Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Glass, Astrologically Half Empty

My husband and I recently found ourselves cleaning out my mother's apartment so that we could move her into an Assisted Living facility.  As I went through her library, I was amazed to find book after book after book, on how to be positive and live a good life.  I'm talking about old books.  Books that she has had and referred to for at least 50 or 60 years.

As long as I can remember my mother strived to be a positive person.  Considering that she was someone who managed to envision the worst possible outcome for every conceivable seniaro known to man, and that gloom and doom seemed to dominate her outlook on life, and I'm sure there were times when it was very difficult for her to maintain any kind of positive balance what so ever.  Looking back, her attitude often made me quite tired.   But, I really don't think I truly appreciated how difficult her efforts to be positive must have been for her at the time.

Today I was looking on Facebook and took special note of all the beautiful, positive quotes that normally pop up every morning in my feed.  I know, those are the pages that I select.  Who I choose to friend and who I want to see in my feed.   No, I don't care to see who got drunk last night, or what political spew is trending for the day.  The people and pages that I view are the ones who gently remind me to be happy, centered, and hopefully, more enlightened.  I thought about my mother again as I looked through my feed.  How she off handily would joke that I could somehow manage see the sunshine no matter how rotten the situation.  Yes, I suppose there's truth in that, but is it something that naturally occurs within me? What I naturally gravitate towards?  Do I seek out the constant prompts and reminders?  Or, do they seek me?

A few weeks ago I found my mother's natal chart tucked away in a book that I had shipped home.  My mom was a pretty astute astrologer.  Definitely ahead of her time in many ways, especially given that she grew up and lived her life in a conservative area of the Midwest.   Evidently she had commissioned her own birth chart to be drawn up by a respected astrologer sometime in the early 1950's.  As I looked it over, there plain as day in the interpretation, the astrologer had written - "try as they may, this individual will probably always manage to view life through a half empty glass", and that "they should seek to overcome this tendency during this lifetime".

I was surprised, though not surprised when I read that, yet I couldn't help but wonder.  How set in stone are our lives as designated by our birth charts?  Sure, we can strive to live good positive lives and be the best we can be, but if you are given a predetermined set of parameters to function in within this lifetime, with specific karmic constraints in your path, are you still destined to function within the confines of those set measures?  Can an individual only improve so much or progress so far in this lifetime?  Maybe.  It's a very interesting subject if you think about it.  There are certainly a variety of religious and philological beliefs and interpretations that explore those questions, yet alone the opinions of those who study and practice astrology.

As I write this article and my thoughts continue to wonder, I should point out that if you are a student of astrology or metaphysics and have never had a proper chart drawn up by a respected astrologer, you really should.  My mother, of course, had mine drawn up at birth.  I have to say, it has provided invaluable insights into by life over the years.  I have definitely benefited from knowing what my personal sinkholes are, and also when and how to not fly too close to the Sun, so that I do not become my own Icras.
Going through your birth chart when you are in your 20's vs your 50's is also an eye opener.  The years just affirm and reaffirm what was charted so long ago - what you've noticed about yourself and the trends in your life over the passing years. 

Getting back to subject of positive living and half empty glasses -
In my birth chart did the astrologer say that I would also probably view life through a half empty glass?

You can probably guess -

Not hardly.

Here's to you mom.
You certainly get an A for effort anyway ~

enjoy your day


Flower photo by diane fergurson

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What is Wisdom?

 "To be wise means being thoroughly familiar with all aspects of human duality 
and to apply mastery of these aspects in all our relationships.  
Wise is the one who always shows the way to follow without ever 
imposing it and who never does for others that which they are always well 
advised to do for themselves.  
Wise are also those who know who to be silent when they should just listen,
 and to speak when they can and must be heard.  
The true wise person is not the one who is favorably spoken of because of his or 
her actions.  
From all the foregoing, it follows that true wisdom always listen more than it talks, much 
less that it acts, and never acts without thinking ahead.
To show wisdom does not mean to want to absolutely reform the evil we 
believe we see in others, 
but to harmonize with the good that we are certain 
to perceive within them.  
Broadly speaking, the mission of wisdom is to preserve harmony where it exists
to do everything
possible to put it where it is not."  

