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Lemma: muns

Part-of-Speech: Noun, common, masculine

Inflection: Mi = Masculine i-stems [St §152; BE §100-101]

Streitberg 1910, p. 9715

muns Mi 1. Gedanke, Meinung 2. Vorsatz, Ratschluß; Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille; Beschluß, Entscheidung 3. Vorsorge


Not verified but unambiguous:

  1. Romans 9:11 [A]: muns
  2. Romans 13:14 [A]: mun
  3. Corinthians II 2:11 [A]: munins
  4. Corinthians II 2:11 [B]: munins
  5. Corinthians II 8:11 [A]: muns
  6. Corinthians II 8:11 [B]: muns

Not verified and ambiguous:

  1. Ephesians 1:11 [A]: muna
  2. Ephesians 1:11 [B]: muna
  3. Ephesians 3:11 [A]: muna
  4. Ephesians 3:11 [B]: muna
  5. Timothy II 3:10 [A]: muna
  6. Timothy II 3:10 [B]: muna