Busy, busy being creative..!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Do What You Love - Interview no.6 - Darryl Bullock

Interview number six in a series of ten - meeting Bristol people who 'Do What They Love!'

When I moved to Bristol, oh must be about five years ago now, The Spark was actually the first free magazine I came across and it really is something special. Connecting like-minded people from all over the west, well, all over the world actually, as far afield as America, Australia and Chile and copies are even sent to a cooperative in Romania!
So it was truly fantastic to meet and interview one of the lovely people behind it – Darryl Bullock.
Darryl Bullock  - Owner and publisher of The Spark, The UK's biggest ethical/green issues magazine.

Darryl Bullock at The Spark HQ - 'We're helping people change the way they live for the better – better for them and better for the planet'   ©Lydia Samuel Photography
Name: Darryl Bullock
Age: 48
Business: The Spark Magazine 
Location: Colston St, Bristol
What do you do?
I publish the UK's biggest ethical/green issues quarterly magazine. The Spark covers green, ethical, eco, community, family and food issues around the west country and has been doing so since 1993.
What do you love most about it?
The fact that we're making a difference; we're helping people change the way they live for the better – better for them and better for the planet.
How long have you been running The Spark?
I've been writing for the magazine for around ten years. Three years ago the founder of the magazine, John Dawson, asked me if I'd like to buy it off him - so I now own the business and am publisher as well as contributor to the magazine. It also means that I have staff, offices and tax bills to worry about!
How did you get there?
I gave up work at 30 and went back to college to study journalism; over the last 17 years I have written for a number of local, national and international publications and edited different sections of the Spark before taking over the magazine.
Before retraining to be a journalist I worked in the music industry – music is one of my great passions!
I ran a number of independent record shops – and used to love that. We could decide what was played and had control over how it was run and really got to know our customers – but after many years and working around the UK all the independents were being bought up by the big record shops. 
I did manage an HMV shop for a while – but when we started getting instructions from head office about what record we had to play and at what time – for example Kylie at 10.00 - I just knew it was time for me to go and do something different. 

The fun, excitement and freedom of that industry had changed so completely that it was no longer something I enjoyed.
'Writing isn't an easy path, but you’ll know if you are a writer'
©Lydia Samuel Photography
So I thought ‘what can I do?’ and seeing that I left school with 3 O-levels and didn't feel I was really qualified in anything else other than retail and music, needed to think about it. 

So after taking some time out I decided to pursue my other passion – writing. I’d always written. From a really young age I always had a notebook with me: I wrote a lot of poems, ideas for short stories, and still do. So that’s what led me to where I am now. 

I think if you are a writer then you’ll know you are as you’ll write all the time!
Four months into my studies in Bristol I had my first piece published in the Bath Chronicle. I went on to write some 200 pieces for them over the next three years.
From there I went to work for a fruit and veg supplier and started writing about veg! I really enjoyed that as I do like my food so it was another area that interested me. My writing was spotted and I was approached to write the food pages for the Spark – and that’s how I first became involved with the Spark ‘community’. It is more like a family than a business. We have lunch together and once people have joined they don’t leave. It really is a special place to work and be part of.
Just as things were becoming more difficult as a freelancer – for me and everyone else – the opportunity to buy The Spark came up. I was approached by John Dawson, who founded the magazine, as we'd worked together for many years and he thought that I would look after it and the respect the magazine's ethos. Being asked was a huge honour. We had to work out a ‘sparky’ deal to enable me to buy it though, as at the time I couldn't afford it – but it was something we both wanted and believed in so spent a good few months working out a way to make it happen. And it happened!
I feel I have been very lucky as I have never been without work – being a freelance writer is getting tougher and tougher, but things seemed to happen in a natural way for me, which I feel grateful for.
What was the biggest challenge you faced taking over as owner and publisher?

It’s been a huge learning curve going from being a freelance contributor to owner and publisher, as I didn't really know anything about how to publish a magazine . That's been the biggest challenge I’d say.
We have a ‘core-team’, who work part-time on the magazine as we all have other interests outside, as well and around 20 freelance contributors who work with us.  So I’ve learnt by doing. I love learning so it’s been a joy (and bloody hard work).
What’s been the highlight so far?
Working with people who care about what we do – it really is like a family. And meeting so many amazing people who love what they do.
What’s the Best piece of Advice you've been given?

Don’t run before you can walk.

