MAN from the 5th DIMENSION

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (race unrevealed)

Occupation: Aspiring writer

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The offices of Marvel Comics, New York City; originally from the 5th Dimension

First Appearance: Amazing Adult Fantasy I#12/3 (May, 1962)

Powers/Abilities: Although he may have had other paranormal powers, the Man from the 5th Dimension only displayed the ability to transform himself into a dazzling ball of light when he traveled back to his home dimension...or perhaps the ball of light was his "true" form, and his human form was a disguise.

Height: Unrevealed ([human form] 5'4"; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: (human form) Blond

(Amazing Adult Fantasy#12/3 (fb) -BTS) - An entity from the 5th Dimension left his home to visit the dimension of Earth, where he appeared as a bespectacled little man carrying an umbrella and a briefcase.

(Amazing Adult Fantasy#12/3) - Happily humming a tune, the little man went to the offices of Marvel Comics and stood outside the editorial office, where he overheard writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko feverishly working to meet their deadline to complete the latest issue of Amazing Adult Fantasy, but neither of them could come up with any new ideas for a story (Stan: "Well, how about a flying saucer story?"; Steve: "You kiddin'? We've done a million of 'em!").

   The little man walked into the office and offered to help the creative duo, claiming he had some of the most fantastic story ideas that they'd ever seen! Stan appreciated the offer, but asked the man to leave because they were really busy. When the man refused to go until the two saw some of his story ideas, he was (literally) kicked out of their office.

   Taking the hint that he wasn't wanted, the little man picked himself up, dusted himself off, snapped his fingers, and transformed into a ball of light; he then decided to travel back to his home dimension to see how the battle between the Kreeks and the Zooboos was going along.

   As the little man departed, Lee and Ditko bemoaned the fact that nothing supernatural ever happened around their office that they could get story ideas from. Completely out of ideas and still unable to meet their deadline, Stan suggested that they take a break and grab a sandwich; fearing the worst, Steve suggested that they also pick up a copy of the want ads, because he had a hunch they'd be needing 'em...

Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

This 3-page story--SOMETHING FANTASTIC?--was mistakenly lettered "SOMETHING FANTASTIG?" on the splash-page.

And when that little man transformed himself into the ball of light, he sort of resembled Will O' the Wisp --perhaps there's a connection between the two?--Ron Fredricks

This story kind of reminds me of Fantastic Four I#176, wherein the Impossible Man ran amok at the Marvel offices, trying to convince them to do a comic book about him.

Hmm...over in the DC Comics Universe, Superman's old foe Mr. Mxyzptlk (who also wore a silly little derby hat) comes from the 5th Dimension, don't suppose...Nah, who'd ever believe something like that!

Maybe not so unbelievable--Mr. Mxyzptlk did once travel to Earth-90125 to battle the "Fantastic Four".--Ron Fredricks

And fear not, Stan and Steve weren't fired for not making their deadline; in fact, a few months after this story ("Something Fantastic?") was published, they created "something amazing" -- a story about this kid who gets bitten by a radioactive spider...anyone ever hear about it?

New and improved images by Ron Fredricks.

Profile by John Kaminski

The little man from the 5th Dimension has no known connection to:

The 5th Dimension that the little man came from has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Amazing Adult Fantasy I#12/3, p1, pan1 (main image - Man from the 5th Dimension goes to editorial office of Amazing Adult Fantasy)
Amazing Adult Fantasy I#12/3, p3, pan3 (Man from the 5th Dimension snaps his fingers; Stan Lee [silhouette, background])
Amazing Adult Fantasy I#12/3, p3, pan4 (Man from the 5th Dimension begins to transform; Stan Lee [silhouette, background])
Amazing Adult Fantasy I#12/3, p3, pan7 (as ball of light, traveling back to 5th Dimension)

Amazing Adult Fantasy I#12/3 (May, 1962) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist), Artie Simek (letters)

First posted: 06/27/2006
Last updated: 01/26/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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