Posts Tagged ‘Lefty Blogs’

Limerick Ode To Jon Swift

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Every year the left blogosphere honors our friend, the late, lamented Jon Swift a/k/a Al Weisel by gathering a self-selected group of political blog posts from all over the liberal blogosphere. You can find this year’s group of posts here: Jon Swift Memorial Roundup 2011.

And here’s the limerick I wrote in his honor when I learned of his death back in March 2010:

Limerick Ode To Jon Swift
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A Swiftian journo named Jon
Was brilliant, but sadly is gone.
His wit will be missed
Cuz none could resist
The posts in his humor salon.

Rest In Peace Jon Swift a/k/a Al Weisel (Updated With “Limerick Ode To Jon Swift”)

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Note: I’ve updated this with a limerick in Jon Swift’s honor at the bottom of this post.

Alas, there’s tragic news in the blogging and journalism communities: One of my favorite satirical bloggers, the brilliant Jon Swift a/k/a journalist Al Weisel has died suddenly. Tom Watson has the details about the death of this hilarious faux conservative blogger.

What a terrible loss! Rest in peace, Jon Swift. Your wit will be sorely missed throughout the left blogosphere.

Update: Libby Spencer has eulogized Jon beautifully here, and so have Blue Gal and Melissa at Shakesville and skippy.

Update 2: I’ve written a limerick in honor of Jon Swift:

Ode To Jon Swift
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A Swiftian journo named Jon
Was brilliant, but sadly is gone.
His wit will be missed
Cuz none could resist
The posts in his humor salon.

Weblog Wonderland Revisited

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

Back in 2002 I wrote Weblog Wonderland, a Winter Wonderland song parody about political blogging and the Bush-inspired battle between lefty and right-wing bloggers.

I’d completely forgotten about it until this afternoon, when I received an email blast from the past: A fellow I knew a zillion years ago in my early oboe-playing days had stumbled onto my site while searching for a song parody of Winter Wonderland.

After re-reading it (and singing it) I realized that re-posting Weblog Wonderland would be a fun way to celebrate the waning days of the Bush administration. So here it is:

Weblog Wonderland (Inspired by Winter Wonderland by Smith & Bernard)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Bloggers zing, are you list’nin’?
Some are vain, some are bristlin’.
The left and the right
Are happy tonight.
Surfin’ in a weblog wonderland.

“Bombs away,” say the blog hawks.
“War’s insane,” other blogs balk.
Some sing Bush love songs.
Some shout that he’s wrong.
Surfin’ in a weblog wonderland.

Some right bloggers like to build up straw men.
Then they brag that they have knocked ’em down.
Daring lefts to parry,
They’ll say, “No, man.”
“Your reasoning is flawed and you’re a clown.”

Later on, they’ll conspire,
Plannin’ posts packed with ire.
They face unafraid
The rantin’, the raves.
Surfin’ in a weblog wonderland.

In the middle few can be a showman,
While displayin’ balance, wit, and clout.
Strong opinions rule the day in blogland.
Until some other bloggers knock ’em down.

Heated prose, ain’t it thrillin’
When it flows, when it’s chillin’?
Some post every day.
They must have their say.
Surfin’ in a weblog wonderland.

Some post every day.
They relish the fray.
Surfin’ in a weblog wonderland.