~ Christian Barnard

Daisy Photograph Courtesy of Jude McConkery.
Prints available through her shop on Etsy.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Time - Welcome to 2014

If you stop and think about it, during the last two days a large majority of people on this plant have been preoccupied with the concept of time.  Saying goodbye to a period of time - New Years Eve - and welcoming in a new conceptualized period of time - 2014.

I was recently looking through a stack of very old books from my Grandmother's library and I found a well worn, 1939 edition of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran.  
A 75 year old book - wow - although the book was first published
 in 1923 and continues to
be one of the best selling books of all time.

I loved Gibran's words concerning time, and thought I would share 
them with you to begin this new year.  

Hope yours is a good one
                                         ~ diane fergurson

And an astronomer said, Master, what of Time? 
And he answered:

You would measure time the measureless and 
the immeasurable.
You would adjust your conduct and even direct 
the course of your spirit according to hours 
and seasons. 
Of time you would make a stream upon whose
bank you would sit and watch its flowing.
Yet, the timeless in you is aware of timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today's
memory and tomorrow is today's dream.
And that which sings and contemplates
in you is still swelling with the bounds of that 
first moment which scattered the stars into
Who among you does not feel that his power 
to love is boundless?
And yet who does not feel that very love,
through boundless, encompassed within the 
center of his being, not moving from love
thought to love through, nor from love deeds to
other love deeds?
And is not time even as love is, undivided and
But if in your thought you must measure 
time into seasons, let each season encircle all the
other seasons,
And let today embrace the past with remembrance
and the future with longing.

Photo by diane fergurson

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Monday, November 18, 2013

The Artist Awakens

Dispersing New Flavor by Adam Fergurson
The artist knows, up to a point, what he or she wishes to express but also feels it, senses it - feels and senses it so strongly that something like awakening has occurred.  The ordinary self that entered the studio is still there, but there is someone else in there as well.

...The theme, the task at hand, is clear and unclear.  The mind may conceive it precisely or, on the contrary, feelings and the body in motion may have a sense of direction that the mind hardly knows.  The forces must come together to serve the theme:  the sheer energy and closeness to materials dwelling in the body, the sensitivity to small differences dwelling in the feelings, the organizational clarity and the critical capacity of the thought.

...Entering more deeply into the creative process, the artist begins to receive spontaneous gifts; signs and meanings suggest themselves "from nowhere" - forms previously unimagined, new themes or motifs that seem remarkably fertile.  The working faculties and the companion self have come to life, shedding seeds with abandon and generosity....A degree of spontaneous ability has made itself known, always a gift however one reaches for it.

  ~  Roger Lipsey, from the book
"An Artist's Book of Inspiration"
Compiled and Edited by Astrid Fitzgerald

Artwork courtesy of Adam Fergurson

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Angel Unaware

You’ve been an angel more times than you know.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.  ~ Leo F. Buscaglia

Close in Heart - Red Bleeding Hearts
Close in Heart
Let me explain why I call you an angel unaware, and why I believe that I get to be one now and then too.

Have you had someone call you just when you needed a friendly voice, had a stranger simply smile or say something kind when you’d had a hard day, or someone slow up to let you in front of them in traffic? Have you received an email that contained helpful information that you needed, a handwritten note, or caring message, that lifted you up? And then, perhaps it was you who made the call, or smiled, or sent the message.

I’m sure you can think of many kindnesses, and many ways they can arrive. Maybe you think of them as random acts of kindness, which is lovely, though I believe there’s more than that going on. It’s not random at all.

The reason I call you an angel is because one of the meanings of angel is divine messenger.
Informal angels are all around. Contact with them is always positive. Being this kind of angel is a casual position, on an as needed basis. Sometimes others are angels for us, and sometimes we get to be the angels; both are a gift, and a joy.

When you get to be the angel, you may not be consciously aware, especially at the time, that you’ve had this honor. You might notice on those occasions that you do find out how much what you did meant to another person, that it felt like you really did nothing extraordinary, in that it was effortless and done lightly, a spontaneous expression of the peace, joy, and love you were experiencing within.

