Dog Poet Transmitting.......
What is real cannot be told or shown
and what appears is not real, it only seems and the more it seems,
the more real it becomes to us and then we wander in a world of
seeming appearances for so long as we believe they are real.
On it goes... surgical bombing strikes
and random bombing of desert sands where only the corpses of
scorpions remain because the really poisonous life forms have run for
the borders of Israel and Turkey and Iraq. Meanwhile the former
residents of that beleaguered land are being leaflet bombed by
Satanic Banker planes that tell them there is a new life for them in
the European Union. The causes of their distress are the Americans,
The Crown Colonies and Israel who runs the first two out of Tel Aviv
and London. Well dressed and well fed, demonically possessed, former
human entities, scurry about The City in London and every satellite
city where they cause world wide havoc without a care. For some
reason, a great many of them are unaware of what they are responsible
for. They think they are fighting the good fight against some shadowy
enemy but actually they are taking their orders from a shadowy enemy
who creates all of the rest of the shadowy enemies. They are paid
well though and they live a privileged existence and they get away
with all manner of crimes that they would otherwise not avoid the
consequences of. It's a sweet deal as far as they can see and they
are only allowed to see up to a certain point because... coiled in
the backs of their minds there lives a consciousness that defines the
parameters of their awareness for all that they think and say and do.
We know who is behind this migratory
exodus, it is
George Soros, one of the chief
operatives of the Rothschild Network of Satanic Bankers and... as
you can see, the
consequences of this are horrendous and going on all the time.
Here you see the real insanity of political correctness. Now some
might say that all of these incidents of violent outrage against
native born citizens of these countries are fabricated to make the
immigrants look bad. That hardly seems realistic when those pushing
for the immigrations are also the ones ordering the press and police
not to mention the names of the offenders and who advise the courts
not to prosecute. It can no longer be argued against, whether the
orchestrators of these conditions for criminal offense against the
public are Satanists. By their works ye shall know them and that says
all that needs to be said about who and what they are. These are not
the ones committing these rapes but rather the ones fomenting the favorable environments for them to occur in. Oh... this is not to
say they don't get up to that sort of thing because they do. They
torture and kill young boys and girls very often in places throughout
the UK and other European locations and many, many other countries to
which they travel for this sole purpose.
Unlike the savage migrants who commit
these acts of sexual outrage against the members of the countries
that have granted them asylum (Yes, I can call them savages and I
don't give a damn about political correctness. I am, of course, not
referring to all immigrants but only to those so engaged in this
horrific behavior.) and who do it out of an uncontrolled animal
passion, these others of which I speak, do it for pure malice and to
propitiate demons that confer protections upon them as the result of
blood sacrifice made in their honor. They know about these sorts of
things because they have teachers in those arts with a long tradition
in these kinds of behavior. What is presently happening did not
simply come out of the blue recently. The planning has been in the
process of coming about for centuries. In the ranks of the dark
brotherhood are seers and mystics of different ranks who are able to
see ahead and who are also informed about what lies ahead through the
ingestion of different substances and being possessed by infernal
entities who then inform them about all kinds of things. It is a
truth that these entities lie as often as not but they don't lie all
the time. They tell the truth often enough to be effective at getting
listened to and being sought out.
If you go back into the histories of
certain large occult organizations and brotherhoods you find that
they have had predictions about the times in which we live from a
long while ago. These organizations might once have been more or less
legitimate fraternities that only became corrupted through the
passage of time. This is what happens in Kali Yuga. The Tibetan
system might not have always been as corrupt as it became when the
Chinese finally invaded but by that time they were pretty corrupt and
their treatment of the ordinary Tibetans with their feudal system was
brutal. Most people don't know about that side of it. It's kept from
the public view and instead we get the version of Tibetan Buddhism
that they want us to hear. I don't know if this new construct is
something novel and a break with the earlier patterns; some kind of a
renaissance? All I know is what was going on previously. Once again,
it is the pattern of the Kali Yuga and you see it in all of the
religious traditions and all of the political and economic
traditions... ever deeper corruptions and the tyranny of the few upon
the many. This is just how it works and because of all that has been
and all that it is, there is a result that is part of the process of
all of these corruptions and tyrannies and madnesses.