Can you tell me about any success stories of how The Spark has helped someone?

There are so many it’s not easy to pick one! We really do get emails on a daily basis from people telling us how The Spark has inspired them. Most recently we've heard from a group of people who set up a wood recycling project after reading about the one here in Bristol that we featured in an issue. 

Darryl - Up for a laugh! ©Lydia Samuel Photography
And we often get asked to send copies to people who used to live here – but have since moved – one lady rang us the other day asking for a copy to be sent to her in Scotland as she was coming down to Bristol for a few days and knew the only place to get up-to-date on everything that has been going on was by getting a copy of The Spark.

That’s pretty amazing I think and one of the reasons I love doing this.

A batch of each issue gets sent out to a co-operative in Romania, through our friends at Essential Trading in Bristol. We don’t deal with this directly, but apparently they were sent a few copies some years back and now they always request the latest issue with their order!

Last year we even got a mention on Points West – not for what you might think – It was when we had that really cold snap. They interviewed a lady from Norway who now lives here for some tips on how to keep warm. She very proudly said she uses her old copies of The Spark after reading it from cover to cover, screwed up and put in her boots!  I was pleased to see that after being read it was having another use!

What have you learnt about yourself as a result?

That I’m much more tolerant now.  I’m a very opinionated person and have learnt to listen to other people’s views and opinions and to respect them for that and not be dismissive.
The Spark offers everyone a forum – a platform for people to have a voice and share their views – and even though I personally might not agree with them – I respect their different take on things.

When the Spark first started – 19 years ago (it’s our 20 year anniversary next May!) it was viewed as very much off the wall – but 20 years later we have seen a huge change and now being green and things that were once viewed as ‘alternative’  are much more mainstream and the norm.

Good advice from Darryl: 'trust yourself and check everything' ©Lydia Samuel Photography
If others want to do this I’d say...

When it comes to writing I’d say 'trust yourself and check everything', check your facts: do your research – make sure you know about who you are interviewing before meeting them. 

You’d be amazed by the amount of freelance writers we get applying to write for us who've never even read a copy of The Spark!!

Writing isn't an easy path, but you’ll know if you are a writer – as I said earlier – if you write all the time then you’re a writer!

What’s next?

We've recently launched a monthly e-newsletter, ‘The Sparkler’, which you can get direct to your inbox and you can also read a copy of The Spark online.

We aren't planning on making any big changes! And of course we’ll be celebrating our 20 year anniversary next May. We haven’t decided what we’ll do exactly – but we have a number of companies who have advertised with us since the very beginning so we’ll be looking to do something with them.

We actually run a form of barter system with some of the long-running advertisers – again I think that’s something a bit different and works well for both parties – but no actual money is involved. The Better Food Company is one example. They have been with us since the very beginning sand for a number of years they supplied us with a weekly vegetable box for our shared team lunches in exchange for an advert in the magazine. It’s a lot about community.

And for me, personally, I write a music blog that’s dedicated to the worlds worst records! I love ‘bad’ music! I’m currently working on a book of the blog and have been talking to Richard Jones at Tangent Books, another Bristol-based company, about publishing it next year.

My current favourite track is : Banana – What a Crazy Fruit by Rusty Canyon & The Banana Boys..

(I was treated to this musical delight before leaving – it was certainly a fun end of a very interesting and inspiring conversation with Darryl!)

The Spark is published quarterly is also available online: http://www.thespark.co.uk/

Darryl and the team are always pleased to hear from readers – so do drop them a line if there is something you’d like to say/share

And if you’d like to read about how The Spark got started in the first place – read this very honest and enlightening interview with founder John Dawson:
What is The 'Do What You Love' Project..?

After printing this message on my bags I thought - ooh I'd love to find ten local Bristol business people who do what they love, interview them about what they do, why they love it and how they've got there and also 'model' one of my bags / cushions.

I really wanted to work with a local photographer - so approached Lydia Samuel via Outset to see if she would be interested in collaborating with me. She was! Perfect!

So a call-out was created, posted on facebook and twitter and people started applying! Over thirty people applied, and it was really difficult to choose ten. I spent my time going through each application and selected the ten as I felt their passion really shone through.

Everyone who applied will be featured though in some way as I think it's important to celebrate everyone who is doing something they love!

These interviews and photographs are the results.