When you’re feeling loved, you’re naturally loving, and in this state, you’re also in tune with the Divine. If you are the nearest tuned in person, to the one who needs the message, then you have the opportunity to deliver it. It’s that simple.

So tune in first, then heed those gentle promptings, make that call, say those kind words that just now came to mind, to your friend, or that someone you haven’t been introduced to. Being in tune with the Divine is a wonderful place to be anyway, and then too, you have the delightful privilege of being available to be an angel.

It’s a brilliant delivery system!
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.  ~ Scottish saying
En Pointe - Pink Bleeding Hearts in the evening
En Pointe
Thank you, thank you, to all you angels. Never underestimate those seemingly small acts of kindness; they really do make a positive difference. Please appreciate yourself, just as much as you appreciate each angel in your own life. ♥

~ Karen Casey-Smith 

Thank you to Karen Casey-Smith for sharing this beautiful post with our blog.
Karen's lovely photography can be found in her shop on Etsy.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Thoreau - Know Which Path

When the heavens are obscured to us, and nothing noble or
heroic appears, but we are oppressed by imperfection and
shortcoming on all hands, we are apt to suck our thumbs and
decry our fates.  As if nothing was to be done in cloudy weather,
or, if heaven were not accessible by the upper road, men 
would not find a lower.  There are two ways to victory - to
strive bravely, or to yield.  How much pain the last will save us
we have not yet learned.

                                            ~ Henry David Thoreau

"Still Life Sand Beach" courtesy of Jude McConkey Photography
Prints are available in her shop on Etsy

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Continuum of Life

"I can hear the cries of the trees and the forest as they, with gentle power, unfold
 and struggle to proclaim their right to make
 a contribution to the harmony, health, beauty, and peace of the planet.  
They struggle to proclaim this in the only way they can.  I hear the unity of the birds 
as they send their ethereal sounds, harmonizing the air.  
I watch the instinctive movements and sounds of all
the animals that walk and crawl on the face of the earth as they try their best to
 harmonize and respond to the laws of nature.  
I can see and hear the rhythmic 
motion and intelligent communications of
all the life forms that swim the waters of the planet proclaiming the majesty
 and beauty of their Creator.  
All of these forms, infused with life and purpose, are expressing a magnificent
spirit, power, and force:  the URGE TO BE.

~ Dr. Lonnie C. Edwards

photo: The Tetons in Wyoming
by diane fergurson

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Work - A Positive Affirmation

"In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete.
My unique creative talents and abilities flow through me
and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways.
There are people out there who are always looking for my services.
I am always in demand and can pick and choose what I want to do.
I earn good money doing what satisfies me.
My work is a joy and pleasure.
All is well in the world."

from Louise Hay

Floral Bouquet by Jude McConkey, prints available on Etsy

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thoughts on Mother's Day

We recently moved my 87 year old mother into an Assisted Living facility.  It wasn't really a sad or bad thing - just an acceptance of time passing - what is.  While we were packing up her apartment I ran across the note, pictured above, taped rather haphazardly to the back of a framed photo that was on top of her bookcase.  My mother was never one to keep my things from childhood.
  Photos yes, but not sentimental mementos or any of my artwork. 
So when I saw this note that she had saved for over 50 years, I knew it must 
have held a special place in her heart.

Putting an elderly parent in an Assisted Living or Nursing Home will inevitably throw you into a backtrack through time.  As I ran across the note and starting thinking about growing up, I not only thought about my mother, but all the other motherly figures who were important during different periods of my life too.  My grandma, aunts, godmother, my friend's mother, neighbors - the list is a long one.

   My mother never pretended to be supermom.  She was outstanding at some things - ahead of her time really - good at others, and fell short on others.  But what for what she didn't manage to do, there was always someone from that cluster of women who was there to fill in the gaps of my ever 
growing knowledge base.
Definitely a divine plan of some sort.
 So to all those women, and especially to my own mom - cheers!
Thanks a bunch!

Enjoy your Mother's Day!

*as a post note - I open my sketch book, thumb through the pages, and what do I see?  
All these years later and I'm still drawing flowers - over and over and over.  
I guess some things never change!

