Happy Friday!
I have some favorites and freebies to share with you today to help you enjoy your weekend!
The first is a free download of the Chronicles of Narnia. The recordings are down by Chrissi Hart and have a wonderful British accent too! Lots of great listening--I'm thinking perfect for a road trip. You can find all the details at HomeSchoolFreebieOfTheDay. This resource may really only be available today-FRIDAY-so go check it out now so you don't miss out. Sometimes these last longer than a day, sometimes not...
We have a favorite video channel on YouTube recently. We've spent hours watching these fascinating stop-photography videos of plants growing and changing. My kids love these and so do my husband and I! They really are great for any age. Try out a few of them by Neil Bromhall. He also has a neat website for gardening questions.
Ok ruffle lovers: this is for you. Take a look at this darling ruffle idea for a party--so darling! Get the details at GritsAndGiggles.
And if you have been going blueberry picking every week like us or making some yummies to share, you will love these free printables from BrownPaperPackages.
Are you getting your kids ready to go back to school? You will enjoy these sweet lunch printables--such a fun way to send some love in their lunch! See them at FreshPickedWhimsy.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
oh, and if you were featured, feel free to grab a "featured" button from the sidebar!