I hope you enjoy reading this series of interviews, and that it will inspire you in some way to pursue your dreams and ‘Do what you Love!’  (that is if you aren’t doing that already! - if you are - do let me know by leaving a comment about what you do and why you love it!).

Want your own 'Do What You Love' bag or cushion? 

They are currently on sale at the Pop-up Shop FABRIC in The Galleries, Bristol until the end of October, or email me directly bagsofloveforbristol@gmail.com. And why not come and say hello on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bags-of-Love-for-Bristol/444261982265482 

A description...

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Do What You Love - Interview no.5 - Libby Lane

Interview number five in a series of ten - meeting Bristol people who 'Do What They Love!' 

Libby Lane - Holistic Massage Therapist and co-owner of natural beauty brand Faith & Betty

Today I’d like you to meet Libby Lane – a website designer turned holistic massage therapist and co-owner of a natural beauty company. Libby’s passion and love for what she does is infectious and just goes to show how a change of career can mean finding who you really are and a whole new way of life!

The super lovely Libby Lane at Clifton Relaxation Centre.  ©Lydia Samuel Photography  

Name: Libby Lane
Age: 38
Business: Libby Lane Holistic Massage and Faith & Betty (I can’t choose, I love them both)
Location: Bristol
Website: Holistic Massage - www.libbylane.co.uk 
                  Faith & Betty website is a work in progress but will be ready soon

What do you do? 

I am a Holistic Massage practitioner and co-owner of herbal soap and body care company Faith & Betty.

As a practitioner I work with my own clients in a lovely, wooden treatment room in a garden in Whitehall/Greenbank and at the Relaxation Centre and also the Wellspring Complementary Health Clinic. I also work with charities, with healthcare organisations and in the community. Each day is different and each day I thank my lucky stars.

At Faith & Betty we make herbal soaps, lip balms, bath products and body products from totally natural ingredients. Many of our ingredients are sourced ethically, for example our Shea butter is from a fair-trade women’s project and all our soaps are organic. The beeswax in our lip balms is from bees we know!

How long have you been running your business for?

"looking back, I was at a crossroads in my life" ©Lydia Samuel Photography.
Holistic Massage – 5 years
Faith & Betty – 6 months!

What do you love most about it? 

I work with so many wonderful people and because the benefits of healing touch are so powerful and so good for us. I used to be a web developer but when I studied massage I found me. That’s why I love it so much.  

My life through my work is always evolving, there is always something new to learn from someone or something.
Faith & Betty works well on so many levels. It’s a company based on a friendship, trust, a mutual love for all things natural and blending delicious, natural ingredients to make beautiful things is just a glorious thing to do. It is also very important for us to provide a refreshing and natural alternative to chemical based body products.

How did you get there?

When I completed my Holistic Massage Diploma with the Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork in 2008 I was testing the waters of a new and exciting and totally different way of life. I had been working in new media for 10 years, and a few months earlier given birth to my first child and I guess, looking back, I was at a crossroads in my life.

Although I started to practice massage as soon as I had completed the course, I was still juggling the work of a whirly, techno web developer and the gorgeous, new, transformational work of a massage therapist. I wanted to leave the web world behind yet life seemed to be making me ease out of it gradually and naturally.

I am now committed to my life of massage and now, also to the fabulous Faith & Betty!

Five years since I graduated from BCMB, having had two more children, knocked web design on the head (except for my own!) I feel unleashed like I have never felt before. To experience life five years on from the juncture I was at in 2008 is unbelievably refreshing. The energy I have for life, for massage, for my children and for the future, is abundant and great!

As for Faith & Betty, it is a project which evolved organically between a friend, Faith Morton and I. It’s as if we always knew we were going to create something together from early in our friendship. We met three years ago. The name Faith & Betty was born before this project, so that’s testament to our plans and dreams before any plan or dream took shape! 

As soon as we started brainstorming ideas for soaps and lip balms we knew that we had something worth sharing with everybody else. A fine collaboration between artistic friends and my Photoshop skills produced a fantastic logo in superfast time, in time for our first market. This is where the story starts… we are excited for the future!

"Live life, love yourself and be kind to other people" says Libby ©Lydia Samuel Photography  
What was the biggest challenge you faced so far setting up as a holistic massage therapist?

I’m a mum to my three gorgeous children, Willow aged five, Freddie aged two and Gilby aged one and wife to my super supportive husband, so it’s been finding the piece of my life that belongs to me so I could learn massage in the first place. And then to continue carving out that time so that I can see clients and build my business.