                                                                                                          ~ diane fergurson

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Affirmation of Joy

I attune myself to the universal forces of harmony, love, usefulness and accomplishment.
My thought goes out to all as sympathy, kindness and co-operation.

I expect to enjoy my daily life by perceiving that it is not a hustle, striving and intense
exertion that produce success, but that achievement comes mainly
from within, and that a spiritual power within
me is the real determining factor for
success and joyful living.

~ taken from the Golden Book of Reconstruction Letters

The Hint of a Rose courtesy of Jude McConkey Photography.
  Prints are available in Jude's shop on Etsy

You may also enjoy:  Morning Affirmation

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Morning Affirmation

"I am resolved to meet the morning of this new day with faith and hope and courage, and thus strike hands with all the inner forces of energy and power.

"I am resolved to realize and to remember that thoughts are like forces, that like attracts like; that thoughts of strength build strength from within and attract it from without, and that courage begets success.

"I am resolved therefore, that as life always and inevitably follows the thought and as it is the man or woman of faith and hope and hence of courage who is the master of circumstances, to sit as master at the helm and thus determine what course I take, what points I touch, and haven I reach."

From philosopher, mystic and teacher, Ralph Waldo Trine

Vintage Winter courtesy of Jude McConkey Photography.
  Prints are available in Jude's  shop on Etsy

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The First Day Of The New Year

Every day is a new day, and every moment presents a new opportunity.

The calendar year serves to help ground and orient our thoughts and actions in the physical world.

The beginning of each year gives us a chance to reflect and adjust accordingly.

Hope everyone takes a few minutes to do just that ~

Have a great 2013

                                                                     ~ diane fergurson

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Friday, November 9, 2012

11 Ways to Shine Bright and Feel Better

Let it Shine

by Karen Casey-Smith

Letting your light shine is pretty easy when the sun’s out, when things are going well. It can feel a lot more challenging when things don’t seem to be going your way.
Here are a few thoughts, strategies, and uplifting quotes that have helped me find my way to a better place when I’ve needed some assistance. I hope you’ll find a few that will work for you, if you ever temporarily forget the way back to your center. Depending on how you feel at the time you use these, different ones might be more helpful at different times.
Oh, and it really makes things easier for you if you’ve practiced this stuff before you need it.  ;)
  • Breathe slowly. Count your breaths. As your breath becomes calmer, your mind will be calmer. If you do this, it works every time.
Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace
We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. ~ Zen quote
  • Ask for help, and trust you’ll get it. It was promised. Help can come from the Divine through so many avenues, including family, friends, strangers, angels, and in ways you’ve never dreamed. We are all connected. Remember, you’re asking with your feelings – they count more than your words.
Don’t hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love. ~ Honore de Balzac
  • Remember, you aren’t alone. You don’t have to do/ handle _____ all by yourself. (See Ask for Help above.)
Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.  ~ Glenn Turner
  • When you request help, don’t micro mange the outcome you’re asking for. What if there’s some wonderful solution you haven’t thought of? There is. So, ask for the best possible outcome. Feel appreciation for the wonderful solution that’s on its way. Say thank you.
Your imagination is your preview to life’s coming attractions.  Albert Einstein
Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. ~ Native American saying
  • Take good care of yourself – get sleep, nourish yourself, etc. Go for a walk. There’s wisdom in your body. Listen.
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn
  • Being peaceful, and centered, always has positive benefits, not only for you, but for everyone around you.
If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. – Thich Nhat Hanh  Being Peace
  • Pet or talk to your cat, dog, or other pet friend. If you let them, they’ll show you peace, and how to be in this moment. They can lead you back to center.
Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms. ~ George Eliot
  • Count your blessings. Let yourself really feel appreciation. Gratitude takes you out of your head and into your heart.
What we see depends mainly on what we look for. ~ Sir John Lubbock
Go to your bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know. ~ William Shakespeare
  • Help someone. Send blessings. It helps you, it helps them, and it can really bring perspective to your own life.
Student says, “I am very discouraged. What should I do?” Master says, “encourage others.”  ~ Dogen Zenji
It is difficult to see the picture when you are inside of the frame.”  — Author Unknown
  • Sing! Sing with all your heart. I’m convinced that the vibration of your singing helps to clear your energy. Singing in the shower might be even better. If you think your singing is scary, well, that might not be a bad thing! ;)
He who sings scares away his woes. ~ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  • Treat yourself with sweetness, yes, with sweetness – in your thoughts, your words, and your actions, just as you would a dear or beloved person. You are that. ♥
Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun. ~ John Lennon

