Right-Wing Apocalyptic, Conspiracist, Populist, and Racist Texts - 1790-1989 Previous | TOC | Next
Political Research Associates
Selected Historic Right-Wing Conspiracist, Populist,
and Racist Texts - 1790-1989
Listed in reverse chronological order by date of original publication
Includes a variety of works with themes involving conspiracism, anti-elitism,
populism, apocalypticism, White supremacy, and antisemitism.
This is a reference chronology, and is not meant to imply congruence
of ideology.
{original or earlier year of publication appears in these brackets}
- James Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations
and the American Decline, (Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands,
- Larry Abraham, Call it Conspiracy, (Seattle, WA: Double A Publications,
1985). Features a prologue by Gary North who became a leading Christian
Reconstructionist ideologue.
- William P. Hoar, Architects of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History,
(Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1984).
- John F. McManus, The Insiders, (Belmont, MA: John Birch Society,
- Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, None Dare Call It Conspiracy,
(Seattle, WA: Double A Publications, 1983) Revised and expanded from
original edition.
- Muhammad Safwat al-Saqqa Amini & Sa'di Abu Habib, Freemasonry, pamphlet,
(Arabic version, Makkah al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia: The Muslim World
League, 1980; English version, New York City: The Muslim World League,
- Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, (Boston and Los
Angeles: Western Islands, 1981).
- Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, (South Pasadena, CA:
Emissary Publications, 1978).
- Gary Allen, Tax Target: Washington, (Seal Beach, California:
'76 Press, 1978). With a special introduction by Howard Jarvis.
- Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold, (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press,
- Michel Sturdza, Betrayal By Rulers, (Boston and Los Angeles:
Western Islands, 1976).
- Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Today, (Belmont: American
Opinion, 1976).
- Martin Larson, The Federal Reserve and our Manipulated Dollar:
With Comments on the Causes of Wars, Depressions, Inflation and Poverty,
(Old Greewich, CT: Devin-Adair, 1975).
- David A. Noebel, Marxist Minstrels: A Handbook on Communist Subversion
of Music, (Tulsa, Oklahoma: American Christian College Press, 1974).
- Martin A. Larson, Tax Revolt U.S.A.!: Why and How Thousands of
Patriotic Americans Refuse to Pay the Income Tax, (Washington,
DC: Liberty Lobby, 1973).
- Phoebe Courtney, Beware Metro and Regional Government! (Littleton,
CO: The Independent American Newspaper, 1973).
- Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority, (Cape Canaveral,
FL: Howard Allen Publisher, 1972).
- Garry Allen with Larry Abraham, None Dare Call It Conspiracy,
paperback edition, (Rossmor, CA & Seal Beach, CA: Concord Press,
1972); reissued revised in hardcover.
- Gary Allen, Nixon's Palace Guard, (Boston and Los Angeles:
Western Islands, 1971).
- Mary M. Davison, Twentieth Century Snow Job, (Lighthouse Point,
FL: Council for Statehood, circa 1970).
- Cleon Skousen The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on
Dr. Carroll Quigley's Book: Tragedy and Hope--A History of the World
in Our Time, (Salt Lake City, UT: self published/Reviewer, 1970).
- Bob Larson, Hippies-Hindus and Rock and Roll, (McCook, Nebraska:
Bob Larson, 1969).
- John Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, MO: Liberty
Bell Press, 1968).
- Martin A. Larson, The Great Tax Fraud: How the Federal Government
Favors the Rich and Exploits the Masses, (New York: Devin-Adair
Company, 1968).
- Eustace Mullins, The Biological Jew, (Staunton, VA: Faith and
Service Books, ca. 1968).
- Dr. W. S. McBirnie, The Real Power Behind Communism, pamphlet,
(Glendale, CA: Center for American Research and Education, n.d., circa
- Gordon Lindsay, Will the Antichrist Come Out of Russia?, (Dallas:
Voice of Healing Publications, 1966).
- Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. (Boston
and Los Angles: Western Islands, 1966).
- Mary M. Davison, The Profound Revolution, (Omaha, Nebraska:
The Greater Nebraskan, 1966).
- Phyllis Schlafly and Chester Ward, Strike from Space, revised
and expanded, (Alton, IL: Pere Marquette Press, 1966).
- Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our
Time, (New York: MacMillan, 1966), republished by GSG & Associates.
- David A. Noebel, Rhythm, Riots and Revolution, (Tulsa, OK:
Christian Crusade Publications, 1966).
- Robert Welch, The New Americanism, (Boston: Western Islands,
- Alan Stang, It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights,
(Boston: Western Islands, 1965).
- David A. Noebel, Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles, (Tulsa,
Oklahoma: Christian Crusade Publications, 1965).
- Phyllis Schlafly and Chester Ward, The Gravediggers. (Alton,
IL: Pere Marquette Press, 1964).
- John Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, (Florissant, Missouri:
Liberty Bell Press, 1964).
- Phyllis Schlafly, A Choice Not An Echo (Alton, IL: Pere Marquette
Press, 1964).
- G. Edward Griffin, The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United
Nations, (Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1964).
- Fred Schwartz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists), (Long
Beach, CA: Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, 1962. Multiple reprintings.
- Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (originally self-published
in 1962). Republished, Americanist Library, Boston and Los Angeles: Western
Islands, 1965 and 1977.
- Mary M. Davison, The Secret Government of the United States, (Omaha,
Nebraska: The Greater Nebraskan, 1962).
- Francis Parker Yockey, (under pseudonym Ulick Varange), Imperium:
The Philosophy of History and Politics, (1948) Republished Costa
Mesa, CA: Noontide Press, 1962).
- Carleton Putnam, Race and Reason: A Yankee View, (Washington,
DC: Public Affairs Press, 1961).
- Eustace Mullins, The Secret Holocaust (Word of Christ Mission,
no date, ca 1960s).
- Robert Welch, The Blue Book of the John Birch Society, (Belmont,
MA: self published, 1959.), Note that in various printings by the John
Birch Society, text is dropped or added, and footnoted comments shift
numbers. 1961 saw the twenty-first printing.
- Kenneth Goff, Reds Promote Racial War, pamphlet, (Colorado:
self-published [Soldiers of the Cross], 1958).
- Eustace Mullins, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, second edition,
(Union, NJ: Christian Educational Association, 1954).
- Emanuel M. Josephson, Rockefeller, `Internationalist': The Man
Who Misrules the World. (New York: Chedney Press, 1952).
- Kenneth Goff, One World a Red World, pamphlet, (Colorado: self-published,
- Eustace Mullins, Mullins on the Federal Reserve, (New York:
Kaspar and Horton, 1952);
- John Beaty The Iron Curtain Over America (Dallas, TX: Wilkinson
Publishing, 1951). Reprinted by Noontide Press, blurbs on first three
- John T. Flynn, While You Slept: Our Tragedy in Asia and Who Made
It, (1951). Republished, Americanist Library, Boston and Los Angeles:
Western Islands, 1965.
- Ralph De Toledano, Seeds of Treason: The True Story of the Chambers-Hiss
Tragedy, (1950). Republished in Americanist Library, Boston and
Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1965.
- E.C. Knuth, Empire of "The City": A Basic History of
International Power Politics, (Mequon, Wisconsin: Empire Publishing
Co., 1946). A tract claiming Jewish bankers run Britain and control
international politics from the London financial district.
- New Dealers in Office, pamphlet, (Indianapolis: The Fellowship
Press, circa 1941).
- Rev. Denis Fahey, The Rulers of Russia, (Orig. Pub. 1938),
Republished by Father Coughlin's Social Justice, 1940. Claims Jewish
bankers control Russian Bolshevism.
- Elizabeth Dilling, The Roosevelt Red Record and its Background, (Chicago:
self-published, 1936).
- Father Denis Fahey's The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern
World, (Dublin: Browne and Nolan, 1935).
- Gertrude Coogan's Money Creators: Who Creates Money? Who Should
Create It?, (Chicago: Sound Money Press, 1935).
- Elizabeth Dilling, The Red Network: A "Who's Who" and
Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots, (Chicago: self-published,
- Victor E. Mardsen, The Protocols of Zion, "Translated
from the Russian Text," (Britain: 1934). [Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion]. Republished by Ford's Dearborn Independent, with
full inside title: The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders
of Zion with Preface and Explanatory Notes.
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, (Germany: Verlag Frz. Eher Nachf,
G.M.B.H., 1927). Republished, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1971.
- Blair Coán, The Red Web: 1921 1924, (1925). Republished,
Americanist Library, Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1969.
- Nesta H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements,
(London: Boswell Printing, 1924).
- Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization,
(London: Constable, 1921).
- The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, Vol. 1-4,
(Dearborn, MI: The Dearborn Publishing Co., 1920-1922). Republished,
Reedy, WV: Liberty Bell Publications, 1976.
- Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color (Against White World-Supremacy).
(1920) Republished, Brighton, England: Historical Rev. Press, 1981.
- Nesta H. Webster, The French Revolution, (1919). Republished,
Noontide Press, 1988.
- Thomas Dixon, Jr., The Leopard's Spots: A Romance of the White
Man's Burden--1865-1900, (New York: A. Wessels Company, 1906)
- G. Butmi de Katzman, Enemies of the Human Race, (Russia: 1906).
[A version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion].
- Thomas Dixon, Jr., The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku
Klux Klan, (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1905).
- Sergei A. Nilus, (Russia: 1905). [A version of the Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion]. The Protocols first appeared as an appendix
in The Big in the Small, and Antichrist as a Near Political Possibility;
Notes of an Orthodox Person by Nilus, republished to much wider audiences
in 1911 and 1917.
Before 1899
- E. Hutchinson, Startling Facts for the Know Nothings, (New
York, self-published, 1855). Anti-Catholic.
- John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy--against All the Religions
and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons,
Illuminati and Reading Societies, fourth edition with postscript,
(1798). Reprinted, Boston: Western Islands, 1967.
- Abbé Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History
of Jacobinism, second edition revised and corrected, English translation
by Robert Clifford, reprinted in one volume, (1797-98). Reprinted,
Fraser, MI: Real-View-Books, 1995
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