it was the only option at the time and us leasing here was the best option, but I am over this whole housing mess.  I want to feel like we have a home again.  I've never felt totally at home in this house in Ohio.  Hopefully, we will find something more suitable here and I just know someone will fall in love with our house in Texas!  There aren't many things that get under my skin, but I really let that house get to me.  It makes me feel all grouchy!

The kids will get back to school tomorrow after a fun week and a day off.  We had so much fun and I am thankful for our time.  Honestly...I'm ready to get back into our groove.  The kids were starting to drive me a bit crazy today.  We stayed home all day.  I was literally covered in laundry and they were tired from our eventful week.  They were bickering and fighting. They were loud and didn't listen when I asked them to be quite while I was on the phone.  I may have lost my temper a time or two.  I'm thankful for school tomorrow and I know they are ready to see their friends.

Spring break was like a free pass for me to eat everything in site.  I was starting to get burned out with counting calories the week before spring break.  I think I needed to splurge for my sanity, but I also realize how yucky I felt several nights after eating everything in sight.  I've noticed a huge difference in my body since I started Zumba.  I have been logging my calories in MyFitnessPal for months and months, but I really think monitoring calories AND working out has made a huge difference in being more toned.  Both together work for me and it works better than just riding my beloved stationary bike. I love that bike.  Also, I don't eat perfect.  I eat junk and have a few drinks, but in moderation.  Moderation works for me.  Sometimes I don't need an entire snack bag of chips.  I can eat 6 Doritos and be happy.  And now I am rambling....the point....I'm ready for my routing back.  I never knew how much I liked routine until I had kids.  My kids have taught me so much!

I love these pups, but we slept in until almost 9:00 this morning. (They were still on their mini-vacay from our trip.)   Gary and I asked the kids to sleep late, or stay quiet so we could get some much needed rest this morning.  It was awesome.  Lily has to potty really early in the mornings, so one of us usually gets up to let her out.  I can't remember a morning I woke up so refreshed!  Sleeping in rocks!  I hope Lily and the kids will sleep in this summer.  I know one day I'll have to beg the kids to get up, but for now some days I just wanna snooze in!

Who wants to come help me fold the millionth load of laundry for the day?  Hey, I'm folding while watching Dallas.  It's a great show. 

Night y'all!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

snow and avoiding the sickies

After living in Ohio I am quite embarrassed about EVER being cold in Texas.  I am NOT complaining about the cold here in Ohio, but it is quite funny to think that we EVER needed big coats or even boots in Texas.

On a related note, I can't even look at a picture of my friends kids back home without thinking, 'Dang put a coat on those babes.'  haha!  And then I realize they aren't in Ohio, so they can wear shorts and a t-shirt in 68 degree weather.

And since I'm really into the weather it seems, we are expecting 3-8 inches of snow tonight and into tomorrow.  The weathermen here are WAY worse at guessing the weather than the weathermen in Texas.  Who knows what will happen?  All I know is I'm avoiding the grocery store because people are cray cray here when the weather gets snowy.  Yep, pretty much like in Texas too.

Check out the map.  All that business is heading towards us. Good grief!

As you know, I've had the stomach bug and so has Gary and both kids.  After the Masquerade ball it seems like everyone I know got the stomach bug too.  It's crazy.  Really crazy.  At least 3 couples have flu like symptoms and two of my new besties are really sick right now.  I keep finding out about more people sick with the bug.  It really is the #stomachbugof2013  It's taken over the whole town.  I'm scared I'm gonna get it again.  Nooooooo!  I've been scrubbing and cleaning the house like crazy just in case!  Today after I dropped Hayden off at preschool I had lunch with Gary and then I came home and cleaned and played with Lily.  She is a wild woman and I don't get to play with her much because the kids usually hog her up!

