I was tagged by the fabulous Shannon to do a post all about ME! I thought it was a really fun idea, so I am going to do her tag. First off 11 random things about me:
Your job is to post 11 random things about yourself
1. I graduated high school at 17 and was engaged at 18. I got married less than 1 month after I turned 19. Now that I look back on it, I think my parents were crazy to be ok with me getting married so young even though Shane is a wonderful husband. I would freak out if my kids wanted to get married so young. So glad I chose a gem of a husband!
2. I wear socks to bed almost every night. Even in the summer. My feet are always cold, and the socks help warm them up!
3. I take above socks off about an hour after I get into bed and throw them on the floor. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
4. I love expensive purses. My sister in law Kim got me hooked on them and it's hard for me to carry a cheaper purse....not saying I won't, but she has ruined me.
5. I read all the time. I always have a book on my nightstand that I am reading (besides my scriptures). I just love to read. If given a day to do whatever I wanted, I would spend some of that day laying on the couch and reading.
6. I have been on an all cash budget for about 4-5 months and I love it. This was my idea because I didn't think I was doing a great job staying in my monthly budget so I instituted this a few months ago. Shane didn't want to do it, but he now loves it to! I go to the bank every two weeks on payday and get my two week allotment. I have it down to how many hundreds (not many), fifties, twenties, tens, fives, and ones I need. They always ask me if I am having a garage sale. When I tell them it's my budget money, I get a strange look like "why don't you just use your debit card??" Anyway-this really works for us. I still pay bills online, but anythings else is paid in cash.
7. I love eggs. I could have an egg everyday for breakfast. In college I perfected the art of making a fried egg. My roomates loved them, and now my husband and kids do too. Just let me know if you want it soft or hard and I can deliver!
8. I wish I was a better "Holiday" decorator. I mean I make our house look nice for Christmas, but I struggle with other holidays. I love holiday decor, but hate to mess with it. The getting it out, putting your everyday stuff away, packing up the holiday stuff again....ugh gives me a headache. Really though...I wish I loved it more.
9. I love a good treat. I have to have a treat everyday. I mean, I just do.
10. I love anything apple. Apple fritters, apple pie, apple turnovers, plain apples, apple candles, apple anything...it's so fresh, I just love it!
11. I've never met Shannon!!! I found her blog online a few years ago and was intrigued that we both had boys named Peyton and Connor, although her boys named are spelled differently than mine. She writes a lovely blog about her life, and is so inspirational about being a good mom, sister, wife, friend, mormom, and a great person in general. She has passed through Utah a couple of times, but we've never been able to meet up. She lives closer to me than she used to, so someday we will meet. I feel like I know her already, so it's pretty funny to me that I have an "online" friend that I have never met.
And answer these 11 questions (taken from Q and A a Day: 5-Year Journal
- Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
- Today was amusing because _________
- How hungry are you right now?
- Bad news: sugarcoated or straight-up?
- How do you get out of a rut?
- What are you a geek about?
- What do you crave?
- What was the last bad movie you watched?
- Do you have any new friends?
- You want a new _________
- What makes you feel wonderful?
1. Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
Somedays I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants and so unorganized, but I would say in general, I am a planner.
2. Today was amusing because___________
I met a friend of mine at the park and we let our little girls play together. We used to be in the same ward and be visiting teaching partners, but our ward split, and we are now in different wards in two different buildings. It was fun to spend some time with her and catch up!
3. How hungry are you right now?
Not too bad. I gained a few pounds over the summer, nothing crazy, but I would love to lose 5 lbs. I am back to doing Lose It on my phone, so I think I could pretty much always be in the mood to eat!!
4. Bad News? Sugarcoated or Straight-up? Straight-up. Just tell me so I can process it and figure things out. I would say I am a pretty up-beat person and tend to see the bright side of things.
5. How do you get out of a rut?
Being able to talk things through with my husband, family, and friends. The girls in my life really keep and help me to get motivated.
6. What are you a geek about?
I am a rule follower. I get super bugged when I see others not following the rules.
7. What do you crave?
Food. Always good food. Cafe Rio, pizza, Chick-fil-A, Arctic Circle, Wendy's.....I may have a junk food addiction!
8. What was the last bad movie you watched?
Hummmm.....We watched The Adventures of the Wilderness Family a couple weeks ago for family movie night. I loved it, but Shane kept pointing out all these inconsistencies in the movie that made me think "yeah that doesn't make much sense," but I still enjoyed it!
9.Do you have any new friends?
Yes!! I have recently become better friends with my new visiting teaching partner. We have known each other for about 1 year, but are becoming better friends, and it's been fun to see how much we have in common.
10. You want a new ______?
Set of furniture for our basement. I would love a big, comfty, leather sectional. It would be great to be able to lounge down there as a family and have room to put up our feet. I also could stand to loose the plaid hand-me-downs.....although I am grateful for anything at all to sit on!
11. What makes you feel wonderful?
Knowing that my Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me. I am so amazed by times when I have really struggled with a problem and then circumstances change and everything works out as it was suppose to. I didn't choose to be infertile, and sometimes I really struggle with that. I can't deny all of the wonderful things that have happened to us because of infertility. I have 3 of the most wonderful children I could ever hope for, and the experiences we've had as they have come into our lives....I wouldn't trade those for anything!