100 Below - The Flash Drive

She was about to pull off an intelligence coup that would rival any in history.

Her life had been preparing for this. Chinese immigrant parents taught her their rural accent. She worked harder than her obvious intelligence required in school. Good luck gave her physical beauty.

She’d spent years insinuating herself, eventually, into the bed of a top intelligence official. Now she had a list of active agents on a $4 flash drive wrapped in cellophane pushed further inside her than any man had ever been.

She’d omit the last part when she turned in the drive.

Kevin Kim said:

But before she could make the drop-off to her handler on the appointed morning, she gave in to carnal desire and spent a wild night with Milton Berle. The precious flash drive, though safe from Chinese invasion, was battered beyond repair by Merle’s prodigious caber. Ones and zeroes, bereft of all meaning and coherence, tumbled through her bloodstream along with all the hormonal markers of guilt.

But not of regret.

Heh. Goodness. Uncle Miltie. Since his passing I’ve read that James Woods is now the “biggest” guy in Hollywood.

Not that I would know of course…

Kevin Kim said:

Yikes — I typed “Merle” when I meant “Berle.”

Yeah, I recall that Howard Stern used to pepper James Woods with questions about his manhood.

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