Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So I made it to the thrift and took pictures and here they are.

Isn't this just the neatest cannister set. It has drawers and they are about 5 inches deep. It looks brand new. And then the little cuties on top were 69cents each. I also got the little dress form and the tall figurine, and the neat white pitcher with a cow and farm scene. Then I got the Dale Ernhart tin for Brett's 11th birthday and I -(don't tell him) put some money in. All he wants for his birthday is "money". But too me the best is the quilt I got for $1.49 and it is perfect.

Friday, May 01, 2009

I have these books and such on a giveaway. If interested email me questions or just your address. First come first served. MB
Click on picture to enlarge.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My daughter Richelle found this cute little fairy teapot at Goodwill. She said it had my name on it. LOL MB
Isn't she a cute little '40s cowgirl.
I found the fairy tealight tooAnd this sweet baby fairy

Sturdy little chair (49cents)

oops I posted the wrong pic. this is a teeny tiny pin keep. the other pic showed a quarter beside it. that is how teeny it is.

One of the days I was so mad at my computer for being so stinky I headed out to the thrift store. It was late at night and I felt so FREE! Well I did have to eventually go back home.

Most of the viewers here are Mary Jane farmgirl forum members and it just occurred to me that maybe others come to visit Country Charm too. I always leave a post on the forum when I put pics on my blog so everyone is invited to go to and enjoy the happenings.

Nancy Jo sent me these cute bathing suit dressforms. They will be added to my collection. THANKS NJ!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Look at this beautiful handmade Valentine card I got from my pal, Nancy Jo--ain't she a peach.
My youngest daughter brought me this neat small dress form for my (Iguess) collection. And My Annie dolls arrived from Lea (Farmhouse blessings). aren't they sweet. Also she put in the box a little wooden chair and 2 tiny prim bunnies. The bigger one I got from her before. She's a wonder too. MB

Friday, February 06, 2009

Isn't this just the sweetest little tin--ever? It had 2oz. of Psychic Tea. ooooooOOOOOOo
These tins had spices at one tim.

A cute little patent leather purse for dress up and a valentine. Nancy Jo used to collect dress up purses--For when she got wild and went out on the town.

Pretty saucer made in Japan

Lotus flower to burn a tealight

Sweet fairies

So i made it to the thrift today because I had nothing else to do but maybe clean house---boo hiss!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I finally made it to the thrift and posted these pictures. I got some frames to put mirrors in and have a fancy mirror. A pretty dress form and that silver squirrel is a nut cracker. Pretty funny.
A nice picture of a sweet little girl. the frame looks old but who knows. Spent $5.42--gotta like it.
I think I got more stuff---I'll have to go root around my car. LOL MB

Friday, January 23, 2009

I forgot to post these.
This little pourer I got for Nancy Jo but I think it is the wrong pattern--she may get it anyway

Another pic of my dress form

This tin was crammed full of ribbons and lace pieces. .50cents

I forgot to post these with the rest of my thrifting stuff. Anyone want anything? NOT THE DRESS FORM. MB