This list of the top Christmas music bands in the world includes all of your favorite holiday season musicians who have released recordings with distribution, with the order decided by fans internationally. Examples of artists on this list fange from Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra, to Mariah Carey and Linda Brava.
All important, significant and iconic names in Christmas music music history deserve your votes, so make sure to choose wisely. You can only vote once on this list.
The list below includes all newer and older Christmas music singers/groups, and it serves as an accurate compilation of the best examples of Christmas music, as well as a good place to start if you're asking yourself, or friends, exactly how to get into Christmas music music.
This list answers the questions "who are the best Christmas music bands of all time?" and "who is the greatest Christmas music musician ever?" If you know enough about the genre, please vote based on the quality of the band's music instead of just voting for the most popular Christmas music bands that you might've heard of, but not really listened to closely enough to cast an informed vote.
Over 1.1K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Christmas Music Bands/Artists