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Gōnai Reifū

郷内 霊風

Gōnai Reifū
1/15/1916 - ????


Gōnai Reifū (Gōnai Jinkichi) was born January 15th, 1916 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.
He studied Kinko-ryū shakuhachi under Hirokado Reifū, Nanke Rinsui and Ogata Kyōrei and began teaching in 1955.
He belonged to the Reifū-kai and Chikuyu-kai.

別名 郷内 甚吉


Aki no Yama Uta 秋の山唄 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 5 尺八
Enkoro Bushi えんころ節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 4 尺八
Hōnen Koi-koi Bushi 豊年こいこい Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 5 尺八
Mamemiki Uta 豆挽き唄 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 5 尺八
Miyagi Nagamochi Uta 宮城長持唄 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 4 尺八
Onoda Jinku 小野田甚句 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 5 尺八
Otachi Sake お立ち酒 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 4 尺八
Sekigami tairyō-bushi 関上大漁節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 5 尺八
Shin Sansa-Shigure 新さんさ時雨 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 4 尺八
Shiogama Jinku 塩釜甚句 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 5 尺八