Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So I started a new job a few weeks ago.... and I love it. I am working in Madras at Edward Jones with Annette Vardanega and she rocks :o) We are busy and the days fly! There is always something to do... which is unlike my last job. The days were passed mainly by playing on the internet all day and being stuck there in case someone decided to either call or drop in. Sooo... it has been quite an adjustment on my "Personal Time" at work.... I am getting used to the fact that the Investment Industry is a highly regulated industry so every little thing I do on the computer is monitored in St. Louis, so therefor all my daytime facebooking comes from my wonderful Morotola Q9C cell phone :o) and I do not send personal e-mail on it... also props to my Motorola Smartphone :o) But... sending messages and writing on my cell phone takes longer... They do not prohibit me from personal use on the computers... I am just not sure that I want someone in a different state seeing every aspect of my life.... Ha ha... and now I having to make time to balance my checkbook at home! Yikes!

Well, That's about all I have to report.

Friday, October 2, 2009


How many of you out there are really eading my blog??? I don't want to be posting for my own entertainment? Am I just not that exciting???

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Last week we had our last Calf N Can. We have been doing a barrel racing, breakaway roping series out at the house and below are some of the photos from the awards.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I can't believe another summer is coming to an end! Where on earth do the summers go??? Last weekend we were going to go to the lake... and it just wasn't hot enough. Instead we went to Bend and when we drove by the bank it said it was only 78 degrees... Brrr... For August anyway!!! Maybe we will get to escape to the lake for a day during the Memorial Day weekend... COME ON HEAT!!! This can't be the end! We should have a whole nother month!

This weekend we are headed to Seattle to visit the Waller's. We are really looking forward to it. We went last June and had such a great time! Saturday night we are going to watch a Mariner's game. Jaime got box tickets! This will be Stet and I's first Pro game :o)

I guess that is all I have to report for now...

Over and out...

Friday, August 7, 2009


The Oregon Jamboree was last weekend and it was a great time as always. We have been going since 2002!!! It was hot so in between performances we went to Green Peter Dam to swim.

Here are a few of the Artists that we enjoyed...

Tim McGraw...

Phil Vasser...

Leann Rymes...

Kristy Lee Cook...

Mel Tillis...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



We went to the Lake to celebrate, Here's a few photos.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


OK, I have access to a few photos at the moment... Here is my new saddle that I won at COBRA, a winter series :o) I LOVE IT!!! Good job Cuda.... Even though SmoJo gets to wear it...
And here's my BUZZ....

and Stetson's "Red Dog" aka Puppies, Ginger or Snapper but mostly know as Red Dog....

Here's a snap shot of our inherrited dog, Chewy...

And there's me... Just so you all know I am still alive :o)