I have had several people ask me about how she is doing and what is going on in the potty training department.  I'll try to devote a post to her later this week or next week.  She really is doing great.  As many of you know we had a little boy puppy named Bogey.  Well,  he was possessed.  He is the reason I waited so long to get another dog.  She is NOTHING like him and I have never been more thankful!  She is a sweet girl and she is learning the rules of our house quite nicely.

And this is where I write a nice closing sentence or paragraph to end this blog post.  Sometimes I'm so terrible at wrapping up my posts.  Oh well, I never said I was a professional writer and I'm sure I have spelling errors and even grammatical errors from time to time.  What you see is what you get  from me.  Sometimes I write fast and furiously so I can stop the puppy from chewing up her toy basket.  Other times I have go look at the mega block creations the kids have made in the playroom.  Right now I have to cook sloppy joes for dinner because the kids requested them.  They have asked me 458 times when dinner is going to be ready, so I guess I should go cook huh?!

I'm out!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

random ramblings...

Gary and I aren't really into Valentine's day.  We do fun stuff for the kids, but I don't usually expect flowers and chocolates for myself.   I love all the red and pink and all the fun things for kids.  I love the candy, but I like to sample a piece of candy from the heart shaped box and put it back if I don't like it.  Yucky huh?  My family won't share candy with me.  I'm not a big chocolate fan, so if it tastes weird I put it back.  I don't waste calories on something that doesn't taste good.  Oh .... I know I am pathetic!

I've been addicted to the show Pretty Little Lairs.  I finally caught up on all 3 seasons.  It is a girlie show and honestly I don't think it is appropriate for ABC family, but whatever.  I usually let Layla watch most shows on that channel, but Pretty Little Liars is a little scary at times.  She won't be viewing it any time soon.  I can't wait to watch the episode recording right now on my DVR.

It has been warm the past few days here in Ohio.  When I say warm I mean it was 61 degrees yesterday and very windy.  Today it was in the 50's and still nice outside.  The weather makes me very excited about springtime!!  I can't wait to see all the trees green.  There are so many trees in our new state!  I wish our yard was bigger.

In previous posts (especially back in TX)  I have mentioned Hayden having asthma and needing an inhaler for daily breathing treatments.  Since getting his daily doses of medicine he hasn't really shown signs of asthma attacks.  We moved to Ohio and he hasn't needed allergy medicine or his inhaler.  We have stopped all medications all together. I am so happy for him!!! Even his eczema has pretty much gone away.  (crossing my fingers it stays away!)  Here I am hoping for springtime and in that hoping I also hope Hayden's allergies and asthma don't come back. Who knows what will happen when all the trees bud and the grass turns green. Also we don't have carpet in our house.  I wonder if that is helping him too.  We'll see how he does since we got a new puppy.  I hope he isn't allergic to Lily.

Lily is doing great.  She let me trim her toenails tonight.  She is so sweet and very vocal.  She grunts and groans and barks.  She is just so sweet and I love her little face!

Today I was late picking Hayden up from school.  I had to mail a few things and I got stuck at the post office.  It never fails when I go to the post office I get stuck in a line of at least 10 people.  I have all my items all packaged up and ready to mail and the post office clerk tells me I've used the wrong box.  Today was no different.   I wanted to crawl into the post office drop box just to get away from the frustration.  My lovely friend Erin picked up Hayden from school because I was late.  When I finally got him and got home we headed out to the backyard to let Lily do her business.  Hayden shut the backdoor and we quickly found out the door locked.  We were locked out of the house.  This is the second time this has happened to me since moving here.  I'm going to make a few spare keys tomorrow.  I ended up having to call a locksmith to come let me in.  It's just a ridiculous expense.  I'm thankful for the man who broke into my house, but it sure hurt handing over my credit card number.  At least this time the weather was nice.  Last time I locked myself out it was cold and pouring down rain.

Tomorrow is the first of our Valentine's parties. Hayden has one party on Wednesday and one on Thursday.  Layla has her party on Thursday and then we are doing our family stuff on Friday.  It will be a fun few days of celebrating 'RED and PINK'

Now I am off to watch some PLL!   Momma needs to watch some drama that isn't hers!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My thoughts on a Tuesday

Happy New Year!  

