Showing posts with label Gluten Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gluten Free. Show all posts

Goodbye Gluten

Jon had his endoscopy yesterday after his blood tests for Celiac came back positive. The entire procedure took about 3 hours. The doctor said that there was quite a bit of inflammation in the stomach and the esophagus, and it looked like there may have been an infection in his stomach. We won't get the biopsy results until Friday, but based on what was seen they want Jon to eliminate all gluten from his diet and he will have to visit with a nutritionist. I went through our cupboard and pretty much all of the products had gluten in them. Looks like I have some serious meal planning and grocery shopping to do. One positive from this is that we will be more aware of what we are eating and will likely be eating healthier. Here are some photos from when Jon got home, he was out, and nothing (not even Dylan) could wake him up.