Monday, November 5, 2012

                                            Halloween 2012. Emma was bat girl. Wyatt was all snug in his cocoon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So alot has happened in the last few months. The biggest is we had a little boy. Back in December we found out I was pregnant. Completely shocking but exciting. The pregnancy went smoothly other than being tired all the time and the grueling summer heat was a killer. But onto the real story....

The Labor Story.
So at 36 weeks the doctor told me i was already dilating and 80% effaced and that he did not think I would go full term. So Shawn and I were very anxious. But 2 weeks later I had not progressed at all, which was very depressing. We tried everything to try and induce labor, but of course nothing worked. September 8th rolled around and I gave up. He was never gonna come. So I decided to get my life back and do something normal. So I went over to my parents to sew a dress for Emma. While there I was sitting and leaned over to pick something up when I felt a small gush. I was not sure it was the real deal so I went and checked. I still wasn't convinced so I call Shawn who told me to call the doctor. Dr Holmes said I could go in and get checked or wait to see if contractions started. I didn't want to go and get turned away so I said I would wait until 7pm. Throughout the afternoon I keep having gushes so I knew for sure that my water had broken. Around 6 we went over to my parents to drop off Emma's stuff. From there we headed to Fry's Electronic to buy a new movie.( yeah we're movie junkies)
 I got to the hospital around 8pm. They didn't check me until 9pm. I was dilated to a 5 and still 80% effaced. I was shocked cause I wasn't having regular contractions and they weren't really hurting. The hospital was pretty busy, so I didn't get put into my L&D room until 10pm. I told the nurses I was planning on doing it natural since the first one was pretty quick, but by then I was considering it. But I stayed strong and kept telling myself I could do it. I was able to work through the contractions. My doctor got there shortly after I got to my room. He did computer work for a while. About 10:30 he said he was gonna go take a nap. He turned back and said, "Unless I felt the urge to push." OH YEAH I did. There was so much pressure and it felt like I was tearing. My body was in distress, like it knew this baby was only an inch from being born. Strangely I didn't really feel in any pain by then. Dr Holmes checked me he got a look of seriousness on his face and said it was time. The nurses came in and got me ready.
     He told me to push but I was not quiet prepared so it was a short weak push. By the next contraction I was ready. I gave one huge push and he was born. September 8, 2012 at 10:57pm Wyatt Scott Burk was born weighing 7lbs14oz 20in long. Both of my children were born on their due dates. The first thing the nurse said was how big his feet were. But I couldn't believe it. It was done and even faster than the first time. I was so proud that I did it without any pain meds.

      He is such a sweet boy and I love him so much. He is growing so fast. I will post pictures soon. But I have to go cause he is awake.

Friday, March 30, 2012

It has been awhile. It feels like we have very busy, so I will just give you the highlights.
A few weeks ago we took a family day trip to Sedona. We hiked to Devil's Bridge.

Shawn and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. We went up to the cabin to relax. Emma had her first quad ride.

This week my SIL invited us to go to the Wildlife World Zoo. It was a lot of fun spending time with the family. Emma had fun but was exhausted by the end.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am 24yrs!!!!
We celebrated my birthday by taking a hot air balloon ride. It was surreal and beautiful. Not scary at all. We also went and got a massage. But the best part would probably spending the day together.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

This Christmas Season....
We went to the cabin for a much needed break.
Emma had her first official encounter w/snow.
She was a little unsure of what to do.

my comment "wow those lawn ornaments look so real!"
Shawn's reply, "That is because they are."

Emma played an angel in The Burk Nativity Reenactment.

We had a wonderful Christmas. Hope everyone did also.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Family Pictures.

We are doing great. Shawn is adjusting to his job. But doing great. I am adjusting to him being gone. Emma is doing great. She is all over the place. I am afraid she is taking after Shawn.
Hope everyone is have a great Holiday Season.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I just love Halloween.
We wanted to be something different. Shawn came up the idea of being

A Zombie Family....

Emma was a good sport with letting us put make up on her.
We even won BEST COSTUME at our ward Halloween party.

And what do zombies eat?

Brain Cupcakes.