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AMSTA 2021 : 15th International Conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technology and Applications


Conference Series : Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
When Jun 14, 2021 - Jun 16, 2021
Where Virtual Conference
Submission Deadline Jan 11, 2021
Notification Due Feb 8, 2021
Final Version Due Mar 1, 2021
Categories    computer science   artificial intelligence   engineering   software engineering

Call For Papers

AMSTA 2021
AMSTA 2021: 15th International Conference on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Applications |June 14-16, 2021 | Virtual Conference

Part of KES multi themed conference Smart Digital Futures which groups AMSTA-21, IDT-21, HCIS-21, InMed-21, SEEL-21 and STS-21 in one venue.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, AMSTA 2021 will be planned as a wholly virtual conference moving forward. More details will be updated on the website and LinkedIn in due course.


KES-AMSTA is an international scientific conference for research in the field of agent and multi-agent systems. Agents and multi-agent systems are related to a modern software paradigm which has long been recognized as a promising technology for constructing autonomous, complex and intelligent systems.
Consisting of keynote talks by experts in the field, oral and poster presentations, AMSTA-21 will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers to discuss modern approaches and techniques for agent and multi-agent systems and their applications, as well as intelligent systems in the field of social networks, self-organisation and trust.

Dates, Conference and Publication

• Submission Deadline: 11 January 2021

• Acceptance Notification: 08 February 2021

• Camera Ready Submission: 01 March 2021

• Presentation at Conference: 14-16 June 2021

• Publication: Springer; Series on Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

The AMSTA conference includes a broad range of topics applicable to Agents and Multi-agent Systems. The following topics are indicative of the scope of the conference, however other relevant topics are applicable.

Agent and Multi-agent Systems Software agent is a program which performs actions defined by user. Multi-agent system consists of autonomous and collaborative agents that have particular degree of mobility and intelligence. It is intended to provide the researchers an opportunity to exchange
theoretical and technical knowledge, hands-on experience, as well as to discuss current development and explore trends in agent systems. The call is addressed to scientists and engineers from both academic and industrial environments, who design, develop and implement software agents in different areas and applications.

New Digital and Knowledge Economy

The modern economy is driven by technologies and knowledge. Digital technologies can free, shift and multiply choices, often intruding on the space of other industries, by providing new ways of conducting business operations and creating values for customers and companies. Examples technologies are mobile and cloud computing, big data analysis, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, social systems, computer embedded systems and nature inspired manufacturing, etc. We would therefore love to hear from both the research and industrial communities on their latest work on innovative technologies and applications that is potentially disruptive to industries. Furthermore, technologies need to work well with innovative business models to create wealth and welfare. In an attempt to bring the two communities together, we would therefore love to hear from business communities on their experiences for adopting technologies when creating new business models.

Industrial Track

The purpose of the Industrial Track is to promote research in our aforementioned topic areas and foster scientific exchange between
researchers, practitioners, scientists, students, and engineers in multi-agent systems and disruptive technologies. We particularly recognise the importance of inter-disciplinary work to create today's Digital and Knowledge Economy.

Standard length scientific papers, overview of research conducted in a company and short visionary paper and poster presentation are therefore most welcome.
Call for invited sessions

An invited session consists of a presentation session of 6 to 12 or more papers on a specific conference topic, organised as half or full day mini-conference. We invite senior scientists who have a special interest in a specific conference topic to take responsibility for an invited session, gathering papers from a range of research expertise around the world. Researchers who would like to organise one or more Invited Sessions on topics falling within the scope of the conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration.


For details of the sessions accepted so far see here:

IS01 Agent-based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS)
IS02 Business Process Management (BPM)
IS03 Multi-Agent Systems in Transportation Systems
IS04: Business Informatics and Agent-based Modelling
IS05: Intelligent Agents in health, wellness and human development environments applied to health and medicine

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers which are not under review for another conference, workshop, or journal by the time of submission. The contributors should address one or more research areas included above.

Submitted papers will undergo double-blind peer review by at least two members of the program committee. Prior to submission, please ensure that you have removed any information from your paper which could identify the authors. Paper acceptance is based on the following criteria: novelty, technical soundness, practical or theoretical impact, clarity, and presentation. At least one author per paper submission is required to register for the conference, and to present the paper.


General Chairs: Prof. G. Jezic, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Dr. J. Chen-Burger, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, UK

Honorary Chairs: Prof. I. Lovrek, University of Zagreb, Croatia Prof. L. C. Jain, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Liverpool Hope University, UK

Executive Chair: Prof. Robert Howlett, Bournemouth University, UK

International Program Committee

The list of the IPC members will be added shortly to the conference page:

Further information
For further information about KES International please email: or visit

Related Resources

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