Scribbulus is THE place for Leaky Cauldron readers to submit their essays and opinion pieces!

The idea behind Scribbulus came straight out of The Leaky Lounge, our forum, where the in-depth discussions were getting very lengthy, very frequently. Our readers needed a place to share their long, well-thought-out theories – the same way we needed a place to showcase these excellent pieces of literary work!

In each edition you’ll find a variety of essays, which cover a multitude of topics about the world of Harry Potter. The Scribbulus staff chooses each essay carefully and our editors work closely with the essay authors to make each essay terrific! Scribbulus editions are released on the first of every month, so bookmark us and come back often. Enjoy!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.