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ASAP 2017 : Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors


Conference Series : Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors
When Jul 10, 2017 - Jul 12, 2017
Where Seattle, WA USA
Submission Deadline Apr 3, 2017
Notification Due May 12, 2017
Final Version Due Jun 2, 2017
Categories    FPGA   computer arithmetic   custom accelerators   hardware acceleration

Call For Papers

28th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors
July 10th to 12th, 2017
Seattle, WA USA
Important dates:
- Submission Deadline: April 3rd - THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSION TO THIS DATE
- Notification of Acceptance: May 12th
- Camera Ready: June 2nd
The ASAP 2017 conference will cover the theory and practice of application-specific
systems, architectures and processors. We will build upon traditional strengths of
the conference in areas such as computer arithmetic, cryptography, compression,
signal and image processing, network processing, reconfigurable computing, and
all types of hardware accelerators. We especially encourage submissions in the
following areas:

* Big data analytics: extracting and correlating information from large-scale
semi-structured and unstructured data using application-specific systems.
* Machine learning: specialized platforms or hardware-optimized algorithms
to improve the performance or efficiency of model creation and/or prediction.
* Scientific computing: architectures and algorithms that address scientific
applications requiring significant computing power and design customization
(bioinformatics, climate modeling, astrophysics, seismology, etc.).
* Industrial computing: systems and architectures for providing high- throughput
or low latency in various industrial computing applications.
* System security: cryptographic hardware architectures, security processors,
countermeasures against side-channel attacks, and secure cloud computing.
* Heterogeneous systems: applications and platforms that exploit heterogeneous
computing resources, including FPGAs, GPUs, or CGRAs.
* Design space exploration: methods for customizing and tuning application-
specific architectures to improve efficiency and productivity.
* Platform-specific architectures: novel architectures for exploiting specific
compute domains such as smartphones, tablets, and data centers,
particularly in the context of energy efficiency.

ASAP 2017 will accept 8-page full papers for oral presentations and 4-page short
papers for short oral or poster presentations, with a double-blind review process.
An online submission page will be made available on the website and will include
detailed guidelines and links to formatting templates.

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