Syukur Alhamdulillah ..syukur yg tak terhingga coz I was born to be an electrical engineer not a statistician..
Korang ada kawan2 yg keja as statistician tak? Depa2 ni normal tak?
I think..they are all ..Outliers..dun u think so?
Kenapa yg aku merepek pasal statistic secara2 tiba2 nih?
Sebab hari nih..genap lah 5 hari kepeningan aku in my SPI's all about statistic..and it's driving me nuts..
I was confused from the day 1..until i step out from the last session today.
Kesian kilang aku..they invested so much to send someone like me to a such training..and I don't have a single clue..what am I going to do with all the statistical theorem that I just learnt..
We are going to have the 2nd session in early Dec..mmmmm...
But the only thing that I like during the training is..the great food that was served..
Siap ada ayam percik tuhhh...
Kita org mmg suka external training compared to the internal know why?
Instead of we dun hav to digest all the "not so tasty" food from our foodcourt vendor..
and also we dun have to mind of working after the training.
Kalau internal training, kena masuk lab balik..kena keja ahh..if not..faham2 jelah.
External training nih..boss tak expect you will coming back to office.dan tak yah nak layan email yg subjectnya memanjang URGENT.tak de yg tak urgent..
Eventhough the syllabus is quite tough..but I still enjoy it.
We knew something new..explore new things..get new mental sickness too :-)
Training tuh kat SHRDC - Worldwide bussiness Centre, yg tepi federal highway tu lah.
May be ramai yg dah pernah attend training kat sini kan?
Tempat nih, location bagus..tapi cam sunyi giler, so many vacant shop lots. Kalau tak de SHRDC, mau tempat nih jadi gajah putih kot.
Aku pernah pi training excel advance kat sini gak a few years back, so dah tak ingat the shortest route nak pi sana. So, mlm sebelum tuh, 2-3 kali Bob bwk aku tour just to make sure wife dia yg ngada2 nih tak sesat dan sampai on time besok pagi. Siap, dia tolong cari jln alternative lagi..he..he..
Selain dilengkapi ngan sebotol air mineral, semangkuk sweets just to keep us awake, we were also equip with laptop sorang satu yg didtgkan khas dari kilang kita sendiri, bukan dari that training centre. Yg tak best, tak de internet. :-(
So, petang jumaat tuh, after last word from the trainer, we all fly home happily ..
Yg tak syok, on the way nak masuk federal, aku dah lip lap..lip lap bagi signal ke kanan, aku nampak dia stop kat blkg keta aku..then suddenly, dia cium bobtot keta aku lak..suwei tul !
Then both of us stop at tepi..aku tgk bumper aku kemek..tapi tak de ahh teruk sgt..
Tapi aku tak terus kuar..manalah tahu kot2 road bully yg purposely langgar aku..
Aku tgk dari side mirror, mamat hensem kuar..then aku kuar ahh.
Terus aku membebel kat dia..
" u saw stop just now rite? and I saw u stop, then why u still bang my car?"
dan byk lagi yg aku membebel kat dia..speaking London..
then dia cakap, saya melayu kak..
ngan tersipu malu..aku cakap..." oo..ok, i thought u are chinese, u look like chinese"..he..he...
Rupa2 nya, nama dia best Qhayum Hafiz, keja RHB..
Ingatkan nak marah dia lagih..tapi dia lak yg susah hati lebih2 tgk keta dia..
Tak habih2 dia cakap "habis lah saya kak,mesti ayah saya marah saya nih"
Dia kata dia baru beli keta nih dan dia baru start keja.
Keta dia teruk sikit ah dari keta aku. Dia nyer keta bumper pecah sikit, dah tuh dia kena cat lain.
Aku neyr bumper tak de apa2 pun, kemek tuh, tekan dari dlm..terus ok. Cat no problem..cuma bumper tuh slightly shifted ke bwh..
So, aku tgk post dia kat name card, dia cakap dia beli keta gen-2 tuh kena bapak dia jadi guarator..aku dah boleh agak ahh gaji dia..sian lak..
So, aku cakap, tak yah bayar apa2 ahh kat aku..suruh dia settle sendiri keta dia..the I let him go.
Dan dia bukan org pertama yg langgar bumper aku yg aku let go..malas ahh nak pjg2 citer..asal keta aku tak de apa..buat apa nak susah2kan org..bukan dia sengaja pun..kan?
Cakap pasal keta..skrg Bob kat Grik, so he'll be back fortnightly, so keja aku panaskan enjin keta dia ahh..
Terfikir gak aku..sian si stream tuh, tuan dia tak de 2 minggu, 2 minggu ahh dia tak, aku terfikir nak rotate sekali sekala bwk pi keja..
Tapi lepas insiden org langgar bontot aku..aku pun ..dgn guna teori2 statistic yg aku belajar..
What I can conclude is..based on the calculated alpa risk, I have to accept my alternative hyphotesis which can't rule out that type of car will be the important KPIV of my KPOV ( my driving perfromace)..., do I sound like a statistician..or mad lady ?? he..he...