What’s been the highlight so far?

Personally, it’s been really going for it after having my third child. Finding myself again as an individual and actually finding who I really am! And then on the other side it’s about helping all the different people I see – every treatment is different and is specific to each persons needs. Massage helps on an emotional as well as a physical level – so everyone gets something different from it. And that’s really special to me.

What’s the best piece of advice you've been given?

Many pieces resonate with me.
Live life, love yourself and be kind to other people, smile often, do things which make you happy, take control of your life, focus and be amazed at the results and never, ever stop learning.

"I've discovered that I’m braver
and stronger than I thought I was"
 ©Lydia Samuel Photography  
What have you learnt about yourself as a result of setting up your business?

To be more grounded, to be closer to who I am and to let go of what doesn't suit me anymore. That’s been quite a shift for me. I've also discovered that I’m braver and stronger than I thought I was.

Can you tell me about any clients in particular that you've helped?

Yes, two really stand out actually. I've helped a lady who went through a very traumatic emotional issue – I don’t need to know what it is to be able to help  – but working the body helped her to release a lot of stored up emotion and I could see she looked physically different after our session. Like a weight had been lifted. It showed in her face as well as how she moved. That was incredible.

And a gentleman who’s suffered chronic back pain ever since sustaining an injury as the result of an accident. He’s had an operation and although I don’t think his pain will ever go away, regular massage teamed with his positive outlook has really helped him lead a fuller life. I feel very grateful that I’m now able to help people in this way.

If others want to do this I’d say...

Indulge in the gorgeousness of bodywork, it makes you glow and others around you too.

What’s next?

I’d love to learn Thai yoga massage. I like floor work and am really interested in musculoskeletal problems so learning that form of massage really excites me. There is always more to learn, this is my life now and always will be.  I’ll continue with my holistic massage too of course and would like to be even more involved with working in the community.  

I currently work with a carers charity, where I give massages to carers on their days off – they have a lot going on in their lives and having a slice of time to themselves really helps them to deal with their current situation – whatever that may be.

I also spend time at an old peoples home in Redfield – that specialises in dementia. That really involves massaging the patients hands and talking to them . Touch is so powerful that each person I've worked with there does seem to respond to the touch and they become more aware of their surrounds. I would like to do more work like this alongside seeing my private clients. I feel  It’s important for people to feel listened to.

For Faith and Betty, we've got a whole host of ideas for new products that we want to work on.  Hand creams in particular - my uncle keeps bees and recently gave me some lovely bees wax - so watch this space!

I want to carve a path for myself to show my children that we can do what we love. I would love to hear them say “my mummy does something she loves”. If that happens I will be a very happy woman.

Libby and I at the end of the interview sharing the message
'Do what YOU Love!'
  ©Lydia Samuel Photography

Want to contact Libby?

You can book an appointment with Libby by visiting her website:

http://www.libbylane.co.uk or calling 07956 208613

or via the Clifton Relaxation Centre – http://www.relaxationcentre.co.uk/

and Libby will be giving chair massages at The Love Food festival at Paintworks on the 28 October

And as part of Faith and Betty – will be at The Magpies & I vintage Christmas fairs on 1st and 8th December.

 What is The 'Do What You Love' Project..?

After printing this message on my bags I thought - ooh I'd love to find ten local Bristol business people who do what they love, interview them about what they do, why they love it and how they've got there and also 'model' one of my bags / cushions.  

I really wanted to work with a local photographer - so approached Lydia Samuel via Outset to see if she would be interested in collaborating with me. She was! Perfect!

So a call-out was created, posted on facebook and twitter and people started applying! Over thirty people applied, and it was really difficult to choose ten. I spent my time going through each application and selected the ten as I felt their passion really shone through. 

Everyone who applied will be featured though in some way as I think it's important to celebrate everyone who is doing something they love!

These interviews and photographs are the results.

I hope you enjoy reading this series of interviews, and that it will inspire you in some way to pursue your dreams and ‘Do what you Love!’  (that is if you aren’t doing that already! - if you are - do let me know by leaving a comment about what you do and why you love it!). 

Want your own 'Do What You Love' bag or cushion? 

They are currently on sale at the Pop-up Shop FABRIC in The Galleries, Bristol until the end of October, or email me directly bagsofloveforbristol@gmail.com. And why not come and say hello on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bags-of-Love-for-Bristol/444261982265482