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irish internet hub
Here is an excellent gateway for exploring the conflict in Northern Ireland from the viewpoints of Loyalists, Republicans, and many other groups and organizations.

Directly from the home page you can link to 17 political parties, including Sinn Fein, The Democratic Unionist Party, The Green Party, The Northern Ireland Alliance Party and the SDLP. Each party's site offers their history, beliefs, and objectives as well as documents, newsletters, press releases, links to online shops for key books and information on how to join the party.

For delving further into the politics of Ireland and Northern Ireland (and for up-to-date news on the 1997 all-party peace talks) the Irish Internet Hub's homepage also links to online magazines, newspapers and news sources, including RTE Teletext; a New York Irish Republican newspaper; the Limerick Post ; the Belfast Telegraph; the Irish Times; an Irish anarchist newspaper, and much more. The major papers have searchable databases.

There are also links from this homepage to research and scholarly material on the conflict, such as the web site of CAIN (Conflict Archive on the Internet) a group which is developing a database of resources relevant to teaching and research on the Northern Ireland conflict and other ethnic conflicts.

Finally, this large web site is a good jumping-off point for links to information on Ireland's culture, literature, music, tourism, weather and genealogical research.

Up-to-date and well-organized, "Irish Internet Hub" lives up to its claim to being "a passport to Irish locations on the web."

home .  the conflict .  inside the ira .  readings .  poems & songs .  special reports .  chronology .  map .  links .  viewer discussion .  press reaction .  tapes & transcripts

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