Jan is the antenna of a Ham Radio Operators dream. She brings about feelings of a connectedness on the 6 meter frequency, and won't get a Ham in trouble with his wife.
For: inanimate contest
Jan is the antenna of a Ham Radio Operators dream. She brings about feelings of a connectedness on the 6 meter frequency, and won't get a Ham in trouble with his wife.
For: inanimate contest
Spork had a heck of a Saturday night, and woke up feeling ohh so loved.
For: inanimate contest
A caterpillar suspended away from the dozens that also lived in this tree.
For: bokeh contest
Some Scum found in a marsh in Grave Creek, southern Oregon. If you look close, you can see a little snail.
For: bokeh contest
This is a Cardinal Meadowhawk found in Rogue River, Oregon. He sat on a twig and allowd me to snap away, without running off.
For: bokeh contest