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Help Wanted! - Article Guidelines

NOTICE: Starting in January, 2003 -- we are no longer able to pay for articles published on TechnoDyke.Com. We hope this is only a temporary setback. In the meantime, exciting things are happening behind the scenes. We are currently seeking section editors and writers to form our new editorial team. See this page for an example of what's to come, and instructionson how to apply.

WRITERS: Technodyke.Com has an open call for submissions in the areas outlined on the link above. Pieces should be between 500-800 words in length, but this is flexible. Articles may be on a broad range of subjects, and the subjects needn't be queer-centric, however they should have as much of a queer slant as possible. You retain all copyrights, we retain the right to archive the piece on TechnoDyke.Com. Previously published material accepted as long as you retain the rights to republish.

Please download the License Agreement, read it over, and send it in with your article. DO NOT INCLUDE AS ATTACHMENT. The text of the License Agreement MUST be cut and pasted into the body of an email. Per the Electronic Signature Act, we need the headers of your email to make it valid. Agreements sent as attachments will not be opened. Please also include your physical mailing address, a valid email address and phone #. There is, unfortunately, no monetary compensation for articles currently, though we hope to accomplish this as soon as possible.

Please see themes and deadlines below and send your submissions in .doc format, or pasted inline in an email to Note theme in subject line and include a 3 line bio (and headshot if available).

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