All behold, a mighty sorceress has come to life!
Bogi Fabian is an incredibly talented artist who only has to wield her magical wand to make her soul tingle with restless energy (let’s refer to it as magic for fun đ ) and flash out unbelievable specters of creativity. By the time she is done casting her artistic spell, heavens come to life on earth and I kid you not, they really do.
Like the all consuming magic of a sorceress, enveloping and entrancing your world into a flurry of excited emotions, taking your breath away and making you gasp for more; Bogi Fabiansâ art truly belongs to the dream world.
The precious jewels of her creation seem like tender pieces of the universe, which start humming with life and the magical power of imagination, once the lights go out. Many of Fabianâs creations reveal themselves in three kinds of light – a conventional mural that can be seen in daylight; a glowing mural when seen in UV light; and a phosphorescent paint which unveils itself in the solitude found in darkness. Her murals make an ordinary room look like the abode of the mighty Gods and her ceramics have the ability of making even Kohinoor (the prized possession of the English crown) shy away with envy.
I am trying to create dreamful atmospheres, paint walls and floors and manage to enlighten my art with and without a source of energy.   Thus, the spectator can experience the result in the daylight as well as in the dark, and in that way enjoy it in all its facets. My goal is to create unique spaces and rooms giving them an identity and a soul, where relaxing and living become an experience – Bogi Fabian
We all at one point or the other in life, have dreamed of walking amidst the starry skies, losing ourselves into the wildness of the Amazons and swimming into the unknown depths of the enigmatic sea. Fabianâs art promises all of this and more. I guess dreams do have a way of coming to life!