23 April 2012

A flight with MNM Air

Ground staff, please make your final checks of the aeroplane before passengers embark.

Lifejackets under seat...check!

Pilot to control tower. Pilot to control tower. 

This is flight NZ461 from Wellington to Melbourne requesting permission to take off.

Flight NZ 461 you are cleared for take-off. But mind the debris on the runway as you go!


Hey co-pilot...shall we put the auto pilot on so we can go have a kip?


Wow look at the view out the window...

we can even see mountains, fields, lakes and animals down there 

Oops...don't lean out too far! 

The air hostess brings around some sweets to help the ears to pop for landing....

And welcome to Melbourne everybody where the local time is currently 2.45pm.

The sun is shining, and it's a balmy 25 degrees. 

Once again, we'd like to thank you for flying with MNM Air.

We hope to to see you again soon.

20 April 2012

Things I'm Loving 20.4.12

Big air
Loving the absence of gravity. One afternoon this week I took the boys to Te Papa, and it was the first time we've been in a while. As always, the pull of the fossil pit was too strong not to go straight outdoors, and between making pebble angels, burying our hands and feet and the various jumps that were performed, a good half an hour was wiled away quite happily before we even made it indoors.

Darth Tater
Loving that when I did manage to drag them inside, we headed up to one of the Discovery Centres and had an ace time marvelling at all the different Mr Potato Heads before having a go creating our very own versions.

Unexpected rainbows
We don't often see rainbows in these here parts. Perhaps it's the lie of the land, and the way the hills seem to break up the gap between sun and sky. For whatever reason, rainbows aren't that common. So we were particularly excited to see one on the drive home this week. I also loved the angry skies generally this same evening. Somehow a little threatening, but at the same time promising big things.

Hunger Games
Loving that I'm hooked. All the hype is totally justified. I devoured the book in about 2 sittings. I'm about to start on book number 2 and I am HANGING out to see the movie, soon, soon, soon. Just trying to suss out a babysitter and there'll be no stopping us.

Game of Thrones Violin Virtuoso
If anyone else loves the very moving and powerful theme tune from the fantastic series Game of Thrones, you'll love this clip. If you don't know the tune, I think you'll love the sound of it and appreciate the clever video anyway!

I was so excited when I learnt that one of my favourite bloggers, Kelle Hampton from Enjoying the Small Things was publishing a book that I immediately pre-ordered a copy on the Book Depository. The book arrived a week ago and I immediately put it at the top of my reading list (even ahead of the Hunger Games!), and read it from cover to cover in a little over 3 hours. What was amazing was it felt as if I was reading a dear friend's journey, although I found I still learnt a great many things I hadn't known before about Kelle, particularly about her early family years and marriage to Brett. It is a wonderful story of Kelle's journey from being mama of 1 beautiful wee girl, Lainey to the unexpected gift of Nella, born with Downs Syndrome. Despite mourning the loss of what she expected, Kelle has embraced the beauty in the unexpected. I loved the book and I wish it could never have ended. Kelle is one of these people who lives life to the fullest and then some. She is incredibly inspiring. If you don't already follow her blog, you should definitely take a peek here.

Made with love
Loving homemade love. This week Noah has been at a holiday programme and one day this week they went to Tiger Eye Beads, and I was so thrilled to receive my first ever handmade bracelet, and I've been wearing it ever since.

Tiptoeing through the boardwalks
Loving that on yet another afternoon excursion this week, we had the opportunity to chase each other around the boardwalks and admire some stunning unseasonal violet blooms in the dying light of the day.

What things have you found to love in your week?


19 April 2012

Me, Myself and I - Music to my Grammatically Correct Heart

I loved this:

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
Like this infographic? Get more copywriting tips from Copyblogger.

My biggest pet hate:
People who use "myself" in sentences when me or I are clearly better.

What grammatical faux pas make you cringe the most?

18 April 2012

Wordless Wednesday: The Remains of the Day

This scene will look familiar if you remember this post Wordless Wednesday - When the Light Fades from two weeks ago.

The shots below were taken two nights afterwards, on the same day a fire had gutted a cruiser on the Yarra River. There was still smoke hanging in the air which enhanced the sky on this particular night.

I love how the columns of the Bolte bridge stand out against the backdrop of the sky, particularly how distinct they are in these last few shots.

Staying less than two minutes walk from here and having the opportunity to take these photos in the golden hour of fading light with this view as a backdrop was, for me, one of the highlights of my time in Melbourne.

17 April 2012

REAL Effort = Real Reward

Sunday was a day of complete contrast from start to finish.

It started with the REAL series duathlon (5km run and 10km bike) which kicked off bright and early at 8am. It was only the 2nd duathlon I've competed in, and it was 6 years since I had competed in the last one. I'd been feeling under the weather for a couple of days beforehand with some kind of virus that I couldn't put down to anything in particular, just achy muscles and headaches, but it was enough to realise that I wasn't my usual sunny-side-up self.

So it was with a few butterflies that I woke up on Sunday wondering just how I'd go. God shined his love on us big time with the weather and I opened the curtains at home to a day that was perfectly clear and still, just darn chilly! The race organiser told us it was the best weather they'd had in the 7 years they've been running the race, so I sent up a silent prayer to Him at that point for giving me a big positive to start the day with!

At the kick-off time of 8am, Tracey and I lined up with the 700 other women doing the duathlon or 5km walk option. Despite doing a few pre-race warm up exercises, my toes and fingers were completely numb with cold before we started. I was SO glad I made the last minute decision to bring along my cycling gloves and (despite looking like a bit of an egg) I ended up wearing them for the first run as well as the bike leg as it actually took the whole of the first 3.5km run to get any proper feeling back in them again.

