Just a few days until we’re all united poolside in conversational bliss! Until then, we have a few important data points for you in preparation. Here is everything you need to know about YxYY003!
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In just a few short weeks, the thinkers, futurists, nerds & weirdos of the world will feel compelled to coalesce upon the sunny shores of the Ace Hotel, brains simmering with ideas to share, norms to challenge, and collaborations to conjure. We hear the digital conch trumpet our names and we come!
We set out last year with a simple theory - if you bring intelligent, engaged people together in the right space, great things would happen, even in the absence of a conference structure. We had no idea what this experiment would bring us, and certainly did not anticipate it taking off in the way it has, nor did we know how impressively YxYYers would elaborate on our original theory.
Since last year's YxYY, we've been thinking on what made the culture last year work, as well as how to bring along folks who are joining us for the first time.