Showing posts with label Getting Started. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting Started. Show all posts

Got Tax Return?

When spring is nigh, our thoughts turn to big televisions, shiny iGadgets, and new vehicles. The commercials have already started offering cars for "No Money Down!" as you sign away your future tax return. For those who might owe the government, tax season is a time for procrastination; for everyone else it is a mad rush to spend.

If your New Year's Resolutions included, "Eat Healthier," or "Save Money," consider these ideas for your spending spree:

Crock Pot. You may have one kicking around somewhere to dust off and rediscover. Otherwise, you will find this to be a wise purchase because it makes cooking from scratch so much easier. Soups, stocks, beans, and sauces can simmer away in your absence. A pot roast can await you after you get home from work. When it is too hot to think of using your oven, you can bake potatoes, bread, or even dessert in your crock pot. I have heard of people using theirs to make yogurt.

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