Gail Collins isn’t too impressed with incoming speaker of the House John Boehner’s Crying Game, and neither am I.
And Timothy Egan does a great job seeing through Boehner’s bountiful tears:
It’s when he talks about how he rose from his humble past — the son of a bar owner, one of 12 children who grew up in a small home with a single bathroom — that Boehner starts to weep.
“Making sure these kids have a shot at the American Dream like I did is very important,” he said, choking up, when asked on “60 Minutes” about his crying.
But a look at Boehner’s record during his two decades in Congress shows a man who has voted against nearly every boost for the working stiff. There’s no empathy for those with the longest shots at the American Dream in his voting pattern. Instead, we see a politician who is hard-hearted in his legislative treatment of the people now coping with the kind of economic conditions in which the Boehner family grew up.
That brings me to my latest limerick:
Booing Boehner’s Boo-Hooing
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Rep. Boehner cries crocodile tears.
He’s been feigning compassion for years.
Though his tears say “he cares,”
His vote record blares
That he likes kicking poor folk downstairs.
Dear Bush, Doesn’t Your Brush Need Clearing?
Saturday, November 22nd, 2008Like The New York Times’ Gail Collins and so many others, I think Bush and Cheney need to take early retirement. Otherwise, by the time Obama is president, there won’t be anything left to preside over:
Dear Bush, Doesn’t Your Brush Need Clearing? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Dubya, you’re only success
Is at failure. Leave early. Egress!
We have found your replacement,
So end the debasement.
Let Obama start fixing your mess.
Tags: Bush, Cheney, Gail Collins, New York Times, Obama, Retirement, White House
Posted in Barack Obama, Dick Cheney Satire, George Bush Satire, Political Commentary, Political Limericks, White House | 4 Comments »