Botao Xiao
Email: botaoxiao(at) or botaoxiao2011(at)
Office: B6-405
Single Molecule Lab: B6-138
Ph.D., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, 2011
M.S., Chongqing University, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004
B.S., Chongqing University, 2000
Professional Experience
2017-Present: Professor, South China University of Technology
2013-2017: Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2011-2013: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital
Research Description
The Xiao group study mainly in the fields of cellular and molecular biomechanics, single molecule biophysics and engineering. Current research areas are: protein-ligand interactions, DNA and RNA assembly, high-throughput nanometer measurements and manipulation, mathematical modeling and quantitative analysis. The experimental techniques include: magnetic tweezers, optical tweezers, biomembrane force probe, fluorescent microscopy, genetic engineering, and chromatography. An project example is using high-throughput single molecule techniques to study the modulation of protein drugs on interactions of integrins and their ligands such as TGF-beta. We also study von Willebrand Factor and glycoproteins on platelets. We collaborate with a number of well-known universities and institutions, and a few enterprises. Our research will be of relevance for the prevention and treatment of cancer, immune and cardiovascular diseases.
Open Positions
Our group is always recruiting people who have the right capabilities and motivation to succeed in our research environments. Open positions are: a Research Associate Professor, a Research Assistant Professor or Lab Engineer, Postdoctoral Fellows, doctoral and master graduate students. Candidates should contact Prof. Xiao, and apply to the Biology and Biological Engineering.
II. Research Grants
1. National Science Foundation of China, 11372116, 2014-2017, P.I.
2. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, HUST 0118012051, 2014-2015, P.I.
3. SCUT start up, 2017-present, P.I.
4. National Science Foundation of China, 11772133, 2018-2021, P.I.
Selected Publications
1.B. Xiao,M.M. McLean, X. Lei,J.F. Marko, R.C. Johnson, Controlled rotation mechanism of DNA strand exchange by the Hin serine recombinase,Sci. Rep., 6:23697, 2016
2.B. Xiao*, B.S. Freedman, R. Heald, and J. F. Marko. Histone H1 compacts DNA under force and during chromatin assembly, Mol. Biol. Cell, 23, 4864-71, 2012
3.B. Xiao, C. Tong, X. Jia, R. Guo, S. Lü, Y. Zhang, R.P. McEver, C. Zhu, and M. Long. Tyrosine Replacement of PSGL-1 Reduces Association Kinetics with P- and L-Selectin on the Cell Membrane, Biophys. J., 103, 777-85, 2012
4.B. Xiao*, H. Zhang, R.C. Johnson, and J.F. Marko. Force-driven unbinding of proteins HU and Fis from DNA quantified using a thermodynamic Maxwell relation, Nucleic Acids Res., 39, 5568-77, 2011
5.B. Xiao*, R.C. Johnson, and J.F. Marko. Modulation of HU-DNA interactions by salt concentration and applied force, Nucleic Acids Res., 38, 6176-85, 2010
6.L. Wu^, B. Xiao^, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, S. Lü, J. Chen, and M. Long. Impact of carrier stiffness and microtopology on two-dimensional kinetics of P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) interactions, J. Biol. Chem., 282, 9846-54, 2007
Selected Patents
1.B. Xiao, Q. Fu, A piezo tracking and measuring system, China No. 201410359037.3
2.B. Xiao, Q. Fu, A magnetic-laser dual tweezers gauging system, China No. 201410627408.1
3.B. Xiao, A magnetic tweezers, China No. 201410375357.8
4.B. Xiao, Q. Fu, A laser-micropipette tweezers gauging system, China No.201410451626.4