I spent most of the day in the kitchen.  It is my favorite place to be.  As you know we are renting this house.  I am so excited about looking for homes to purchase here in Ohio.  I'm hoping for a sweet kitchen.  It seems like our family always gathers in the kitchen.  Today I cooked chicken spaghetti, chicken salad, black eyed peas and cabbage.  I used leftover fondue chocolate from breakfast to coat pretzels and pretzel sticks.  I did all this in our small kitchen.  Also it isn't open to the rest of the house, so I felt secluded.  Sometimes seclusion is nice, but usually I like to be around my people.  So I'm looking forward to a new kitchen this year.

I noticed on Facebook everyone is all about resolutions today.  I don't have any.  I just live each day the way I want.  I know how to have fun and balance life.  I don't really think I need to change too much about my life right now.  I'm just gonna keep on keeping on!

I think every woman should have a set of four red plates for their kitchen.  It is necessary in my opinion   I recently broke one of my red plates and now another one is chipped. I have two left.  I am on the look out for new red plates.  The size of the plates I prefer are salad size.  They must be microwave safe and any shade of red will do.  I like to use them at Christmas, Valentine's day and Fourth of July.   I know, red plates are totally random, but I just needed to be random.

Kids should be enjoyed and listened too.  I think they should get to voice their opinion at anytime they want.  I'm willing to listen and in our house we let the kids talk!  I may not like what they have to say or agree with it, but they deserve a listening ear.  Communication is key to any relationship and I hope my kids know they can talk to be about anything.  Layla dropped a $25 gift card down deep back behind the cabinet.  That gift card is lost forever and will never see the light of day.  The owner of our home didn't put trim on the kitchen cabinets and the card just fell right down between the wall and the cabinet.  She was so upset and a little scared to tell us. She knew we would be mad at her, but she told us even though she knows she did something very wrong.  Gary and I are just thankful it wasn't a $250 gift card.  We'd be tearing the wall down.  I'm thankful for this lesson for her and myself.  Hayden recently lost a gift card and we looked for it for hours.  It finally turned up, but I now know my kids can't be trusted with money or plastic.  LOL!

The kids have one more day off from school and then they return to class on Thursday.  It's a two day week and then the weekend is here.  It'll be a fun week.  I am looking forward to my shows starting up again.  I love my TV shows, or as my Grandma would say, "I enjoy my programs."  I am ready for Parenthood tonight!  

The kids are begging Gary and I to play a game with them before bed, so we are heading upstairs to play a game of Hedbanz!  It is the best game and we always laugh so much!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday night randomness

We had a serious dinner conversation about butter.  I need the kids to understand the very big difference between butter and margarine.  While having this conversation Layla ate 5 Sister Schubert rolls with butter on them.  Every once in awhile I'll buy the honey flavored Country Crock for toast and waffles, but otherwise we are a butter only family.  Butter just tastes better!

Guess what Gary's new favorite show is?  Duck Dynasty. Yes. We have been watching episode after episode after episode.  "These skinny girls, they don't eat boudin." That is because it is NASTY! I don't like boudin.  I have a pretty open mind when it comes to food, but I won't eat boudin. It's yuck.

We are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow and our family is so stinkin' excited about it!  I just went outside to let Daisy out to do her business and the wind is whipping like mad.  It's gonna get cold cold cold!  Layla and I finally have snow/rain boots, so I say bring on the cold and snow!  I tell you what...I was miserable in the cold rain here in Ohio without rain boots.  My feet get so wet and cold.  I wore new boots today for the first time and I was loving them!  Warm feet make this momma happy.

Hayden made several ornaments at preschool this week and tonight he was so cute putting them on the tree.  He has been under the weather, but today he is finally better and was able to go to school.  Layla has been keeping her distance.  She's terrified of being sick, so she's been treating him like is is disgusting.  Gotta love sibling love.  heehee!  

