The Best Anime Characters With Pink Hair

The Best Anime Characters With Pink Hair

Ranker Anime
Updated January 28, 2025 336.9K views 124 items
Ranked By
371.4K votes
39.0K voters
33 reranks
Voting Rules

Vote on your favorite pink hair anime characters.

Latest additions: Madoka Kaname, Cherry Blossom, Yoon
Most divisive: Ayato Sakamaki
Over 39.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Anime Characters With Pink Hair

It might seem odd if you saw it in real life, but in the world of anime, characters with pink hair are dime a dozen. For this list, we're ranking the best pink haired anime characters of all time, with the help of your votes. Pink is admittedly not the most popular hair color in anime, but there are plenty of really popular characters that have pink hair, including Sakura from Naruto, Natsu from Fairy Tail, and Yachiru from Bleach. Although pink hair might suggest innocence, there are still characters like Lucy from Elfen Lied that you certainly wouldn't want to take lightly. 

So, who are your favorite pink hair anime girls and guys? This list features mostly female characters, but there are certainly some boys in anime with pink hair as well (though it's not very common). If one of your favorites is missing below, please add it so you can see how many others will vote for that person too. Who knows, the character you added might just end up rising to the top of the list and taking the #1 spot!

  • Kolulu
    758 votes
    Zatch Bell
  • Airi
    763 votes
    Queen's Blade
    Airi is a fictional character from Fist of the North Star.
  • Elena Himekawa
    634 votes

    Elena Himekawa

    Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle
  • Tommyrod
    624 votes
    Tommyrod is a fictional character from the TV Series Toriko.