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Sep 20 2024

Athlete Suspended for Making Sign of Cross

They aren’t throwing people in prison for being Christian yet — but it’s getting close:

Serbian athlete Nemanja Majdov, 28, was told by the International Judo Federation (IJF) that he has been banned from competing until early next year including for ‘having shown a clear religious sign when entering the field of play’ in breach of the organisation’s rules.

He committed the infraction while competing in the Paris Olympics in July and was caught red-handed:

The IJF explains why Christian gestures are banned:

“As an international umbrella organisation, it is our duty to make sure that all our stakeholders and especially the athletes, feel respected and accepted, in all our events and activities.”

Intolerance is tolerance. Anyone who doesn’t agree is a bigot.

On a tip from Franco.

Sep 20 2024

Homeowner Ordered Out on Behalf of Squatters

Kentucky homeowner Daniel Toma found out what it means to live in a country where property rights are not respected after he allowed a couple to stay in his garage temporarily and they refused to leave. A judge ordered him out of his own house:

“[They] were working on the car for days in the driveway, I didn’t want to throw them out on the street. I was just trying to be kind,” he said.

However, the guests put a mattress in the garage in mid-July and ended up never leaving.

Toma said they started getting mail, had Spectrum cable installed and even changed the lock on his garage without any type of rental agreement between them.

When he asked them to leave, they brandished their “squatters’ rights.”

Squatter Tyler Sencuk got into a fight with one of Toma’s roommates…

Sencuk then filed an emergency protective order against Toma, which a judge granted, forcing him to stay 500 feet away from them or his house.

“I feel like I have no power. I feel like I have no rights,” Toma said.

Actually, now that Toma is homeless, he does have rights. He has a right to live as a squatter in someone else’s house against their will.

On a tip from Jester.

Sep 20 2024

Proper Response to California Banning Parody

As mentioned earlier,

Like other totalitarian ideologies, moonbattery cannot withstand humor and therefore cannot allow it.

Moonbats especially don’t like Mr. Reagan’s hilarious parody Kamala ad. Gavin Newsom & Co. responded to it by making “deceptive” memes illegal.

Mr. Reagan’s video was explicitly labeled “PARODY” in all caps. Who determines what is deceptive? The same people who determine what is “hate speech,” “misinformation,” et cetera.

Elon Musk’s response to Newsom’s response is appropriate:

Currently that has 192,000 retweets.

The Babylon Bee responds appropriately too:

Democrats don’t want to ban videos like that because they are deceptive, but because they ring true.

On tips from Varla, Chris Neilson, and Anonymous.

Sep 20 2024

Literal Free Ride for Lawless Migrants in Germany

The nice thing about putting leftists in charge is that they always have solutions for the problems they cause. Germany’s rulers allowing in numberless hordes of welfare colonists from the Third World has reduced public transportation to a threat to life and limb — especially for those charged with taking tickets. The solution: let “asylum seekers” ride free.

Via Remix News:

German train conductors in the state of Thuringia have been given permission not to check the tickets of foreign passengers after an increase in threatening behavior from asylum seekers towards staff.

The Thüringer Allgemeine reported on Sunday that railway staff had been informed to do all they can to de-escalate troublesome travelers, even if that meant effectively giving them a free pass on their commute.

By “troublesome travelers,” they don’t mean Germans.

Cultural enrichment has a comparably criminal cast in France:

Annual figures provided by the French interior ministry’s statistics bureau, the SSMSI, in September last year revealed that 69 percent of violent robberies and other violent crimes, including sexual assaults, on public transport in the greater Paris region of Île-de-France were perpetrated by foreign nationals.

A closer look at the data showed Africans alone were responsible for 52 percent of such crimes while only representing 3.2 percent of the population of France.

Let’s hope there is no disparate impact regarding incarceration rates. That would be racist.

On a tip from Franco.

Sep 19 2024

Open Thread

We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork. - Milton Friedman

Sep 19 2024

Californians Push Back Against Democrats on Crime

Continuing with today’s theme of the Grand Canyon–sized disconnect between the moonbat ruling class and the rest of us, let’s move on from the Teamsters, the MSM, and Covid tyrants to the kooks like Gavin Newsom who have turned California over to criminals:

Newsom and Democratic legislative leaders vehemently oppose an anti-retail theft measure on the November ballot.

In stark contrast, among the people they supposedly represent,

The support numbers are stunning for Proposition 36, sponsored by the California District Attorneys Assn. It would increase punishment for theft and hard drug offenses and impose required treatment for repetitive criminal addicts.

The initiative is ahead by an astonishing 45 percentage points, according to a new poll of likely voters by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California: 71% to 26%, with only 3% undecided.

Prop 36 would undo some of the damage inflicted when California moonbats effectively legalized shoplifting by making any theft under $950 a misdemeanor.

Misdemeanor arrests are harder to make because a cop must witness a crime or possess a judge’s warrant. Anyway, judges began freeing petty thieves. So, cops stopped responding to shoplifting complaints. Merchants ceased bothering to report the crimes. And smash-and-grab thefts increased.

Consequently, stores closed and the quality of life declined, as can be expected under the rule of libs like Newsom, who barks:

“Mass incarceration has been proven ineffective and is not the answer.”

Then what is the answer?

Newsom’s initial answer included trying to strongarm Proposition 36 off the ballot. It failed awkwardly, leaving legislative leaders perturbed at the governor.