Y'all.  We live in a small town and there is a rumor going around town that Gary is a certified Grill Master.  haha!  I'm dying.  Is that even a title?  Anyway, it is a funny joke between Gary and I.  I'm ready for him to smoke a brisket.  His work schedules has been hecktic and it has been cold, so all he has used the grill for is steaks.  I'm ready for some good meat.  I love our husband and wife  agreement.  He's in charge of the meat and I do all the veggies and sides.  I'm slowing learning his tricks though.  Maybe one day I'll be able to smoke a good brisket!  It's a ton of work though, so I may just leave it to him.

Hopefully we will wake up to some awesome snow and I can go wild with my camera and take tons of snow pics!  

Night night!

Monday, December 3, 2012

monday night randoms

Gary and the kids made pancakes Sunday and there are leftovers.

Leftover pancakes are the bomb.  The kids love anything with syrup.  I am with them.  Syrup is so good, but I like the butter flavored syrups.  Everything is better with butter flavor added.  Mmmmm!  I love a good waffle too.  Random.

This is a nativity set that I absolutely love.  I'd really like to get a more current nativity for the kids, but I just love this one that my grandma gave me years ago.  There are some things I am super sentimental about and this is one of them.

Daisy Mae is lazy.  She is a bit bored without a giant backyard to play in.  She does have a new BFF next door.  They have a golden retriever and she runs and plays with her every day.  But Daisy really has a nice and easy life! ;)  Super Random.

Our house is 2 story and there is no way Gary was gonna climb on the roof like he did in Texas.  So ... this is it for our outdoor decor for this year.   We have an outdoor tree and our tree inside peeks out the front windows.   I need to snap a shot during the day so you can see the cute bows.  Anyway,  It's fun and festive for this year.

I wonder where we will be next year? 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Telemarketers, food and T.P.

Our house is still for sale.  You wanna buy it?  Do you?  Do you?  Huh huh?  

It is showing well, but we haven't had 'that' family enter these doors just yet.  I know it is coming.  I can feel it.   One family loved our house, but wanted a 3 car garage.  Another family liked our house but want a bigger lot.  I'm just happy that we are getting positive feedback from our showings.  I'm almost certain that even though our house hasn't sold yet we will be moving soon anyway.  It is time.  We are ready to call the moving truck and see what happens from there.


I despise telemarketers.  I love to mess with them.  (Immature, much?)  I received a phone call earlier this morning.  It went like this. "Hello, Congratulations!!!  You and you family have been selected to receive a vacation package.  Please press 1...."   I hung up.  But yesterday I took a call from a man from Charter cable.  The kids were watching TV and I was playing around on pinterest, so I was mindlessly listening to him talk.  I told him we were paying way more for our cable than what we are.  He freaked out and told me how much money I could save.  He went through his whole script like a robot.  I felt bad for him, but I figured I'd listen and give him a few tips on how to sound more like a person and not like a robot.  He didn't appreciate my input.  He promptly hung up on me.  I seriously need to cancel my land line phone.  It is ridiculous.  And the political calls right now....ugh!   I'd like to voice my opinion to a few people when they call, but they are all recorded messages.  I find myself wanting to argue with their ridiculous ideas. 


I hope I never come across as one of those people who knows everything about everything.  I know a person who thinks they know it all.  They even know things about me that I don't know yet.  Ummm really?  I know this is totally vague and silly, but I really want to understand people.  I like to have a discussions with people about what is going on in life. I like to talk about something that happened to me and then talk about something that happened to them.  I like to compare notes and learn how I might deal with a situation later.  In discussing life I feel like I learn from my friends and family. These discussions leave me feeling good, like I learned something.  I don't know about you, but when someone talks AT me I don't get that warm fuzzy feeling.  Often times I just don't want to talk to that person anymore.  

Are you totally and completely confused?  I hope someone gets this jumbled mess of blah!!


