During Mauritius’s 2024 election race, both the ruling and opposition parties pledged a 14th-month bonus (also called the 14th cheque) to employees...
The 2024 general elections in Mauritius have drawn attention not just for their political outcomes but for the glaring gender disparity in representation. While...
While I was following the international news, I couldn’t help but notice that, at every turn, international media seems compelled to make mention of...
Roger E. Noyau
« Revenons à l’élection de 2014 et à l’épisode Ramgoolam-Soornack, qui contribua à faire sortir l’autoproclamé Roi Lion de la caverne du pouvoir....
Dear Gavin,
Congratulations on your selection to become Attorney General. I find it my duty to pen these words especially given the fact that during...
Ces deux questions n’en, selon ou contre toute évidence, font qu’une, ce qui n’aura à personne échappé. Or quand elles se réduiraient effectivement...