Newsom can console himself that after Proposition 8 passed in 2008, defending marriage from desecration, homosexual judge Vaughn Walker decreed it null and void. Maybe he can find a drug-addled shoplifting judge to do the same with Prop 36.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Sep 19 2024

NYC Covid Czar Went to Sex Parties During Lockdown

Never mind the Teamsters and the MSM. If you really want to measure the chasm between the degenerate liberal ruling class and those it rules over, look to the people who imposed Covid tyranny:

New York City, with a population of over 8.8 million, had some of the most iron-fisted COVID lockdown policies in America. While the ridiculous, unscientific COVID policies in America’s largest city, which is run almost exclusively by Democrats, were destroying businesses and lives, the person in charge of setting those policies was hosting private sex parties with his wife on Wall Street.

The Mug Club caught Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Covid czar Jay Varma on hidden camera bragging about indulging in sex parties even while imposing authoritarian Covid mandates.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it,” he told the female reporter. “I was running the entire COVID response for the city. We rented a hotel—we all took like, you know, Molly/Ecstacy. 8 to 10 of us were in a room. Like just being naked with friends…” he explained.

Remember this creep when leftists inevitably announce another pandemic:

On tips from Wiggins and Jack D.

Sep 19 2024

ABC News Learns That the Feeling Is Mutual

Turns out our supercilious ruling class cannot defecate all over us and get kisses and hugs in return. Language warning:

What else could ABC News propagandists expect after staging the farcically unfair presidential debate?

Truer words were never spoken:

That’s why we need to develop more reliable sources of information — even if Democrats might throw us in prison for our efforts.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Sep 19 2024

Teamsters Leadership Overrules Members on Trump

Despite pandering to unions by Democrats, Teamsters rank and file support Trump by a nearly 2 to 1 margin.

Results were Harris 34%, Trump 60% in the Teamsters electronic member poll and Harris 31%, Trump 58% in the research phone poll.

Support for Trump is so overwhelming that, given its commitment to democratic principles, the leadership naturally decided to endorse — nobody.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien explained why there is no disconnect between leadership and membership. Unfortunately, he explained in meaningless duckspeak, leaving us none the wiser.

In addition to refusing to endorse Trump,

Then, the state offices of the teamsters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, California, Hawaii, and Guam all decided to support Harris.

One party represents our corrupt, incompetent, degenerate ruling class. Kudos to Teamsters rank and file for voting against it.

On tips from Jester, WDS 2.0, and Varla.

Sep 19 2024

UK Judge Gags Child Rape Victim

Moonbat rule does not produce the absence of justice, but rather the inversion of justice. Formerly great Britain shows us what leftists have in store:

A Rotherham rape gangs survivor was ordered by a judge to remove a demand for her abusers to be deported in her courtroom victim impact statement, GB News can reveal.

Barrister Matthew Bean sniffed that it is “up to the Home Office” whether the foreigners who raped her can remain in the country they are colonizing. It certainly isn’t up to the British people.

The woman, who has her identity protected by court order, gave a moving statement in Sheffield Crown Court last week, over 20 years after she was groomed and abused from the age of 11.

The statement would have been more moving still, had it not been censored:

GB News has seen the original copy of the speech that she intended to deliver, which has several sections crossed out due to restrictions ordered by the judge, who is granted sight of the statement before it is read out in court.

The censored parts included her request that the serial child rapists be deported, which would be in accordance with the law:

Under the UK Borders Act 2007, a deportation order must be made where a foreign national has been convicted of an offence and received a custodial sentence of 12 months or more.


The survivor told GB News that Britain is failing to deport foreign rape gang abusers.

The leftists in charge would rather deport her instead, if only they could figure out where to deport the last English people to.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Sep 18 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Sep 18 2024

Another Alarming Kamala Quote

Imagine how any of the Founding Fathers would have reacted to this:

You home is not your home. It is the government’s home.

If people like Kamala Harris are allowed to consolidate power, this will not even vaguely resemble America.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Varla, and Wiggins.

Sep 18 2024

Experts Push Grasshopper-Based Diet

The insects moonbats want us to eat instead of a normal human diet are not merely edible; they are a superfood. The Experts have spoken:

[T]he next superfood might be crawling around in your backyard. Researchers in Cameroon have uncovered the surprising health benefits of a grasshopper-based diet, suggesting these insects could be the key to better sleep, healthier hair, and even a stronger libido.

The study comes out of the University of Dschang. You’d better eat the bugs without complaint, or else you’re a racist as well as a climate criminal.

The study published in the journal Food Science of Animal Products reveals that rats fed a diet of Ruspolia nitidula, a type of edible grasshopper common in Cameroon, experienced significant improvements in several health markers compared to rats on other diets.

If it’s good enough for rats, it’s good enough for the Little People. But don’t expect Bill Gates to eat any grasshoppers.

On a tip from Steve T.

Sep 18 2024

Larry Ellison Envisions Absolute Surveillance State

For an idea of how scary the near future will get if Big Government is not reined in, look to Big Tech:

Business Insider reports that during a recent Oracle meeting with financial analysts, [cofounder] Larry Ellison shared his thoughts on the future of AI-powered surveillance tools, painting a picture of a world where constant monitoring and reporting of citizens’ actions become the norm. Ellison, who ranks as the world’s sixth-richest man with a net worth of $157 billion according to Bloomberg, envisions a future where AI will be used to analyze data from various surveillance systems, including security cameras, police body cameras, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dashboard cameras similar to China’s social credit system.

In 1984, Winston Smith managed to find a corner out of view of the telescreen. But there will be no escape from supervision in the dystopia Ellison envisions:

“Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.”

Best behavior according to whom?

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Wiggins.


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