I always have so many thoughts about things to blog about.  I have these wonderful ideas in my head and then I forget.  I have too much going on in by brain and stuff gets all jumbled.  Why am I so scatterbrained recently?  haha!  I  know it is more than recently, but I'm feeling extra jumbled lately.


I love food. I love taking pictures of food.   I know it is totally random, but it's fun and I love it!
Instagram makes playing with pictures of food even more fun.  

I actually just made this collage while watching Toy Story with Hayden.  I thought he was done with the Toy Story phase, but he asked to watch it this morning.  After he started watching it he had to go get all the characters from his room and line them up in the playroom.  

I realized just how similar we are as I sat here and lined my food pics up and made a collage.  We are both in our happy place.  


And that concludes one of the most random posts in 'Just Shy of a Y' history.  Although the post I asked you about toilet paper. That was a really random post.  Since I bought up the T.P. topic...

 What about you?  Do you put your T.P. on the roll over or under??

Thursday, August 30, 2012

i don't even know why i'm telling you this...

I like for everything to be symmetrical.  In my own way it needs to be balanced.  The pillows on the couch should be in the same spot on opposite sides of the couch. The mantle should be balanced.  I appreciate the same concept in flower beds.

When I can't understand something and I am scrambling for advice or help I turn to reading.  I love to read and I feel like reading can help me through anything.  This can be in all aspects of life, parenting, cooking and even finding patience.  In my older age I am reading the Bible more.  I think it helps me feel better and I understand more now that I am more mature.  Well, I think I'm more mature.

I wish I could clean a room at a time every day in my house.   Does that make sense?  But I can't.  I feel like I need to clean the entire house on one day.  Then I can sit down and enjoy it if it's all done and complete.

I can't stand it if there are numbers on my apps on my iPhone.  If I had 3 missed calls or 41 emails, I'd flip out.  I have to read the emails as they come and call people back as soon as I can.  One time I read a group of text messages and forgot to respond to a few.  I felt bad, but I had to read them to get the number off my home screen.

In the summertime I have to put 1 cube of ice in my glass of red wine.  It is too hot in the summer to drink room temp wine.

One of the reasons I am looking forward to moving to Ohio is because I want a house with a porch.    In a perfect world, my house would have a porch all the way around.

Enough of my random thoughts for the night....

Peace out!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

a whole lotta jibber jabber

The end of summer is coming up fast.  I can't believe school will be starting in just a two weeks.  

I am ready for fall temperatures, but who knows if we will get fall here in Texas.  This is the time of year when I get so mad about the Texas heat because the grass in our yard is so dry and dead.  It makes me so sad.  We use our water sprinklers, but the grass is still khaki and dry.

I was working on entering a Thirty-One order on Saturday and Layla was very curious.  She got so excited to pick out her school bag for the year.  She decided on a purple bag and a pink lunch box.  She said, "Mom, it's so cool that I don't have to go out and buy a school bag.  You own tons of bags and I get to create my own!"  I feel that way too.  I seriously could have one of everything Thirty-One sells. I love what I do!

Gary and I drink coffee together in the mornings before work.  I love my morning coffee.  Sometimes when I am at the store I try to buy coffee that is cheaper, but seriously there is no comparison   Expensive coffee is better.  Life is too short for bad coffee.  If only I could lose my Splenda habit.  I'm trying to stop using artificial sweeteners, but it is hard.  Coffee just needs Splenda!

Gary was out of town all last week.  It was a hectic week for me.  I tried to keep the kids busy, but that just made me tired.  By the end of the week I was so ready for a break.  These children are so cute and sweet, but they never stop talking.  They must take after their father. heehee!

We watched the season finale of Dallas on Saturday night.  I'm so sad it ended.  I love that show!!  I'm so excited to see the new season and I hope it's as good as the first season.   I'm ready for my fall shows to come back on TV.  

