Mara! Big Band receives Create NSW Regional Touring Grant in 2024.
News Flash!
Mara! Big Band to tour Regional NSW in November 2024 with the support of Create NSW!
We are delighted to announce the success of our grant application to Create NSW Regional Touring Fund for Mara! Big Band Mid-Nth Coast, Southern Tablelands & Central West NSW Tour in November 2024 to promote the CD of our original Australian suite 'Zashto?'
It is many years since the Mara! Quintet last toured the NSW Mid-Nth Coast, so we are delighted to be able to bring our newest project, The Mara! Big Band up to this beautiful part of the country and to re-connect with our friends and followers up there.
The Mara! Big Band, as the name suggests, is an expanded version of the Mara! Band, featuring 13 of Australia's finest jazz and world music practitioners. Tours on this scale to regional communities are simply not possible without assistance through sponsorship and funding, because of the high touring costs.
We are eternally grateful to Create NSW for supporting us in mounting this long overdue tour which also includes concerts in Goulburn in the Southern Tablelands, plus Bathurst and Gulgong in  Central Western NSW.
Apart from the concerts we will have the pleasure and privilege of working with some local musicians, including young musicians, through workshops organised in conjunction with Newcastle Conservatorium and Hume Conservatorium in Goulburn.
This project is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW. 


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