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ALECLA 2020 : The Annual Lecture on Exile in Comparative Literature and the Arts, 3rd edition


When Nov 26, 2020 - Nov 29, 2020
Where Constanta, Romania
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2020
Notification Due Oct 1, 2020
Final Version Due Dec 31, 2019
Categories    literature   arts   climate change   cultural studies

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: The 3rd Annual Lecture on Exile in Comparative Literature and the Arts, 26-29 November 2020, Constanta, Romania - ALECLA 2020

Taking place in the ancient city of Tomis where poet Ovid was exiled, this year the Annual Lecture on Exile in Comparative Literature and the Arts – ALECLA 2020, is keeping up with the frontline of COVID-19.
The conference includes plenary sessions, workshops, round-table discussions, and other events. Much of the program will be self-generated by the seminar organizers and paper submitters, faculty and/or graduate students who will propose seminars and papers via our web pages.

Anticus Multicultural Association in conjunction with its partners.

Dates of the Conference
The conference will take place between November 26th and November 29th, 2020.

Constanta, Romania. We are committed to assessing the situation and not canceling this conference, but as we deal with COVID-19, you should be prepared to follow alternative conferencing solutions.

This year, we are calling for papers that examine any aspect of „Earth, Forest, Water, Air Protection in the Art and Stories of Forgotten Cultures.” Our conference will focus on the significance of the traditional knowledge, beliefs, stories, fairy tales, and arts for the environment, climate change, sustainable development, peace-building, reconciliation, and good governance and the critical risks confronting local cultures.

Disciplines and perspectives are not limited, we aim to create dialogues exceeding the boundaries of the literary, artistic, and philosophical matrix. We, therefore, encourage adherents of environment, climate, literature, language, anthropology, psychology, history, biology, human geography, film studies, art, computer science, political science, physics, and all other areas of study, to feel welcome in not only attending this conference but also in submitting a seminar proposal or a paper.

While the plenary sessions will be held in English, panels can be held either in English, Romanian, or Tatar (or its related Central Asian languages).

We welcome proposals for (1) entire panels, (2) individual papers, and (3) poster presentations.

1.Organized panels
The Program Committee approves pre-arranged and open panels. Most papers are grouped into twelve-person panels that meet two hours per day for three days of the lecture to foster extended discussion. Some eight-person (or smaller) seminars meet just the first two days of the conference. Depending on space availability, we may also consider accepting a limited number of one-day seminars, especially if they are innovative either in presentation format or in terms of theme. The only restriction is that no panel may have more than 50% of graduate students, and none may have more than two participants from the same institution.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 500 words on our webpage at

or send it by e-mail to Deadline: 31 July 2020

2.Individual papers
Papers will be allocated 15-20 minutes plus 5-10 minutes for questions. You can propose your paper to the panel which is the best fit for it or to an open panel.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words on our webpage at

or send it by e-mail to Deadline: (31 August 2020) extended to 30 September 2020.

3.Poster presentations

Posters will be displayed during the works. Posters must present research projects and results and they should meet academic standards in both content and form. The presentation of the poster should not exceed 10 minutes.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words on our webpage at:

or send it by e-mail to Deadline: 31 August 2020

Notification Due
All those invited to present will be informed by (1 September 2020) 1 October 2020.

Conference Proceedings
A condition of presentation at the conference is the submission of the final paper to be published in the conference proceedings. The deadline for the submission of the final paper is (30 September 2020) extended to 31 October 2020.

Travel Grants
Anticus Multicultural Association is offering a small number of travel grants (€ 100 each, which will not be issued before arrival) for those needing financial assistance. As a travel grant holder, your conference fee will be waived.
Please note that will have priority:
- disadvantaged background
- distance (EU staff and students are not eligible)
- seminar organizers
- biography and experience
Before applying for the grant please work on your proposal, submit and wait for the notification of acceptance.
Grant Application Form

The registration fee is € 135, payable after notification of acceptance. Deadline 30 September 2020.

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