Hayden and Layla fight over TV.  He usually just gives in and watches what she wants.  Poor little dude watches more Jessie and Austin & Ally than any other 4 year old.   My favorite show right now on Disney is Good Luck Charlie.  I think it is great.  I love when they play back to back non-stop episodes.

I have been lazy with my camera lately.  I am posting this entry with zero pics.  GASP!!  
I will get back into snapping shots.  The end of the summer brain fry is in effect.  I've been a tad bit grouchy.  Good thing for me the grouchies don't last too long.  

And now I'm off to have my morning coffee.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

frustrating day

Yesterday was one of those days.  It was a bad day for me.  Gary and I just weren't seeing eye to eye.  We very rarely fight, but we got into a discussion about our grocery budget and argued about the cost of a bottle of shampoo.  

Today I can laugh about how silly it was, but yesterday I was frustrated and Gary was too.

After that discussion I was just still blah all day.  I had to buy groceries and that in itself will wear a Momma out.  Layla and Hayden wanted everything in the store. I was trying to use coupons but I was so frustrated I couldn't think.  After I got the the checkout I was even more frustrated with the bill.  We were out of everything. Everything.  Ugh!  So my Walmart trip had me in tears.  I tried not to cry while sliding my debit card.  Once I got into the parking lot the tears started flowing.  I couldn't stop crying and the kids thought I'd lost my marbles.  Layla was asking what was wrong and Hayden was telling me to stop crying.  It was so pathetic and real.  I always try to be real.  I certainly was real yesterday.  I was a real silly mess.  I felt so much better after that good cry.  I think a good cry is good for the soul sometimes.  Since I was already crying I went ahead and filled my car up with gas.  Haha!  That almost made me cry all over again. 

We made it home from the grocery store in one piece and got everything put away in time for me to get dressed and go have dinner with some other preschool mommies.  It was perfect timing.  I needed the distraction.  I felt refreshed and happy after a night out with friends.

All this to say this:

I'm thankful my problems are what they are.  After seeing the evening news lately I know my family is blessed.  Gary has a job.  We aren't rich, but not poor either.  We have our health.  I am able to stay home with our kids. We are surrounded my wonderful friends and family.  I know the things I go through are bad when I'm in it, but since they aren't really that big of a deal I don't dwell on them.  

Knowing so many people lost their lives in Colorado makes me see fighting over the price of shampoo is a non-issue.  I'm thankful I can keep life in perspective even when it seems hard. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

word-full wednesday

It is officially that time of summer.  The time where I miss my blogging friends because I am so busy with the kids I haven't made the time to check on my friends and read their updates.  If you are a blogger you probably know what I mean.  Having two kids home 24-7 is amazing.  I love their sweet little faces, but I also love when they go to school so I have a second to myself.  I just want to say I miss you all so much and I do read when I can.  There are so many new twitter friends I have made that also have blogs and I can't wait to read them.

Today is Layla's 2nd day at golf camp and I'm pretty sure she is loving it.  She practiced her swing last night in the backyard and I already think she is better!  I am so happy for her.

It helps that a few of her buddies are attending the camp too.  Everything is better when you get to be with friends.  Since I mentioned friends I must mention that I had a fun time this morning too.  I got to visit with a few mommy friends while the kids were golfing.

Us moms did lots of chatting and had coffee.  Hayden and his friend played monster trucks on the golf course patio.  It was a win-win!

Anybody's kids have super sensitive ears?  Hayden hates loud noises.  He doesn't like the swimming pool because it is loud.  He despises public toilets because they flush too loud.  If someone is squealing or screaming near him he will get up and leave.  I remember Layla having sensitive ears and she outgrew it, but he hasn't outgrown it yet.  Bless his heart.  It drives me bonkers.  At first I thought he might have a hearing problem.  I remember last summer when I had that horrible ear infection my hearing was super amplified.  Nope, his hearing is good.  He just has sensitive ears.

