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murder money and mexico
family tree
mexican news

dr. dornbuschdr. dornbusch
M.I.T. professor, free market economy specialist and former advisor to Carlos Salinas.
Adriana SalinasAdriana Salinas
Sister of Raul and Carlos, and ex-wife of assassinated Jose Francisco (Pepe) Ruiz Massieu, General Secretary of the PRI.
dr. john womackdr. john womack
Harvard University history professor and an intimate of Carlos Salinas since student days.

thomas a. constantine
Administrator, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Charles Intriago
Money laundering expert and a former federal prosecutor.
Jerome Levenson
International banking expert and professor at American University Law School. He is former general counsel at the Inter-American Development Bank.
Dr. Valentin RoschacherDr. Valentin Roschacher
Swiss investigator in charge of investigating the millions of dollars in Raul Salinas's foreign bank accounts. He is Chief of the Central Office for Narcotics of the Swiss National Police.
Doug Wankel
Former head of DEA operations.
Barry McCaffrey Barry McCaffrey
U.S. drug czar. He has been director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy since February 1996.
mexico observers
Adolfo Aquilar Zinser
Mexican congressman involved in the Mexican Congress's first independent investigation into corruption.
Jorge CastenadaJorge Castenada
Mexican political analyst and professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
james jones
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.
Andres OppenheimerAndres Oppenheimer
Foreign correspondent for the Miami Herald and author of Bordering on Chaos--Guerrillas, Stockbrokers, Politicians and Mexico's Road to Prosperity , first published in the U.S. by Little, Brown & Company. (It is a best-selling book in Mexico.)
Jose Luis Perez Canchola
Vice President of the Mexican Academy of Human Rights.
Juan Sanchez-NavarroJuan Sanchez-Navarro
Prominent Mexican business leader and owner of Corona beer.

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