Posts Tagged ‘Audio’

Losing Mattis Matters (Limerick)

Sunday, December 23rd, 2018

James Mattis held Donald at bay.
But alas, the man’s going away
Way before he had planned,
Because Trump felt unmanned
And said “Leave now!” (Trump-petulance-play.)

Our Shocking News (Limerick)

Friday, December 21st, 2018

The news keeps delivering shocks:
There’s a daily new low for our stocks;
James Mattis resigned;
Trump (as usual) whined;
And we seem to be governed by Fox.

There is plenty more bad news to list,
And the thought of it all makes me pissed.
The government’s closed,
And our nation’s been hosed
By a felon. (Well, you get the gist.)

Trump’s Post-Election Trauma (Limerick)

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Poor Donald is mad and depressed.
He’s failing the test to “Be Best.”
Stocks are fueling his pique.
Wall-dough funding looks bleak…
And just wait till he’s under arrest.



Poor Donald is mad and depressed.
He’s failing the test to “Be Best.”
Mueller’s fueling his pique.
Wall-dough funding looks bleak…
And just wait till he’s under arrest.

Poor Donald’s becoming depressed.
He’s missing his usual zest.
Things with Mueller look bleak,
Which accounts for his pique…
And just wait till he’s under arrest.


Poor Donald’s becoming depressed.
He’s missing his usual zest.
The election last week
Might account for his pique…
But just wait till he’s under arrest.