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Monday, September 17, 2007

Live from Saugatuck!

Yes, we're back at Campit! Near beautiful Saugatuck! It's been one of the coldest weekends of the season. The high on Saturday was only 60. And with a cold north wind. Even too windy to enjoy a campfire. Fortunately, we have a furnace in the motor home, as it got down to 39 Degrees. We felt for the tenters. But due to the weather, the campground wasn't very busy. But we made the best of it.
This is site 82. A spacious corner lot in what they call, the east village. This section has full hook-up. We like that so we can take as long of a shower as we want. We also have a dishwasher, that's right, I said a dishwasher. This motor home has all the comforts of a house. That's the way we "camp" now. And it seems there are more RV's at campgrounds then tents these days.

Today we pack up and head home. We have just 2 more planned weekends untill we have to store it for the long winter. Here's a couple pics of beautiful Lake Michigan

Thursday, September 13, 2007

We Won!

I'd like to thank everyone who voted! Old Town Lansing WON the Ikea makeover contest!
Here's the vote totals. And with nearly a thousand votes to spare! They will receive a $50,000.00 make-over award to help up to 10 new Old Town businesses. And being a small business owner myself, I know how important help can be early on. To see the 3 minute clips they produced, click here.

Thanks again, You guys are great!

And since this is funny Friday, here's a *fun* pic!

I must say, I've never seen a men's room like this!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

an update

Sorry for my lack of posts lately, been very busy at work and home. This time of year makes for so many chores to do. But let's recap the weekend!

Michigan State is now 2-0.
The University of Michigan, 0-2.
Michigan State started the season un-ranked,
with a new coach,
and a so-so team.
U of M started with a #5 national ranking.

Now, I never went to either University,
but living in Lansing instead of Ann Arbor,
makes me a hometown fan.
So I always root for the Spartans!
And it's fun seeing our in state rival having a poor start! Especially since they all usually the better football team.

Also this weekend, I cleaned the mo-ho, restocked and we're ready for our next trip!
Did more yard work, trimmed bushes, weeded, mowed, cleaned out the shed, you know, all the stuff home owners need to do.
And to complete this post, some pics of some of my ornamental grasses.

One of my faves, Japanese Blood Grass. Starts out green and turns fire red by autumn.

Variegated Silver Grass. About 6 ft tall. Will flower later this fall.
Little Bunny Fountain Grass. Just starting to flower.

And a giant! This grass gets 12 feet tall! Looks great in the middle of a shrub planting.
Well that's all for now.
Another busy week at work ahead!

Friday, September 07, 2007

funny friday

For this edition of Funny Friday, we have another short funny from my Florida friend Patty.

The phone rings and the lady of the house answers. "Hello."
"Mrs. Ward, please."
"Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory. When your doctor sent your husband's biopsy to the lab yesterday, a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one is your husband's. Frankly, the results are either bad or terrible."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asks nervously.
"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's, and the other one tested positive for gonorrhea. We can't tell which your husband is."
"That's dreadful! Can't you do the test again?" asked Mrs. Ward.
"Normally we can, but Medicare will only pay for these expensive tests one time."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The people at Medicare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."

And of course I need to post a pic, so here's my latest attempt at catching rabbits.

I believe it's a squirrel. I guess they like apples too!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day weekend

We're back from our holiday.
Went to Indiana Dunes State Park.
Another great weekend, with the best weather.
Since we've been to this park before,
we always reserve the same spot.
Site 83, a spacious corner site.

Indiana and Ohio have much larger sites than
the state parks we've been to in Michigan.
But we've only been to 2 in Michigan, and 2 in Ohio,
and just one in Indiana, so it's not a real good sampling.
So I guess we'll just have to try some more!

Of course,
the main reason we go to this campground,
Is it's only a short hour's drive to Chicago!
So one day we drive into the city
for food and fun!
I must say Chicago does it up real nice.
They have flowers everywhere!
Planters on the sidewalks,
hanging baskets on the light posts, and on the sky walks.
And these massive planters on Michigan Avenue!
And of course we ate lunch at the Park Grill in Millineum Park! In the summer, the restaurant spills out into the ice rink. And becomes a massive out door cafe. Here's a view of "the bean" above and behind the restaurant. It's a massive highly polished oval like sculpture. You see the city reflected in it, no matter where you stand, or sit!
So, we had a fun relaxing weekend, and a safe one. And now I need to clean up the mo-ho for the next trip, which are becoming fewer as the camping season becomes shorter. The campgrounds start closing down beginning October, with most closed by the end of October. But we're going to try and squeeze 3 more in! Let's hope the weather holds out!
And a question.
I've been posting lately with larger pics, and smaller click-able pics. Which do you prefer. The small click-able pics get larger than the large non click-able pics. Just asking.