Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Fine Art of a Written Thank You Note

In this age when it's so easy to send an email, I think it's still a nice touch to send a handwritten thank-you note. Taking five or ten minutes to let someone know how much you appreciate their kindness really isn't too much trouble. After all, chances are if they've given you a gift or done you a favor, that person is a close family member or friend. So often those closest to us are the brunt of our not so nice behavior. We save our best manners for strangers or acquaintances and allow ourselves to be crabby or short with those we love the most. So with that in mind, I spent tonight writing out cards, addressing envelopes, and enclosing family pictures to those who were kind enough to take the time to shop for or make something special for either me, my husband, or our daughter. When I think of the time spent going out to the store, battling the crowds, waiting in line to ship, and the thought put into picking out just the right gift...I know it's the least I can do to let them know how much we appreciate having them in our lives. I read that a written thank-you note is not required when the gift is given in person and the receipient then thanks the gifter but like I said, it's still a nice touch. Right now ER isn't able to help me, but I plan to pass the tradition of a handwritten thank-you note on to her too.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Am NOT Sleepy and I Will NOT Go to Bed

Here's Brad reading ER, I Am NOT Sleepy and I Will NOT Go to Bed, a Charlie and Lola book by Lauren Child. The title pretty much says it all. Lola is the little sister and she likes to stay up late. She has a bunch of creative excuses for not going to bed, while big brother Charlie patiently address each one and eventually gets her there. There's also a television show with these characters in it, ER has shown absolutely no interest in it but loves the book.

ER's Godmother sent her this book for Christmas, and it's especially appropriate right now because we've been having the hardest time getting ER to take a nap and go to bed. She'll go into bed but then she'll sing to herself, move around the babies that are in bed with her, jump up and down; she always looks amazed when I go in and tell her to stop, kind of did you know I was doing that Mommy, or and these are the most annoying to us, she'll begin to call out to ask for a kleenex, drink of water, or that her blanket be put back on top of her. Lately, she's been asking for this book as her good night book and when I went in to kiss her good night last night she was all snuggled under her blanket chanting the title over and over, giggling away.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

9 in 2009

Happy New Year's!!!

Can't believe how fast 2008 went by; it certainly was an exciting one for us, but I say that every year and this past year didn't even have a huge momentous event like having a baby, moving across the country, or buying our first house. Life itself is truly adventure enough!
I read an article recently that making new year's resolutions stresses people out and that maybe we shouldn't make any in order to feel more at peace with who we are now. I thought about it for awhile, but in my mind resolutions have always been a way to learn something new and improve ourselves. It doesn't have to be stressful, sure you might not meet every one or even one but I think we should always try to grow and learn; you can do that and still be happy with who you are now. That might sound like an oxymoron: being happy with what you have and still trying to change but it really is possible. Life would be boring if we stayed the same all the time, forever so with that spirit in mind I decided to make nine resolutions in honor of the year 2009.
  1. Exercise consistently, aim for 30 minutes a day 5 out of 10 days at least - that may not seem like a lot but it's a huge step forward from the sporadic at best routine I maintain now.
  2. Try a new recipe once a week - we eat out way too much and it's because we make the same things over and over and I am bored of them, Brad will have to help me with this one as he's the primary cook in our household but he's always willing if I'm willing to choose and plan.
  3. Learn basic sewing skills, make three or more projects on my sewing machine - got sewing machine in 2005, total projects, need to change that.
  4. Drink fewer diet sodas and diet ice teas, cut back to two total a day or less - all those artificial chemicals probably aren't too good for me but water all the time with just a little milk gets repetitive.
  5. Eat better snacks, eat a serving of fruit or veggies before reaching for Doritos.
  6. Keep a five minute journal, write one or two sentences about each day: observations, things ER says, what I am thankful for etc.
  7. Begin learning activities and art activities on a regular basis with ER.
  8. Do strength, toning, and flexibility exercises 2-3 times a week.
  9. Reflect on progress toward resolutions monthly, keep a list of them in view and update them as needed.
There now I've tried to make them attainable and measurable and as I reach each one (See positive thinking!) I'll make expand on it or make a new one to replace it. It doesn't really matter if I make one or not, because in my mind it's the trying to better oneself and improve that really matters. The biggest shame would be if I didn't model for my daughter that trying your best and being your best is really what's important. What do you think? Have any resolutions of your own?
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