Georgi Markov

Georgi Markov

Georgi Ivanov Markov (Bulgarian: Георги Иванов Марков; 1 March 1929 – 11 September 1978) was a Bulgarian dissident writer. Markov originally worked as a novelist and playwright in his native country, the People's Republic of Bulgaria, until his defection in 1968. After relocating, he worked as a broadcaster and journalist for the BBC World Service, the US-funded Radio Free Europe and West Germany's Deutsche Welle. Markov used such forums to conduct a campaign of sarcastic criticism against the incumbent Bulgarian regime, which, according to his wife at the time he died, eventually became "vitriolic" and included "really smearing mud on the people in the inner circles".Georgi Markov was assassinated on a London street via a micro-engineered pellet containing ricin, fired into his leg from an umbrella wielded by someone associated with the Bulgarian Secret Service. It has been speculated that they asked the KGB for help.  ...more on Wikipedia

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Famous People Who Died in EnglandFamous People From BulgariaFamous People Born in 1929Famous People Who Died in LondonFamous Authors from BulgariaFamous TV Actors from BulgariaFamous Male Journalists