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AMMA 2011 : The Second Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications


Conference Series : Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications
When Aug 22, 2011 - Aug 23, 2011
Where New York City, USA
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2011
Notification Due May 27, 2011
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2011
Categories    e-business and e-finance   e-knowledge   e-learning    network, management, control

Call For Papers

The conference seeks papers devoted to issues that arise in all stages of deploying a market mechanism to solve a problem. This includes, but is not limited to, theoretical and empirical examination of questions such as:

Is a market the right mechanism for the problem? What are the externalities involved? What are the issues with central planning?
How should novel markets be organized? What is the "right" micro-structure for a given problem?
What is the best way to provide incentives? Is (real) money necessary?
Will the use of markets lead to the creation of artificial economies? What can we say about these economies?
What new problems arise because of the special nature of these markets (e.g., from everyone wanting to use a cluster around the time of a conference deadline)?
What protocols need to be in place for agents to participate in such markets (including everything from practical matters like integrating bidding protocols into the system to theoretical questions like incentive compatibility)?
Is there a need for new mechanisms for specific applications (e.g., auctions used in sponsored search were never used in other settings)? If so, what properties of applications warrant such mechanisms?
In addition to more traditional academic papers, we are also interested in experiences from the real world (case studies and new applications). Below are some sample application areas, though we welcome papers in all areas of market design.

Sample areas include:
Prediction markets
Student-school matching
Kidney exchanges
Combinatorial auctions
Content delivery networks
Resource allocation in networks
Sponsored search auctions
Road pricing

In order to accommodate people from different disciplinary traditions, papers may be submitted in two tracks:

An archival track: papers will be considered for both presentation and publication in the conference proceedings. Papers submitted in the archival track must conform to the layout specifications and page limits. Proceedings will be published by Springer.
A non-archival track: working papers in any format will be considered for oral presentation in the conference.
Authors can choose which track they are submitting to by using the appropriate layout format. All papers should be submitted through the conference website.

Important Dates

Full Papers due: April 15, 2011

Notification of Acceptance: May 27, 2011

Camera-ready Manuscripts due: June 15, 2011

Conference Dates: August 22-23, 2011 (NYC)

Submission Instructions
Please visit the Submission page on the conference website ( for detailed submission requirements and procedures.

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