Posts Tagged ‘Fear’

GOP Indecency (Limerick)

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

Donald Trump and his GOP peers
Are exploiting our cultural fears,
Using tactics divisive
And vilely derisive;
Throwing decency out on its ears.

Trump’s Fact-Free Opinions (Quatrain)

Wednesday, September 12th, 2018

Woodward Describes Trump: ‘Don’t Bother Me With Facts, I Have Opinions’

The Donald tells minions
his long-held opinions
(though wholly unbacked)
will trump any fact.

Trump Fears “Fear” (Limerick)

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

Woodward’s latest, a Trump book called “Fear,”
Will be seen by his fans as a smear:
“There is nary a good word
Re Trump from Bob Woodward,”
They’ll sneer and they’ll jeer and Bronx cheer.