Karen Casey-Smith's beautiful print "Let it Shine", along with a wonderful selection of her other inspirational photographic work, is available through her shop on Etsy.  A big thanks to Karen for sharing this wonderful post with our blog!

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Lovingkindness Blessing

Lovingkindness (metta) is an ancient practice, though it's as valuable today as ever. More love in your own life, and the lives of others, will always have positive effects. Not only will you benefit from this practice, so will all recipients of the blessing, and yes, even the world. 

Lovingkindness Blessing by Karen Casey-Smith

The Lovingkindness Blessing presented here is only one version of this beautiful traditional blessing. It's to be said with feeling, from your heart, and very importantly, without expectation. It has to come from a sincere desire for the well-being and happiness of others.

Begin to practice lovingkindness, and directly experience the benefits. Observe how things shift in positive ways with this powerful practice. They cannot help but shift. As you offer peace, love, and good wishes, your feeling toward others changes. Without your doing anything other than offering blessings, those around you will also change in how they relate to you. Don’t attempt to send a blessing in order to get someone to change though. That won't work. The blessing must come from your heart, with no expectations, only a sincere wish for their happiness.

Peace on the outside begins with peace on the inside. This is why it's important that you begin your practice by saying this blessing for yourself. As the Dalai Lama says, We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves. 

You can’t do blessings for yourself, and not have your life change for the better, and you cannot send a blessing to another being and maintain any unkind feeling toward them, or about them. As you are filled with a deep peace, and love that asks nothing in return, you begin to notice that everyone around you is more comfortable, and happier. How you are is that important. 

Next, you can send blessings for those close to you. After that you can begin to send them for neutral people, which would be someone you’re often in contact with, but you don’t have strong feelings about. When you're comfortable with this, you can move on to difficult people, blessing all of the above equally. Now you’re ready to send blessings to the entire universe.

It wouldn't be unusual to find yourself resistant to sending blessings to difficult people. Give yourself time. Remember, you aren't blessing their behavior, or their actions. These blessings are not about being deserving. All beings wish to be happy, healed, and free from pain. Don't you imagine these difficult people would have very different actions if they were at peace, had open hearts, had realized the beauty of their true nature, were healed, and a source of healing? In time, I believe, this is something you could sincerely wish for everyone.


Lovingkindness Blessing 

May my heart remain open.

May I realize the beauty of my own true nature.

May I be healed.