This is why I say, or rather this is
why I am told that there is no single collective outcome in the drama
except to say that at some point none of us will be here but... that
might not be accurate because surely some of us will be right back
here again due to the dynamics of coming and going. Anyone who thinks
we are only here for a single visit has no grasp of how things are
and why they are. If we were only here for a single visit then
nothing would be as it presently is and none of what is would make
any sense at all. Prodigies would make no sense. Variations in
intelligence and the possession of gifts and the lack of them would
make no sense. Well, we could go on and on about what makes no sense
according to that schematic but my job is not to convince anyone of
anything. It is only to convince myself and this I have done and I
have studied the writings of the wise as well as comparative religion
and all sorts of variations in perspectives and outside of fundie
speak which seems to agree with itself in all of the seemingly
diverse perspectives that are out there, the opposite also applies in
all of the legitimate traditions. They all agree as well, even if you
have to go back a bit to see that. Furthermore, I personally have
direct experience of other lifetimes so I have put the question out
of my mind as far as I am concerned. Sure, maybe I am the only one
this has happened to but that would be absurd and we have the
recollections and writings of many other souls who say the same.
A commenter at Origami said something
about this today and was mostly accurate, if not comprehensive ...but
even if he or she had filled pages with what was said it wouldn't
have been comprehensive. True comprehensiveness comes only through
interior search and it isn't something that appears in your head like
the works of Thomas Aquinas or the Mahabharata. It is something that
appears as a wide angle, panoramic view that has expanded and
expanded until it is a picture beyond the capacity of words to convey
and that is why it has never been conveyed in words by those who have
that perspective. Sometimes the understanding of it is transmitted
from consciousness to consciousness as it does from guru to chela.
Sometimes it comes upon one as a mystical revelation, granted from
the celestial realms by grace or some manifestation of benevolent
fortune. Sometimes, for whatever the reason it just happens like what
is described in Bucke's, “Cosmic Consciousness”, or James,
“Varieties of Religious Experience”. Some of Bucke's ideas might
seem dated now or they might have been the promise of roads not taken
because this is the Kali Yuga. It is not for me to decide.
I don't share the idea of the status
given to Whitman but that is just me. It might be due to my lack of
appreciation for Whitman's poetry in that I was not moved one whit by
it and was very soon bored every time I attempted to read any of it.
This was also the case with Joyce and some others. Maybe I had
previous experiences of these works and wanted no further part of
them. Certain authors have always bored me, like Steiner,
Wittgenstein, Kant and quite a few others. I would feel the scent of
death everywhere in their writings and sought a more clear atmosphere
of uncluttered thought for myself. This is probably the influence of
Lao Tzu and others of the Eastern persuasion of thought. This is what
works for me and the other does not. Previous to my kundalini
awakening I was caught up in the area of western thought but
afterwards, it never interested or applied to me again.
Heaven and Hell are states of
consciousness. To quote Omar Khayyam, “I sent my soul into the
invisible, some letter of that afterlife to spell and by and by my
soul returned to me and said, 'I myself am Heaven and Hell'” This
makes them no less real in terms of experience. I suspect a time
comes when we clearly see and then pass judgment on ourselves but I
do not think any of this is fixed across the board. There is a lot
going on that we don't know about. The Bible is clear on how ignorant
and blind we are.
As you can see, we slipped away from
the temporal into the philosophical somewhere in the course of this
posting. Although there may seem to be little relevance between the
different considerations, perhaps there is at least a natural
progression out of the one and into the other, even if it is only my
disenchantment and disgust with the one and my fascination with the
Be well.......
End Transmission.......
This Friday's radio interview is alive and well at FarCAST
Sunday's radio broadcast will be taking
place sometime soon and you will be so informed of that here.