It has been pretty slim pickins' around The Parsley Thief lately. I have been caught up in the whirlwind of the Thanksgiving festivities {I hosted 15 at my house & went all out}, having my little sister in town for two weeks from Oregon {with my adorable niece, Sadie}, and trying to get a start on the Christmas season {shopping, ordering holiday cards & hosting a Tree Trimming party at my place this Sunday}. I can't promise that there will be much in the way of cooking posts this month. But, I'll do my best!
Mamalizza has been nagging me to make some mac n' cheese. So, I finally did. I don't really make the homemade variety anymore. The bozos are used to their boxed Annie's & when I put something with breadcrumbs on their plates, they are like, what is this?! If you think your child will be equally picky, you can easily leave them off.
This is an adapted version of a recipe I made quite frequently, back in my Brooklyn years {before children} & it was my favorite hangover special.
It does require more effort than opening a box & blending some powdered cheese. So, I recommend making 2 & freezing one for later {save it for the next hangover}.