May I be a source of healing for this world.
 ~~~~~~~Black heart (cards)~~~~~~~

May you be at peace.

May your heart remain open.

May you realize the beauty of your own true nature.

May you be healed.

May you be a source of healing for this world.

Some benefits of practicing Lovingkindness include: 
  • peace of mind and sense of well-being
  • sleeping easily and waking happily
  • not suffering from bad dreams
  • good health
  • easy concentration
  • radiant complexion
  • antidote to ill will
  • people around you are more comfortable and happy
  • you contribute to a world of love, peace, and happiness
  • dear to humans and non-humans (affection and good will of all)
  • devas protect
  • one dies unperturbed

Long ago appreciated by the ancients, the benefits of this practice are increasingly being recognized by present day researchers.

Using one of my photographs of the sweetest fern “heart,” I’ve designed prints with the Lovingkindness Blessing on them. It's a nice reminder for me to say it each day, and I thought that others might enjoy them too. There’s a 5×7 version, and a 12×9 version. Keep one near as a reminder, or they can be given as gifts.

Best of all, simply offer this blessing from your heart, and know that you too are blessed.

 Black heart (cards) Karen Casey-Smith

I'd like to thank Karen Casey-Smith for sharing her beautiful Lovingkindness Blessing with the Mind Body Spirit Odyssey.  I recently purchased a copy of this beautiful, gentle loving reminder for my studio.  It's definitely something we should all keep in mind.
                                                                                                                     ~ diane

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Spiritual Warrior - Conversations With Healer Darren Orr

Nature Forest Print by Jude McConkey

"Spirituality not practiced under fire, stress and duress is worthless and pointless.
If you practice in the hopes of attaining everlasting peace--you're deluded and
in stasis. Its easy for anyone to be happy, calm, peaceful when everything seems
perfect. Can you still remain centered, balanced, happy and peaceful when your
life falls apart?? ---that's the true test of a spiritual warrior   ~DO~

MBS:  I was reading a quote you had on your FaceBook page the other day (above)
and it referred to a person being or developing into a "spiritual warrior".
I know that the term "spiritual warrior" gets thrown thrown around pretty loosely sometimes to describe all kinds of situations and issues pertaining to spiritual attainment.
So I my question is, what is it to be a spiritual warrior?

 Darren:  My definition of a spiritual warrior would be: One who can face and embrace the
 fears within their own minds.  Having the discipline to delve deep within ones
 own darkness on a daily basis. As Lao Tzu states in the Dao darkness within
 darkness the gateway to all understanding. It takes courage to be a spiritual
 warrior and look at oneself truthfully openly and fearlessly, accepting oneself
 in its totality, the light and the dark, bringing harmony to your own duality. 

 Many believe a warrior to be one who kills or destroys, especially from
 an external perspective of soldiers, the military and war. This is not what
 I'm talking about. A spiritual warrior does not kill or destroy they transform
 and transmute. This is what the Daoists were really referring to when you read
 about alchemy. It's a transformation process where you transmute the base elements
 of yourself (fear, anger, negativity) and use them as compost to grow new life
--unconditional love, health and healing. This is also what the resurrection means
 in a broader symbolic form. You die or let go of the old and use it so new life can
 be born. This is why to train as a spiritual warrior no matter the system, they use
 the breath. As you inhale you take in new life and as you exhale you release all
 that is unwanted. To become conscious of that exchange and interchange between the 2
 on a moment to moment basis allows you to fully experience the grandeur,
 beauty and majesty of life and fulfill your destiny in this lifetime. 

It's so easy in spiritual circles to literally get caught up in spiritual samsara--
thinking everything is all light. They use the teachings as way to distract themselves
from themselves keeping it superficial so they don't have to face their darkness,
pain, fear and negative habitual patterns. The other common misconception is many
mistakenly think a teacher, guru or sifu is going to save you. No one can save you.
You are the only one that can save you. That realization that this path of the spirit
is in it's essence a solitary journey and you must trek within the uncharted internal
terrain of your deepest darkest fears alone and face them alone is the path of the
spiritual warrior. Each persons life is unique unto themselves, no can live your life
for you or give you some magical pill or key to health, healing, enlightenment or any
other desire. The teacher can only point the way back to your spirit. The warrior must
walk the path and navigate the dangers along the way. The more the teachers words are
aligned with their actions and life experiences, the more powerful and profound the
example will be. 

I have two living examples of a spiritual warrior that I get to witness, learn from and
love. My father Donald Orr and my teacher pointing the way for me by how he has and
continues to live, Ted Cibik.
Both have endured, faced and embraced hardships that would cripple most people yet
they choose to live, thrive and survive daily. The true test of spiritual warrior is
when everything is gone, and your life is on the line, how do you respond?