I miss reading recipe blogs and researching new recipes.  I am such a recipe nerd and I could read recipes for hours!  I'm excited about a recipe exchange Jenn {one of my dearest friends} is bringing back. You heard me right....bon appetite is back!  Starting next Tuesday we can link our blogs to her site to share our favorite recipes!

bon appetite

Have I mentioned iCloud on the blog before?  I love it.  Gary and I share an iCloud account, so we share a photo stream and I can see his photos and he can see mine.  If he is out of town traveling and he takes pictures of the scenery I can see those pics.  {as long as his is connected to wi-fi}  I have our photo stream set up to my Picasa account also.  When I open Picasa on my PC the pics will load right up and I can edit them.  I also have them linked to my online Picasa Web account so they are uploaded to the internet and I'm able to put them right on my blog.  I am no pro at iCloud.  I have played around with it to figure all this out, but I LOVE IT.  It makes my life so much easier.  The number one thing I like the most:  my pics are on private albums on the web.  If my computer crashes my pics are safe.  I may be in trouble if Picasa ever goes away though.  Let's just not think about that.  I have pictures stored there from YEARS past.

Check out Sipes and I.  I created this crazy effect with one of the many photo apps I have on my iPhone.  Isn't it the coolest?  I am almost as addicted to editing photos with my silly iPhone apps as I am reading recipes.  I could play with Instagram for hours.  But I also like these:

Let me know if there are any other fun photo apps I need to know about!

Now, I think I will pick up my Layla bug from a crafting birthday party and hit the swimming pool.   A late afternoon swim sounds just about right on this steaming hot Wednesday afternoon!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

my kitchen musts

You must add milk to your eggs before you scramble them.

You must marinate all meats including, but not limited to beef, pork, chicken and seafood.

You must make your own refried beans in the slow cooker.

You must sprinkle brown sugar on your banana bread before you bake it.

You must own a griddle.

You must cook bacon on a roasting pan in the oven.

You must use a slow cooker liner when you use your slow cooker.

You must find an old cookbook and read it.

You must let your steaks rest half of the cooking time before you serve.

You must have a cast iron skillet.

You must crumble chips of any kind Doritos, Cheetos or Fritos onto your salad at lunchtime.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

this and that

The beginning of our summer has been busy.  It seems like we have had something to do every single day since we got home from my birthday at the beach.  When summer started I was worried we'd be bored, but somehow we have stayed busy!  I am glad we have some down time coming up.

This morning we went to Harkins movie theater in Southlake for their summer movie time.  Each week for 10 weeks during the summer we get to see a movie.  It is the coolest thing because it is so inexpensive, I got tickets for three of us for $18.  Not each, but all together!   This morning we saw Horton Hears a Who.  The kids loved it and so did I.   It was a cute movie and reminded me of The Lorax.  

Hayden's preschool church is hosting Vacation Bible school this week.  I was hesitant to send the kids because it is from 6:00-8:00 in the evening.  I was worried they would be so tired from the day.  Yesterday was the first day and they both did great.  We usually put the kids to bed by 7:30 or 8:00 because they do not sleep in.  No matter what time we put them to bed they are up by 7:00 am.  This morning they both slept until 7:30!  They really seem to really be enjoying VBS!!

Hayden only went to school 2 days a week during the school year, so he is used to being at home.  I think he is loving having Layla home with him.  They have their moments of fighting and bickering, but so far they seem to be having fun together playing here at home.  They play with Legos for hours.  It is so fun to see the creations they come up with.  

They are also enjoying building and playing in forts.  They throw blankets all over their rooms, and if Gary has a break from work he'll help them build cooler forts than they can build.  That may be a blog post all of its own!

Speaking of Gary.  He smoked the best pork shoulder today.  It is so delicious.  I made a fresh batch of Cole-slaw too.  We had a tasty dinner before we dropped the kids off at VBS.

Annnnd now I must go get my children from VBS!  

I hope you have a good night.  I am planning to put the babes to bed and watch some RHOC. 
 Gotta love hearing a group of ladies act all loud and obnoxious!  I just can't stop watching.  heehee!