The Public-Domian.Org web site is not active, but here are some
archives: This is a 1998 version of the web page, from the Wayback
Relevant to the 1996 WIPO negotations on treaties, with particular
attention to the database treaty.
These are a few examples of analysis that had an impact on the
outcome of the 1996 WIPO negotiations on a database treaty.
James Love, A
Primer On The Proposed WIPO Treaty On Database Extraction Rights
That Will Be Considered In December 1996 , October 29, 1996,
Revised November 10, 1996, Consumer Project on Technology
James Love, Government Proposes New
Regulation of Sports Statistics and other "facts"
Info-Policy-Notes, November 10, 1996, revised November 12,
2004 version of the web page
2011 version of the web page