Darren Orr is a Doctor of Classical Chinese Medicine in Medical QiGong Therapy with a specialization in Dao-yin. He is currently training in ShenGong to be a Formless Daoist Priest. He is a Medical QiGong Master, nationally certified massage, bodywork and somatic therapist, Reiki Master, sound healer, Dao yoga, Dao Yin and meditation teacher. Darren is an A-Z practitioner specializing in life-altering illness, palliative care for the terminally ill, bereavement services for family, cancer, PTSD, fibromyalgia, addiction, mental/emotional imbalances, chronic pain and stress management as well as preventative medicine. CEU courses, lectures, workshops, seminars, classes, qi parties, and corporate wellness programs also available. Serving the tri-state area in a triangle from Philadelphia to NYC to Atlantic City Nj. Long Distance therapy also available.
You can contact Darren at:

You may also be interested in reading our interview with Darren about healing and the practice of Qigong.

Also his article - "Shedding Our Acquired Life Roles and Medical Qigong"


Nature Forest Print is courtesy of photographer Jude McConkey.  Prints are available through her

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Creating a New Theory

Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in it's place.  It is 
rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting point and its rich environment.  But the point from which we
 started still exists and can be seen, although it appears smaller and forms a tiny part of
our broad view gained by the mastery of the obstacles on our adventurous way up.

                                                                                                  ~ Albert Einstein

"Spring Mornings, Sunrise Photograph courtesy of Jude McConkey

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thoughts on Easter

Easter is not a time for groping through dusty, musty tomes or tombs to disprove spontaneous generation or even to prove life eternal.  It is a day to fan the ashes of dead hope, a day to banish doubts and seek the slopes where the sun is rising, to revel in the faith  which transports us out of ourselves and the dead past into the vast and inviting unknown. 

~Author unknown, as quoted in the Lewiston Tribune

enjoy your day

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Dao of Spring- Time to Sprout, Grow and Blossom

Today is the first day of Spring where I live in the Northern Hemisphere (New Jersey, the Garden State) and to tell you the truth, this day usually slips right past me.  I either find myself absorbed in the "moment" of the day, enjoying the warmer and more sunny elements of nature, or our weather is such that it is cold and dreary and we are often in middle of a snow or rain storm. 

According to Daoist belief, the season of Spring lasts for three months.  During this time there is a blossoming and sprouting both within nature and within ourselves, arising from the dormancy of the winter months where our qi has rested and hopefully recouped.  Our daily life slowly changes from more yin (quiet) activities to becoming much more yang (outward) oriented.  Instead of sitting and reading or spending our extra time hunched over the computer, instead we find ourselves biking, walking, running... often digging in our gardens too.

In regards to The Five Elements, springtime is the season for the element wood.  Sturdy - yet strong,  supple and willing to bend, the flexibility and strength  properties of wood not only applies to our physical body but our thoughts, viewpoints, moods and mental clarity as well.

For our physical health and our internal organs, the Daoist believe we need to take extra care of our liver and gall bladder during the spring months.  The liver stores and cleans the toxins out of our blood and it is very important to do a "spring cleaning" of this vital organ so that unwanted impurities do not build up and impinge upon or physical and mental health.  The food that we eat during this time can also move from being cooked to integrating more raw vegetables and salads into our daily diet.

Below is a wonderful description of the sprouting of Spring from Neijing Chapter 2.
Enjoy your Spring!

The three months of spring are called
putting forth and displaying.
Heaven and Earth all sprout.
Ten thousand things become lush.
At night to bed, early to rise.
Briskly walk around the courtyard.
Let your hair down and relax the body in 
order to make that which is of the heart/mind sprout.
Sprout but do not kill.  Give but do not take.
Reward but do not punish.
This is the Spring of compliance of qi.
(and) the cultivation of the Dao of sprouting.
To oppose these principles injures the liver.
(Consequently) Summer will bring cold changes,
 (and) there will be little to offer one's growth.

   ~ diane fergurson

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

To Improve the World

Mandala #30 Perfection
Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.
The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object you'll loose it.
There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion, 
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle.

Tao Te Ching #29

Prints of Mandala #30 Perfection by artist Diane Fergurson are available in her Etsy Shop.

Follow the daily updates of the Mind Body Spirit Marketplace on Facebook and Tumblr.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bursting Forth Into 2012

#7 The Chariot by Adam Fergurson
As we begin our journey into the new year it's important that we remember to start our new projects and ideas from where we are "now".  Be realistic about who you are and where you are - working outward from there.  Go forth with a positive attitude and have a happy and healthy 2012.

The Mind Body Spirit Marketplace/Odyssey is expanding, and has found an additional new home on Tumblr.  Make sure to follow our daily updates there, as well as on Facebook.
Thank you for your support! 


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