Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2020

Blush Skies

Blush Skies

Blush skies fade as dawn breaks
silkiness of love's embrace
warmth rests close
beneath infinite horizons

Snow crowns peaks
they glisten in sharp early light
awakens tenderness within
holding space for another

All too soon fades
moment drifts away
clouds hide the brilliance
portal of beauty closes 'til dusk

#highplainspoet, #westernnebraskathoughtsandlife

Winter's pre-dawn moments happen at a time when I see them and they have a way of sparking joy and beauty inside my heart and soul. Reminding me of the goodness of God and love.

Monday, July 30, 2018

A Psalm

A Psalm (18-187A)

Light breaks across
the dawn horizon
Choosing words of praise
to offer up to You oh God

Reminded of Your faithfulness
often though I've fallen
You've never abandoned me
always treating me with mercy

Your eyes always
filled with loving kindness
Though I've sinned
You still embrace me

Your love breaks me
Who is like You
Your intimacy
restores and nourishes me

Who is like you oh God
Your comfort alone satisfies
You pull me close
as only a lover does

Sunday, April 22, 2018



Fear's foothold in the mind
lack of trust in Love divine
Exposes heart's belief about Father
sorrow over life given to lies

Mind races to worst
instead of rest in Him
Peace flees in moment
learn and change

Forgive us Father
for not honoring You
Who You are
missed in the moment

Forgive self
Accept grace
Look up

About the Author:  Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet. (18-028B)

Friday, June 16, 2017



Somber heart
Aches with longing
What yet can be

Story yet to be told
Each day is a page
Volume of a life

How it ends
Depends on the Source
From which I draw

About the Author:  Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet. (17-122A)

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tap the Source

Tap the Source

Roots go deep
Draw out life
What's the Source

Polluted waters?
Living waters?
Impacts reproduction

Effects fruit
Produce bitter fruit?
Produce sweet fruit?

About the Author:  Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet. (17-122A)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016



Goodness of Father,
When make a huge mess,
He still loves me,
Waiting for me to seek Him out.

Goodness of Father,
Receive all He has,
change beliefs, stop pushing away,
Embrace who He is.

Goodness of Father,
I am for you,
I believe in you,
Come as you are.

Goodness of Father,
Waiting for sons and daughters to return,
Lavish love waiting,
Run into His arms.

About the Author:  Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.