So it has been almost 18 months since my last post. I guess that means that I fail miserably as a blogger. But here's to new beginnings! As you are probabaly aware by now (unless you've been living under a rock or don't actually know me, in which case is kinda creepy but I guess it comes with the teritory of posting on the internet), Bill and I are expecting our first child this summer.
Our EDD is "officially" August 1st, but I like to argue that it's July 31st, since that's what I get when I play with the wheel at the doctor's office and because July 31st seems soooo much closer than August 1st (I know it's only a day, but still...). It's not even like it matters since only 5% of babies are born on their due dates and this one will hopefully be arriving at least 1 week early thanks to the wonders of modern medicine and elective inductions. However, I would not be heartbroken if she graces with her presence 3 weeks in advance, although I will not be a happy mama if she comes any earlier than that!
"What's the hurry?" you might ask. Well, I have had an amazingly wonderful and easy pregnancy, so that's definitely not it. I had no vomiting and only a little nausea during the first trimester. I have developed a fun case of sciatica, which makes sitting, standing, walking, or really moving in any way slightly uncomfortable, but I am dealing with it. The truth of the matter is, I am a planner and I don't like surprises. I love the idea of knowing when she's going to arrive. I also like the idea of being able to have friends and family there. Even more importantly, I like the comfort of knowing that my water is not going to break at 7:30 on a Monday morning when rush hour traffic is in full swing and it takes at least an hour to get to the hospital from our house. Look folks...I want an epidural, and I do not want ANYTHING standing in the way of me and the hospital and that narrow window in which they will allow you to get said epidural.
Really, in all honesty, the whole induction thing is truly centered around the fact that I start a new job on August 29th. Did I fail to mention this? Oh yeah...18 months, I forgot. So just last month I accepted an Assistant Professor of Biology position at the University of Montevallo. Yay! I have always wanted to teach and do research at the undergraduate level, and this position will allow me to do both (without my salary depending on research $). I have been working as an adjunct professor at Samford this semester and absolutely LOVE it! When the opportunity arose at Montevallo, I pounced. As much as I have enjoyed my time at Samford and as much as I adore my students there, the environment at Montevallo is just amazing, the students are great, the faculty are so energetic and easy to get along with, and it's 10 minutes from my house. Let me stress that last part - IT'S 10 MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE. After 5 years of a 1 hour commute, this is music to my ears. Plus, they are super flexible on schedules which will allow me to spend lots of time at home with my bundle of joy even though it means going back to work earlier than I would like (hey you gotta give and take, right?!).
Back to my bundle of joy - we found out February 28th that we are having a little girl. Her name is Jeanne Marie in honor of Bill's mom, whom I never got the privilege to meet but I know she was an amazing and wonderful woman, mom, sister, wife, friend and daughter - everything I want my little girl to be. We have started getting the nursery ready and I will post pics soon. I will also post some pics from the 2 ultrasounds we've had (we have another on Wednesday). In the meantime I will leave you with a filmstrip of my growing belly...ENJOY!