I made a few adjustments on your template before I built it because it looks less,less,less,less interesting when I built the orig template. Also, if I would rate this template 4/5 because the nose doesn't look so awkward .
love this! I am a huge sonic fan and i made this on grid paper!!! The nose and eye are not screwed up, they are just supposed to look like that so i give this a 5/5!!!
ReplyDeleteyea like a bosse !
Deletethis is sick! thanks so much for having this site i built it on xbox 360 today
ReplyDeletesame here dude i build on mine 360 as well
ReplyDeleteI missed out one block and it ruined the WHOLE thing and it looks ugly
ReplyDeletesame... :(
ReplyDeleteit mint dude
I made a few adjustments on your template before I built it because it looks less,less,less,less interesting when I built the orig template. Also, if I would rate this template 4/5 because the nose doesn't look so awkward .
ReplyDeleteAwesome! i wish i was sonic... xD
ReplyDeleteWTF :O COOL
ReplyDeleteSick nose is a bit wacked up tho
ReplyDeleteThis is great! 4/5 It's just the eye and the nose that are a bit screwed up but otherwise, great job!
ReplyDeleteIt Took Me 2 hours to make it
ReplyDeleteawsome made on 360 today and Thomas whats ur gamer tag if you have live
ReplyDeletelove this! I am a huge sonic fan and i made this on grid paper!!! The nose and eye are not screwed up, they are just supposed to look like that so i give this a 5/5!!!