The best part of the race for me was the surprise at seeing my little family cheering me on as we headed over the starting line. I'd known they would be coming down at some point but had no idea they would make it down in time to be there for the whole race. Every time we finished a leg back at the central point, I had big cheers from Noah jumping up and down saying 'go mummy go' with Mylo looking completely nonplussed by the whole thing (which made me quietly chuckle inside every time I saw him!)

I was quite surprised at the number of women who walked the run legs of the duathlon, so we ended up passing a huge number of people who had gone in the earlier start waves during our first run. The bike section was really good fun apart from the slight headwind on the outward legs (we did two x 5km loops) and also having to pay constant attention to all the other riders in front and passing from behind. 

Our time clocked in at exactly one hour (1:00:39 to be exact) when we ran over the finish line, and I felt incredibly good, and not even that tired, just like I'd done a longer version of a normal morning's exercise. Maybe we could have pushed it harder and got a quicker time, but given how I'd been feeling I was very happy with how we did, and it was so much fun to have done the whole race alongside one of my best friends! We also finished in the top half of the field too which was great.

A LARGE trim latte was consumed straight afterwards in a nearby cafe before Tracey had to get straight back on the road for the 4-hour car journey back to the Hawkes Bay. I felt pretty lazy by comparison as I went home, devoured a hot cross bun, had a long, leisurely shower, straightened my hair and then spent most of the afternoon lying in bed finishing The Hunger Games which I hadn't been able to put down these past few days.

The reward for the day, as well as a belated birthday celebration, was an evening out at one of Wellington's finest restaurants, Logan Brown. It had been at least five years since we'd last eaten here and all we remembered about why it has such a great reputation came flooding back as we experienced the most delicious food and quality service once again.

We were extremely fortunate to have received a generous voucher from a friend a while back that we were able to use, and when combined with the Entertainment Book voucher, the meal only cost us a quarter of what it would have usually.

The inside of Logan Brown used to be the old Bank of NZ building and just sitting staring at the decor all night is enough to heighten the senses. And that's before they bring out the food!

And, yes I know, I seem to be making a habit of taking toilet-in-restaurant self-portraits. Weird.

Because it is worth sharing, I'd like to introduce you to our gorgeous food on the night:

Top left: Seared Firstlight Wagyu Skirt with Smoked Eggplant, Corn Crisps & Wagyu Hash
Bottom right: Logan Brown's signature dish - Paua Ravioli

Bottom left: Venison Chops with Beetroot Risotto, Goats Marscapone & Black Pudding
Top right: Rangatikei Lamb Rack with Slow Cooked Shoulder, Pea Dumplings & Gazpacho Vinaigrette

Top left: Truffled Fries with Reggiano Parmesan
Top right: Elderflower & Lychee Brulee with Mango Vanilla Terrine & Lychee Meringue
Bottom left: Dessert Tastes of Logan Brown
Bottom right: BYO Escarpment Vineyard Reisling on ice

It was a shame that I was feeling pretty tired after the big morning by this stage, so by the time the mains arrived at 9pm my husband joked that I was yawning and making about as much conversation as a 'store mannequin'. Charming!

I don't look that asleep do I?! Or maybe I do. I'd like to think that tired or not, it's still an improvement on the red-faced, frizzy hair post-race look from earlier in the day though!

So it was an action packed start to the day complete with an amazingly decadent flourish to finish.

16 April 2012

Review: LEGO City Great Vehicles :: Car & Caravan ::

I can't think of a better way to spend a quiet Saturday morning with my boys than surrounded by tons of LEGO creating a Great Vehicle with my (little) big heroes?

This honestly kept us entertained for 2 hours solid, which was fine by me, as I'd been feeling under the weather for a couple of days and I still had the thought of a duathlon looming over me for the following day.

As we have a collection of Star Wars LEGO in the house that fuels the boys in the house need for battles and war games, I was secretly rather chuffed that we received this LEGO City car and caravan set to review. It was something that I really looked forward to building and in fact Daddy didn't even get a look in with any building so intent were the boys and I in helping each other create our little scene.

LEGO City car

Despite the fact the age on the set is for 5-12 years old, even Mr 2.5 helped putting wheels and lights on the vehicles. Noah on the other hand pretty much singlehandedly put the rest of the set together with just a bit of  guidance from me assisting with the instructions and placement of some parts. At his age, some of the more intricate pieces are still a little challenging to get them centred and easily fitting onto the piece below, so it is good practice for his dexterity.

It's great how the car and caravan can be played with separately (good when you have two littlies who want one each to play with) or together, and that the whole back of the caravan opens up to provide more play opportunities, sitting at the dining table, drinking a cuppa and admiring the lovely mountain views outside.

LEGO City caravan man cooking a sausage on the fire

LEGO City caravan carrying its cargo

LEGO City caravan from the inside

LEGO City caravan on the inside

Yes this is rather naughty driving with one hand and eating a sausage in the other! Tut tut.

Funnily enough, last weekend I'd spent time creating a cool little woodland scene for the boys out of nothing but paper, scissors and glue. And once we'd finished creating our car and caravan, we drove them right into the scene, imagining our couple arriving at their favourite holiday spot. They unhook the caravan, go for a quick bike ride and light up the campfire to cook up their sausages for dinner.

LEGO caravan parked for the night

Pushbike with LEGO Car & Caravan

LEGO City car pulling caravan

If I could show you the rest of the day in pictures, it would look a little like this: the smallest child carrying the caravan, car and bike around with him EVERYWHERE he went. Including to the toilet every time he needed a wee. 

Engrossed in play with the LEGO City Car & Caravan

This set is one of many new cool LEGO City Great Vehicle sets which retail for $40 at a store near you. 

LEGO City Car & Caravan

Disclaimer: we received a LEGO City Car & Caravan in exchange for our review. All opinions and content in this post are our own. 


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