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webtour and images by RFJ

There is an inherent paradox in creating a website and virtual visual tour for a bookshop dedicated to the written word. Yet it must be acknowledged that even the most florid prose cannot begin to describe the visual cacophony of the shop and Tumbleweed Hotel, places whose book-lined walls assault the visual sense. Fortunately, there are new technologies that allow a new type of illustration which will be used to attempt to compensate for the failings of the written word.

This first virtual tour is composed of panoramic images for which some viewing tips may be seen by clicking here; these will soon be supplemented with a series of full spherical images that will provide the web-surfer with a strikingly realistic sense of place.

For the innumerable thousands of you who have visited the real stone and paper Shakespeare and Company, we hope that the images presented on this website will be a visual / virtual madeleine, that they will evoke fond memories of your perhaps long-ago visit to this unique place, and that they may encourage you someday to return.

--Robert Fields Jeantet

          Learn more about writers at
Shakespeare and Company at
The Literary Traveler