Motivational Quotes of the Day
Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - January 26, 2025
- Poetry should please by a fine excess and not by singularity. It should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost as a remembrance.
- John Keats (1795 - 1821)
- Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed in them.
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), Walden: Economy, 1854
- Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud and one the stars.
- Frederick Langbridge (1849 - 1923)
- You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.
- John Wooden (1910 - )
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