Saturday, December 13, 2008

Handprint and Footprint Canvas Christmas Gift

Here is a simple personalized gift you can do with a young child. At this age the process is more interesting to ER than anything else and she loves to paint. She had a ton of fun painting the canvas, I used a Making Memories scrapbook colors acrylic in a shade that would blend with my parents' decor and still be masculine. It took her a long time and there are several coats of paint on it as she painted it over and over. She'd still be doing it if I'd let her!

Then I used a slightly darker color to make her handprints and footprints. I had a bit of trouble with the feet, because I rolled one foot. I was trying to make sure we got a good impression, but if I had to do it again I wouldn't have pushed up from underneath the canvas to get the print.

Since we'd run out of the first color we couldn't fix it. The perfectionist in me wanted to, but I made myself leave it alone and be her art. I am very type A and don't want to give her too much of a complex yet. I want her to know that art is fun and that there is no doing it right.

Making Memory rub-ons in Trademark Small White were used to add their names and the year. I didn't think ahead of time how difficult this would be on a canvas without a solid back. I think white chipboard letters or another kind of textured letter like the foam alphabets from American Crafts would look great. I had planned on using those but didn't have all the letters and wanted to try and use what I had on hand.

The buttons were added with hot glue and the photo I attached with glue dots. If it had been for my mom I would have attached a ribbon hanger from the top with a staple gun and maybe put it around the edges of the canvas too. ER is very proud of her art and kept saying, "I makin' it for Papa."

We gave it to my Dad for his birthday as it was the day after Thanksgiving, but if it hadn't been it would've made a great Christmas gift. It wasn't too expensive since I got the 12x12 canvas fifty-percent off at Joann's and the other things I had around the house in my scrapbook stash.

This post has been added to Handmade Holiday's at The Snail's Trail, because let's face it no one but me and my husband read my blog last year, when I started it in December. So it might be new to you! To get find more inspiring ideas click on over to see the rest of the links☺

Library Holiday Story Time

I make an effort to search out and find fun activities for ER to go to. It helps when the local library puts together special events. Not only is it only five minutes away, but since she goes to weekly story time there she is familiar with the routines like the beginning, "Where Is Thumbkin" and "If Your Happy and You Know It" songs. It's so cute to see her try to do the finger movements, as at this point all the fingers end up being Pointer. Since I taught I am well aware of the importance of literacy and daily reading to your child, but now that I am a parent I am equally aware of the importance of having someone else take a turn! Plus it's always nice to see and hear new books. ER is definitely in the rut of wanting the same ones over and over as they are predictable for her. After story time there was a craft, cookies, and real live reindeer. I'd have loved to get a picture of her with it but it was a no go. Like the big guy in red she wasn't going near the reindeer. But we do know she liked seeing him from afar, as when we talked to her Godmother later on she said her favorite part was, "I see a reindeer."

Friday, December 12, 2008

What's in a Name?

The hardest part in starting this blog has been choosing a name. I wanted to pick something that would represent all the things I intend to chronicle: family life, crafty things I make or in some cases attempt to make, learning new skills, my interests, and creating a homey environment for my child to flourish into an intelligent, creative, caring person. I also wanted it to reflect things that bring a smile to my face or happy memories to my mind. to incorporate the sight of yellow little rubber duckies bobbing in the sudsy water, bright red strawberries in the fields, and crunchy dill pickles into a short succint title...okay maybe not. Unfortunately, as I am sure happens to many new bloggers all the good names I thought of were taken. Maybe it's a blessing as one is forced to really think. So how did my blog get it's name? Well, one definition of a nest is a place of refuge and retreat (hopefully a snug, cozy one at that) to hold an animal's eggs (i.e. my toddler) and/or provide a place to raise their offspring. I think the name describes my purpose, even without the rubber duckies, berries, and dills!
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